Chapter Ninteen

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Chapter Nineteen

It's been three weeks. 

Three whole weeks have passed since Justin and I had that conversation. Three weeks since I found out my parents were divorced. Three weeks since I found out I had to live with my aunt and uncle for a while. Three weeks since Justin took me to the dance studio. Three weeks since he admitted he liked me. Three weeks since I admitted I liked him. 

And he's ignored me the entire time since. 

I'm not kidding. Whenever I try to talk to him, he acts like I'm not even there. He's more or less back to his old, douchey, annoying self. He acts normal around everyone except me. 

It was aggravating!

The day after we landed in the UK, Justin had his concert. It was the first one I had been to, and honestly, it was amazing. But when I tried to tell him he did a good job, guess what he did. He ignored me. He acted like I wasn't even there. Ever since then, he hasn't even given me the slightest time of day. 

He's had concerts since then, but I don’t go to half of them. I’m just too upset and confused to even try anymore. 

I don't know what happened to the whole 'I don't care how long I have to wait for you' bullshit he gave me, but I'm pretty sure it flew out of the window as soon as he said it. 

And honestly, now that I've got everything straightened out with my parents and Carin and Scooter, if Justin asked me, I'd say that I would be ready for a relationship. 

But he just keeps ignoring me. 

And it’s starting to piss me off. 


Right now we were on the plane heading to Paris. Once again, I was sitting by myself. Ryan and Chaz had gone home, so the whole crew was a lot quieter. They were still crazy, just not as much as they were with Ryan and Chaz around. Those two boys seemed to bring out the child in everyone.

I was listening to music on my iPhone, staring out of the plane window at the passing clouds. 

I felt someone sit down in the seat next to me. I didn’t have to look to know it's Justin. 

He took the plug out of my ear that was closest to him- the same thing he did that one time before he kissed me for the first time. But I still didn't acknowledge him. I just acted very interested in the outside view. 

"Landry," Justin said quietly. 

I didn't respond. I thought that he should get a taste of what he's been doing to me for the past two weeks. 

"Lan," he said, trying to get my attention. 

Nope. Not going to happen, buddy. 

"Lan," he said. "Please."

Nuh huh. 

"Lay-baby, please talk to me," he said, setting his hand way high up on my thigh, knowing that I would become aggravated if he touched me there.  

Ugh. I'm awful at ignoring people. 

I turned to him, irritated. "'Lay-baby?'" 

He smiled, obviously not sensing my soon-to-be-pissed-off-mood. "Yeah. I took the first two letters if your name and the last one and put them together, and then I just put 'baby' at the end."

As irritated as I was with him, I had to admit that was cute. 

But I didn't show it. I kept my face neutral. 

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