Chapter 35 "Icebreath's revenge"

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warning this chapter contains blood!

Icebreath was relaxed. And so were most of the clan. She looked at the full moon in the sky. She waited for brick and bone to fall asleep. Scourge was already asleep by the doorway of an old twoleg building. Icebreath saw bone curl up beside the gabage tank and brick fell asleep next to icebreath's box. Icebreath waited for a while till moonhigh to leave.

She crept out of her box and streached. Swiftpaw was asleep next to tinykit. Icebreath didn't want swiftpaw to come. Cause she needed some cat to watch tinykit. Icebreath walked over to where the guards are. They gave the signal and all the bloodclan cats were up.

"follow me and be careful" whispered icebreath.

The cats nodded and followed icebreath out of bloodclan camp. She took them over out of the city and to the forest. Her blood red collar shined in the light of the moon. She had a evil smile on as the walked into fireclan teritory.

"can everyone climb?" asked icebreath.

They all nodded. Icebreath smiled and they hopped up onto the trees. each cat hopped from branch to branch. Icebreath felt her heart pounding with excitment. They reached to the gathering place.

"lets wait till the brown cat speaks" said icebreath.

Leopardstar stepped forward "we have recived a waring from starclan that the clans will be destroyed"

Icebreath chukled a little.

"and our warrior ansestors told us that moonclan was keeping the danger's kits, mousestar please for the sake of the clans return those kits" shouted leopardstar.

Icebreath saw foxkit and fever huddled next to moonfur.

"over there"s aid icebreath "the two kits over by the black and white she-cat"

"aw, those are your kits?" said fang

Icebreath nodded "let me do the talking and attack when i say so, these cats will out number us if were not careful"

"okay icebreath" said fish.

"your an old leader leopardstar" said mousestar "your going crazy"

"i recived this same warning as well mousestar" said brightstar.

"leoparedstar you deserve to die!" shouted mousestar.

"your a crazy leader mousestar" said leopardstar "your the reason we all might be killed!"

Mousestar jumped on the old leader and clawed his face. He couldn't fight back with mousestar's speed.

"now" whispered icebreath "let me attack her and hopp out of the trees once i'm done"


Icebreath leaped out of the trees and pushed into mousestar. Mousestar rolled over and started into icebreath's sea green eyes. Leopardstar struggled to stand but, managed to. He looked at icebreath and so did all the other cats.

"what are you doing here" growled Mousestar.

"to get my kits back" snarled icebreath.

All the bloodclan cats jumped out of the trees and looked at the clan cats. Moonclan crouched down at the fearsome looking cats.

"this is bloodclan and all we ask is to reclaim my kits" said icebreath "we will leave in peace once i have my kits"

"yeah right" said mousestar "your just a cold blooded killer"

"that makes two of us" hissed icebreath.

"give her back her kits" shouted brightstar "we can't afford a battle in leaf-fall"

"shut it" hissed mousestar "i'll deal with you my self"

"i will comand my warriors to attack if you don't give my kits back!"

"i'll kill you on the spot then" snarled mousestar as she jumped up in the sir.

Icebreath watched in amussment as mousestar tried to bite icebreath's neack. Icebreath quickly moved to the side then hit into mousestar like a ton of bricks. Icebreath grabbed her sister's neack and clamped down on it. Mousestar tried to claw icebreath but, icebreath let go and stabbed mousestar's side. She stabbed them deep into her stomac and lifted away in pride as she watched her sister lose a life.....

Scourge's POV

"scourge, scourge"

scourge woke up to swiftpaw poking him.

"what swiftpaw, can't it wait till morning" whined scourge.

"icebreath is gone!" said swiftpaw "she took all of the bloodclan cat to the forest to get revenge"

"WHAT!?" screached scourge "how many cats are left in camp?"

"um...well you, me, bone, brick, and some kits" said swiftpaw.

"oh fox-dung" cursed scourge "get bone awake we have to go and stop her NOW!"

Scourge hopped down from the garbage tank and hurried over to bone.

"BONE WAKE YOUR LAZY BUTT UP" Screache scourge.

"what" wined bone.

"icebreath left with all the bloodclan cats and is headed to the forest"

"okay well...wake me up when she comes back" said bone.

"BONE!" screached scourge.

"i'm kinding, i'm kidding gosh" said bone rolling his eyes.

"i got brick up" said swiftpaw "she'll watch the kits"

"okay lets hurry" shouted scourge.

They arived to the forest.

"this is a diffrent forest" said scourge.

Swiftpaw nodded "it looks like they used the trees"

"but, i can't climb" said bone "and neither can scourge.....scourge?"

Bone looked for scourge.

"up here" said scourge from a tree.

"are you nuts?!" screached bone.

"yes now let hurry" he said. Swiftpaw jumped up to the trees and looked at bone.

"are ya coming?" she asked.

"just give me a second, gosh" said bone as he climbed up the tree.

Swiftpaw sniffed the air "this way. she went this way"

Scourge nodded and they hopped from tree branch to tree branch. He spotted icebreath in the far disstance. He landed on a tree branch and looked down in horro. Icebreath was doing the same thing he had done that killed tigerstar. Scourge had a majior flash back the freaked him out. He went to jump off and stop them when he was suddenly grabbed. He looked up at bone.

"mre mou muts" he said.

Bone lifted up scourge and scourge looked at him.

"i'm sorry what did you say" asked scourge

"i said are you nuts!!" shouted bone "their fighing like savage beasts"

"do you want me to just watch my daughters rip eachother to shreds!" screached scourge.

Bone looked at the two she-cat fighing "yes" he finally said.

Swiftpaw and scourge looked at bone in horror then looked at icebreath.

"she's strong scourge" said bone "icebreath will be okay, she knows what she's doing"

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now