Chapter 49 "favorites"

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Icebreath was in the nursery with foxtail. Shatteredclaw and tinyfoot went out on a hunting trip. Foxtail started to kitten right after they left. Moonfur and echosong were at her side. Foxtail was in a lot of pain.

"okay just a little bit further and the first kit will be born" said moonfur.

"i can't see her in this much pain" said icebreath.

"i guess so, when its your daughter kittening" said echosong.

Applekit watched curious at foxtail.

"what's happing mama?" she asked.

Her light brown coat was shinny and bright.

"your new play mates are coming" said tinyclaw wrapping her tail around applekit.

Applekit was tinyclaw's and crowflights daughter. She was a brown she-cat with darker brown paws and one white paw. Here eyes were like lilystreams. She had one green eye and one brown eye.

"shatteredclaw is back" said blazefur.

Lilystream gave her a cross look.

"who's going to tell him?" asked echosong.

There was a long pause of silence.

Icebreath moaned "ugh, don't you all jump out at once"

Icebreath got up and walked out of the nursery. Shatteredclaw and tinyfoot  came padding toward her.

"what's going on?" asked shatteredclaw "where's foxtail"

"well....she's a bit busy right now" said icebreath.

"with what"

"oh giving birth" said icebreath.

Shatteredclaws jaw dropped to the ground and so did tinyfoots.

Icebreath turned her head at them.

"foxtail i-is kittining" asked shatteredclaw about to feint.


"i have to go and see her!" he shouted.

"no, the nursery it too crowed" warned icebreath "you don't want to make it too crowed"


Icebreath sighed. She walked to the nursery with shatteredclaw and tinyfoot next to her. She peeked in first and saw echosong licking a small gray body. Icebreath nodded for shatteredclaw and tinyfoot to come in. Shattereclaw was focused on the gray kit.

"she won't breath" said echosong.

Tinyfoot looked at the body. He walked over and slightly pushed on its side. The kit coughed and started mewing. Shatteredclaw grew a smile bigger than you have seen.

"you saved her" said echosong.

Tinyfoot nodded. Icebreath and shatteredclaw were over by foxtail. She was curled up with five ye, five little balls of fur. Foxtail was breathing heavy but smiled at shatteredclaw.

"what are you going to name them?" asked icebreath.

"well....this she-kit will by mistykit" she pointed to a gray she-kit with light gray fur on her back, above her nose, and her tail on her "this tom will be earthkit" she licked a dark red tom with light brown patched on him "this she-kit waterkit" she said moving her tail to a white she-kit with ginger patches on her pelt "and this one is firekit" She licked at a black and red tabby tom.

"what about the last one?" asked shatteredclaw.

"i want tinyfoot to name her, he saved her life" said foxtail.

"silverkit" said tinyfoot.

"so be it, waterkit, mistykit, earthkit, firekit and silverkit" whispered shatteredclaw.

"lets leave them alone" whispered echosong.

Icebreath nodded and left with all the other cats.


~two moons later~

      Lilystream had given birth to two beautiful she-kit. One was a maple calico and white she-kit with aqua eyes called maplekit. Her sister was a white she-kit with a black back and a v-shaped coloring on her face she was called blackkit. Lilystream was proud of her kits, they were just a moon younger than foxtails. Blazefur gave birth to three toms. One was a dark cream tabby tom with three white paws named molekit. The second tom was a abyssinian with a white diamond on his chest and a white back paw was named vemonkit. The last kit was a golden tabby and white tom with green eyes he was named goldenkit. Icebreath favored maplekit and blackkit more that the other ones of feverpelts. He could care less about his two girl kits, he only liked the toms. Icebreath was discussed by this act of his. She watched as silverkit and firekit were tumbling around in the clearing. Mistykit and earthkit were asleep and waterkit was jumping in a puddle. She was fascinated by the reflection. Hollyleaf gave birth to four kits. They were the youngest kits only a few weeks old. She called them Amberkit, Wolfkit, Echokit and Patchkit. Amberkit was a ginger she-kit with dark ginger feet and tail with white paws and emerald eyes. Wolfkit was the only tom, he was a brown tom with dark brown feet and a back white foot. Echokit was a dark gray tabby and white she-kit with purple eyes. And patchkit was a calico and white she-kit with blue eyes. Feverpelt clearly had a favorite litter and that litter was blazefur's. Lilystream wanted feverpelt to pay attention to his daughters but, he could care less. Maplekit was chasing a mossball around camp. She bumped into feverpelt. She looked up and smiled.

"hi daddy, want to play?" she asked.

He looked at her in disgusted "i have no daughter"

He simply walked away and left maplekit in tears. She slouched down and sighed. Silverkit and firekit ran to her side.

"we can play with you if you want" said silverkit.

Maplekit shook her head "i'm not in the mood any more"

They nodded and went running after waterkit. Icebreath saw maplekit and was flashed to a vision. It was foggy and icebreath could see that tigerstar was standing with a tom and maplekit at his side. Maplekit turned into a monster and killed a clan of cats in a matter of seconds. Tigerstar started laughing.

The queen of the dark forest is mine, He shouted.

Chills ran up icebreath's spine. She now knew maplekit was born to be an evil cat, if feverpelt would start paying attention to her, then that won't be her futer. But if he keeps ignoring her, that will be her futer. ICebreath sighed, feverpelt can't play the favorite game with maplekit.........


i hope you like this chapter and all.....i love writing about kits and all.......some more drama is headed it's way.....please comment, vote and fan me!

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now