Chapter 10 "attack part 2"

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"WHAT!?" shouted applestar.

"she's dead...and theres flowerclan scent everywhere in the nursery" said pinecloud trying to breath.

"why would flowerclan kill a queen and a kit?" said ice paw confused.

"i-i don't know...its odd" said mousepaw.

"well" said pinecloud "it looked like swiftdawn was trying to protect flowerheart, swiftkit, bluekit and graykit and ended up killing herself and swiftkit"

"they must have attacked the nursery while we were at the gathering" said darkheart flexing her claws.

"what if they also attacked the other clans nursery as well as ours?" questioned troutscale.

"If they had, their going to have war on their paws" said redpelt "all the clans could be at war because of them"

As they were disscussing, icepaw remembered the feeling of danger she had. Could i tell the futuer? she thought to herself. She over heard applestar, cottonfoot and pinecloud.

"I hope flowerheart doesn't blame herself for swiftdawn's and swiftkits death" said pinecloud "she couldn't help kitting when they attacked"

"are her kits okay?" asked cottonfoot. They were his brother's kits so he was kinda worried. He and orangefoot are brother's but know one knows who there parents are though.

"flowerhearts and the rest of swiftdawns are fine" said pinecloud relifed.

"what are we going to do about flowerclan applestar?" asked cottonfoot.

"i'll wait 'till morning" replied applestar "i need for things to die down a bit.."

"yes applestar" said cottonfoot as he bowed his head.

                                  *  *  *  *  *

 Icepaw woke up and walked out of the apprentice den. She woke up just in time, applestar called a clan meeting. all the cats gathered around the sky oak to hear what applestar was going to say.

"as you all know by now" Applestar began "flowerclan attacked the nursery while we were away at the gathering, and killed swiftdawn and swiftkit" he paused, cats started murmuring "and i have decided that we shall attack flowerclan and make them pay for killing our beloved queen and her kit"

Cats cheered at the news. Icepaw was nervos, was vilonce the anwser? But something else bothered her. She could see applestar wanted to say something else as well.

"and also" said applestar, All the cats quieted down to listen to the other thing applestar had to say "Bluekit and graykit have reached their sixth moon and are ready to become apprentices" he paused "we mourn for swiftkit that she could not be here with her sisters this day"

Applestar looked at bluekit "Bluekit from this day, until you recive your warrior name, you'll be known as Bluepaw"

"redpelt, i belive it's time for you to have a apprentice, i trust that you'll teach bluepaw everything you know"

Redpelt looked shocked, he nodded "thankyou applestar" said redpelt.

Applestar looked at graykit.

"graykit from this day till you earn your warrior name you'll be known as graypaw" said applestar.

"silverpoint" said applestar suddenly "you have not had an apprentice since your kits, i belive that it's time for you to have one"

Icepaw's mother dipped her head "thankyou applestar.

"BLUEPAW, GRAYPAW, BLUEPAW, GRAYPAW!!!" all the cats shouted.

This is going to be a three or four parter thingy so yah.......hope you enjoied!!!!

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant