Chapter 29 "The truth"

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"i-it can't be" said icebreath "my parents are warriors from moonclan"

Scourge shook his head "no, no icebreath" he looked over at the top of the garbage tank "follow me, bone and brick will take care of your kit and apprentice"

Icebreath nodded and followed scourge up to the garbage tank.

He sat down and was over looking her home forest. She looked with him, i-it was so peaceful.

"h-how can you be my father if i was rasied in a clan, and from what i heard, you hate clan cat" said icebreath.

"your mother, well...she was a clan cat too, but she couldn't keep you or your sisters in her clan because of the medicine cat code or wahtever" he siad

"m-my mother was a medicne cat" said icebreath "is my mother spottedleaf?"

"no, she's was a friend of your mothers" said scourge "but i feel that i shouldn't say her name yet"

"okay so what happened and what about my brother?" said icebreath.

"you never had a brother, which means i never had a son" said scourge a little bit dissapointed.

"your mother knew a group of other clan cats and made the long journey here" said scourge "but i don't know why she didn't bring you to me, after all i am your father"

I wouldn't blame my mom, thought icebreath to herself, he was really scary with tinykit so i wouldn't trust him either.

"she brought them over to a cat called thislefern and his mate silverpoint, apparently they lost their three she-kits and took you guys in as their own"he paused "when i disscovered you and your sisters existants, i started to keep in contact of you"

" knew about me and didn't tell me that i was your dautgher!" yowled icebreath.

"i-it wasn't the right time to tell you, you seem a lot like me and chose to speak to you insteed of your sisters" he said almost in tears.

Icebreath sofened, she was glad she had no moonclan blood in her at all! but she wondered what clan her mother was in, and if she was still alive.

"its getting dark, you may want to get some rest, i want you to lead the food patrol" he said.

"why don't you call it a hunting patrol?" asked icebreath.

"we don't have a lot of food here, we mostly eat crow food and what else around here is edible"

Icebreath had an idea pop in her mind "d-do you think i could take the patrol hunting in the forest"

"NO" he shouted "i don't want to have another battle over food with clan cats"

Icebreath just nodded and hopped down from the tank. She saw brick playing with tinykit and bone was talking to swiftpaw about battle stratagies.

"swiftpaw"" said icebreath, swiftpaw turned and smiled.

"hi icebreath" she said.

"we have to go find a place to sleep for the night" said icebreath loking at the sunset.

"bone and brick already got a place ready for us" she said.

"really" icebreath turned and looked at bone and brick "thank you guys so much"

"it was no problem, after all your our leader's daughter" said bone. swiftpaw walked icebreath to a thick sturdy crdboard box. it had some moss in side and was next to where scourge slept.

"tinykit, time for bed" yowled icebreath. tinykit was running with three other kits.

"awwww but mama" she wined "i want to play some more"

"its time for bed and you can play with......who are they?"

"oh" said tinykit "this is lily" she said pointing to a very tiny kit, she had one blue eye and one brown eye, she was a light yellow and white she-kit. icebreath estimated that she was at least two moons old "this is crow" she said pointig to a tom the same size as lily, he was light cream and white "and this is hazle" siad tinykit poiting to another tom, he was brown and white with hazle eyes.

"nice to meet you lily, crow and hazle" said icebreath.

"y-your scourges daughter?" asked lily kinda scared

"well...yes but i don't like to scare kits" she said whispering to the kits and smiling at her dad.

"lily, crow, hazle" yowled their mother "time for bed"

"okay" shouted crow "nice to meet you icebreath"

"you too crow,lily and hazle"

the three kits bouned off to their mother. icebreath sighed and climed in the box.

Tinykit curled up next to her mother, swiftpaw volentered being a watch cat with brick while every one else slept.

"mama, why did we leave spottedkit" asked tinykit "she's probably cold"

"well...spottedkit died" said icebreath.

Tinykit looked at her mother in tears "b-but....she can't be dead mama, she can't be"

Icebreath licked tinykit as she cryied "i should have made her come with me in the wall then we would both be here" she paused and looked at her mother "why did foxkit, feverkit and spottedkit have to die, it should have been me!" she cried some more, icebreath almost cryied her self. scourge walked over to her box.

"i-is everything alright" he asked worried.

"i-i told her that her sister was dead and all that" icebreath said as tinykit cryied herself to sleep.

"poor thing, and i was so mean to her" said scourge.

Icebreath looked at scourge then at tinykit "ya know, she looks alot like you, she has a white paw on her frount right paw like you" said icebreath "but she dosen't have blue eyes, and you don't have a white paw on your left back paw"

"she'll be a powerful cat some day" he said "goodnight ice"

"good night scou-i mean dad" said icebreath as she fell asleep.

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now