Chapter 38 "My history"

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Icebreath has noticed a majior change in scourge. He never comes down from his garbage tank and when she tryies to talk to him, he sends her away. Moonfur says that he's just trying to 'cool off' but, icebreath knows that he hates her. Tinykit, foxkit and feverkit both have toothed collars but, not fully toothed though. Icebreath has gone into majior depression and won't ever come out of her box, in a way she's being like scourge.

"please get out" pushed swiftpaw "you havn't been out in days"

Icebreath turned her gaze to her appretice. Hawkpaw was stading next to swiftpaw and they looked worried at her.

"no swiftpaw" said icebreath "i will tomorrow"

"you say that all the time" said hawkpaw "you need sun and excersise"

"i said no hawkpaw" hissed icebreath "would you two just leave me alone"

The two appretices looked at each other "okay, sorry to bug you"

They both walked off. Icebreath turned around in her box.

"its hard enough to see scourge that way but, now you, i don't know how bloodclan will survive without a leader to lead them"

Icebreath reconized bone's voice. She put her ears back.

"i still think that you should get out of that stupid box" he said nugging icebreath.

"no bone" said icebreath "i'm not getting out"

Bone sighed.

"she still won't come out?" asked brick.

Bone shook his head "nope"

Icebreath felt guilt in her stomac. She turned and faced the two cats.

"thanks for caring bone and brick" said icebreath "it's just that-"

"that your depressed two like scourge" said brick cutting icebreath off.

Icebreath nodded "you guys are like my parents i never had"

"well...scourge is new to the whole 'father' thing and all" said bone.

"i can see that" said icebreath.

"i'm going to take feverkit and foxkit out to hunt" said brick.

"okay" said icebreath as brick padded away.

"i know your mother would have been proud of you" siad bone "even thoug she didn't want you to grow up in bloodclan"

"cause of my dad" asked icebreath.

"well there were other things going on as well" said bone. He lyied down next to icebreath.

"what other things?" asked icebreath.

"well your mother was a medicine cat in a clan called thunderclan and well, when she was and apprentice, she was attacked by some foxes and scourge saved her."

Icebreath wondered who her mother really was.

"i was watching in the trees you see and saw the light in scourge's eyes when he talked to her, she was a very beautiful cat and scourge needed some one to talk to"

"why?" asked icebreath.

"he never told you his back ground and how we found him and how he created bloodclan?" asked bone surprised.

"nope" said icebreath shaking her head.

"well then, scourge used to live in a twoleg house ans was a kittypet for some time-"

"my dad was a kittypet!" interupted icebreath "that kinda hard to belive"

Bone chuclked and went on with the story "he was called tiny when he was a kit and was made fun of by his two siblings, socks and ruby, he one day ran away from his twoleg house and ran into the forset and was attacked by tigerstar or tigerpaw at the time and a cat called thisleclaw. Some how scourge survived their attack and had a deep gruge agaist tigerstar"

"oh, so thats how him and tigerstar hate each other" said icebreath.

Bone nodded

"he then came to the twoleg place and was hungery" said bone, he paused "he found a dog tooth in an ally and tryied to get his kittypet collar off but, insteed it just stuck right through and didn't cut the collar at all"

"so, how did you find him?" asked icebreath.

"i'm getting there" said bone "he found a pice of food that was being eaten by some ally cats, they asked him where he got the collar and he said that he killed a dog and took it's tooth, thats when we heard about him and asked him to get rid of this dog for us"

"so he lied about his first tooth" said icebreath.

"look i found all this out before that battle" said bone "you know agaist the other clan cats that you were involved in"


"so anyway, he did get rid of the dog and before you knew it he had formed bloodclan"

"so how did he still meet my mother?" asked icebreath.

"well, she would come to the twoleg place to find catmint for medicine cat stuff but, she was also meeting scourge" said bone "he soom introduced her to me and brick, she was a little scared of us and a little nervos"

"really?!" said icebreath surprised "you don't seem too scary"

"belive me" said bone "back then we were, all of us"

"whoa" said icebreath shocked.

"okay so on with the story" said bone "i didn't really like your mother because i thought she was too soft for scourge and all and tryied to keep the seprate"

Icebreath was really interesed in the story about her mother and her father.

"i caught them asleep in a abandon twoleg building and was kinda furious about it" said bone looking guilty "once she left i told scourge that he was spending too much time with her and needed to help rule bloodclan, and well, thats when he really changed"

"what do you mean by that"

"well, he bacame a cold blooded killer" said bone "he'd kill any and almost every dog in sight"

Icebreath was a little shocked about how scourge really was before that.

"i guess your mother saw this and well kinda stayed away from him" said bone "until..."

"until what?" asked icebreath.

"until she showed up, i was in the far end of the twoleg place and found her, s-she was carring your sister moonfur and you and mousestar were right beside her" said bone in a shaky voice "she was going to bring them to scourge but, around then he hated kits and well, i need to protect you guys from being killed like most of the other kit" said bone "i told her there were some clan cats in another forest on the other side, she had already knew some of them so she then took you guys to the other clans"

"d-do you know why she had to give us up?" asked icebreath a little shocked.

"well, she was telling me that she couldn't keep them because she was a medicine cat" said bone.

There was a long silence between the two cats.

"thank you bone for tellin my mother to take me to the other clans" said icebreath breaking the silence.

"r-really" asked bone.

"yeah, i wouldn't want to be with scourge then" giggled icebreath.

Bone chuclked "you and your siblings have grown so much since then, thats why i was a little shocked when we visited you in a dream"

"so that why you looked at me weird"

"well....i better be going now" said bone "look icebreath, scourge is just being stubborn and all so ignore him"

"i'll try" said icebreath as bone walked away.

She just found out that it was bone who told her mother to take them away, but icebreath didn't know why her mother still didn't visit her dad any more, and another question popped in her mind, who was her mother?

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now