Chapter 20 "Tigerstar's threat"

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Why would darkheart want ti kill pinecloud? thought icebreath, i-it doesn't make sence, i'd better stay quiet about this.....just in case she was framed, but either way some cat is a murder in the clan.

Icebreath walked out of the medicine cat den. Sealpelt walked by her. icebreath turned and hissed at him.

"that low life son of a"

"HI!" swiftpaw cut off icebreath.

icebreath jumped.

"you scared me swiftpaw!" said icebreath panting "what you've been up to?"

"well...i'm trying to rest but I CAN"T!, i'm too excited for tranning tomorrow" replied swiftpaw happy "so...why don't you like sealpelt? he's a good cat thats always telling stories and jokes to us"

Icebreath paused "i'll tell you tomorrow okay?"

"FINE!" said swiftpaw dissapointed.

"now go and get some sleep"

"okay" said swiftpaw as she walked to the apprentice den.

"spunking thing isn't she?" said thislefern as he walked over to his daugther.

"i see potental in her" said icebreath.

"as long as she doesn't fool around" he chuckled.

"what ever" said icebreath. she walked away from her father and headed to the warriors den.

*   *   *   *   *   *

w-where am i? she thought, i must be dreaming. she walked in the black forest. you couldn't see no stars or the moon, it was pitch black.

"icebreath" said a strange cat comeing out of one of the bushes "we've been expecting you..."

"wh-who are you?" she asked.

"follow me and i'll tell you" he said. icebreath followed the strange cat.

"my name is thisleclaw" he said as the walked through the forest "here we are" he said as he turned around and faced icebreath. the she-cat crouched down at this cats scray apperence "wait here"

he dissappered in the bushes. icebreath was left all alone in this creepy forest. he came back and tilted his head toward the bushes "over there" he siad. his voice rumbled as he spoke. icebreath listened to this cat and hopped in the bushes. Icebreath felt an erie feel. she kept walking but felt like she was being watched. she crawled out of the bushes and saw a dark brown tabby with a split ear stadding there in frount of her. she felt a little intimidated by his size. he turned around and sunk his yellow eyes in her soul.

"welcome, welcome" he said with a little bit of a growl in his voice "my name is tigerstar"

Icebreath froze in fear, this cat really scared her!

"oh darling" he said as he circled icebreath "no need to fear me..i just need to have a nice chat with you"

"um.....what do you want to chat about?" aske icebreath.

"all i need is to borrow your power for a little while" he said "thisleclaw and my friend mapleshade told me about your power and what it contanins"

"wh-what power?" aske icebreath nervosly.

he turned and looked at her with shock.

"y-you mean" he spat "you don't know!?"

Icebreath shook her head "nope"

"well darling, you can bring cats back from the dead" he said flicking his tail with anoyance "and we need to use this power to our advantage"

"what?! i can bring dead cats back to life!" screached icebreath.

"yes and we need to use it when we ask for it" he said "we don't need it right now but, we'll need it as a back up plan if our first plan fails"

"um...what are your plans?" asked icebreath.

"well...let just say i need to get revenge on a cople of clan cats" he said flexing his claws.

Icebreath paused, she wouldnt like to be an enemy to this cat! "w-where am i?"

"your in my home" he said. Icebreath was trying to figure this out when a familar pelt came walking up. It was PINESTAR!

"p-pinestar what are you doing here!" said icebreath raising to her hackles. it then hit her...she was in the dark forest! these were darkforest cats that were trying to trick her into following them!

"i know where i'm at now! i'm in the darkforest"

"grate pinestar i was so close to getting to her but, then you walked in" growled tigerstar.

"sorry i-i just wanted to see my old enemy again befoe she dies!"


"pinestar leave NOW!" yowled tigerstar. the she cat nodded and left them alone.

"how long have you've know about my power?" asked icebreath angrly

"a cople of hours ago" he replied "i heard about you and your power when i just barley joined"

" just joined?"

"yes, but sorry about our little interuption" he said looking at the bush were pinestar had left "i need to borow your power when i ask for it"


"then well have to  do it the hard way then" said tigerstar as he leaped on icebreath. icebreath was pushed to the ground unable to move withtigerstar's body weight on her.

All the sudden cats appered by the hundereds, swarming the two battling cats. she saw a dark brown tom with a broken tail, thisleclaw pinestar and so many others.

Icebreath bit down on tigerstars foot and pushed him off of her. he landed on hi feet.

She turned and looked at him.

"tough one aren't 'ya" he said "but you will never be able to defeat me!"

"but your dead" said icebreath "i can't kill a dead cat t-thats just messed up!"

"i maybe dead in your world but here, i'm alive as can be and i will not stop till i get your power!"

"your a power hungery fox" she sneered at him. cause he was!

"i will make you remember me" he said as he swiped her right shoulder. icebreath had no time to react. he was already on top of her. blood driped from her wouned shoulder.

"you will be cursed of a horible beast!" shouted a brown, fading she-cat.

"you will never forget me icebreath" yowled tigerstar "you will never"

"watch me" she said "but first"

Icebreath knocked over tigerstar and sunk in her claws in his chest "you will never foget that i can and will kill you if i want"

Icebreath stepped off of tigerstar, all of the dark forest cat looked at her with shock as she dissappered into the trees.

"di-did you see that power that accuracy" asked brokenstar.

"tigerstar d-do you think she could be"

"no mapleshade" yowled tigerstar, cutting off mapleshade "she can't be but.." he flexed his claws "if she is then...i'm going to have a bit of fun!"

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now