Chapter 51 "the return of bloodclan"

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"what do you mean gone?!" asked feverpelt worried.

"she's well.......left camp, there's no trace of her we tried to track her but it ends at the river" said tinyclaw.

Icebreath nodded, She knew there was no hope of finding maplekit.

"this is all my fault" said feverpelt looking at his paws.

"no, its her destiny" said icebreath "a destiny no cat should have"

Feverpelt looked at her with confusion "what do you mean"

Icebreath sighed "never mind"

Feverpelt nodded. Lilystream came running over, blackkit struggled to keep up with her mother.

"feverpelt this is all your fault" she hissed "if you hadn't of said that stuff to her she would still be here"

"lilystream i-"

"she would have been a danger if she would of stayed" interrupted foxtail "did you see how she attacked wolfkit, if she were a warrior, she could easily of killed one of us"

"no she-"

"foxtail's right" leafstar padded down to the cats "its best that she is gone"

Lilystream looked at icebreath. Icebreath gave a slow nod. Lilystream sighed and picked up blackkit and walked away. Silverkit came running up with wolfkit at her side.

"what's going on?" she asked.

Shatteredclaw licked his daughter "maplekit ran away"

"oh....well don't be too sad, the day is still young we can do other things that can cheer us up right?" silverkit asked.

Icebreath could see that she would be a very wise she-cat when she got older.

"it's time for your nap" said foxtail "round up your siblings and get them in the nursery, i'll be there in a second"

"aw" wined silverkit "i don't wana take a nap"

"do you want to be big and strong?" asked tinyfoot.

She looked at him and smiled really big "okay, i'll get them"

Silverkit took off and wolfkit sighed and ran up to catch up to her.

~two weeks later~

    Icebreath was asleep in the warrior den. It was about moon-high and every cat was asleep. She heard a twig snap. She jolted up and walked outside. She heard whispering and walking. She knew there was something there. She walked back in the den and nudged tinyfoot awake. He opened one eye and sighed.

"what icebreath, it's the middle of the night" he whispered.

"i heard a twig snap, and i think something is planing of attacking camp" whispered icebreath.

"go back to bed" he wined before closing his eye.

   Icebreath sighed. She walked outside and watched and made sure that there was nothing around. She saw a black cat figure walk into leafstar's den. She knew billystorm wouldn't do something like this at the middle of the night. Icebreath crept to the den and saw the figure near leafstar. It extended its claws and was going to kill leafstar. Icebreath gave a low growl. The figure heard her and turned its attention to the opening. It walked up and blinked. Icebreath held her breath. The figure saw her tail move and he let out a battle screech and leaped on icebreath. It pounced on her and clawed her throat. She kicked him off with her back feet. He turned around and icebreath pushed him off the cliff. He went falling then hit a sharp rock. Blood splattered every where and the cat was all bloody up. Rouges from every where came out and headed to the nursery. Icebreath screeched and she saw leafstar run out of her den.

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now