Chapter 42 "The search"

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Moonfur's POV

Moonfur walked out of a old, stale bager den. She couldn't belive all this was happening. Bone padded to her. All the cats set camp up here for the night.

"is he okay" asked bone worried.

Moonfur shook her head "nope, he's sleeping with her collar and icebreath's kits just stopped crying"

Bone closed his eyes and sighed "i've never seen scourge like this" he said "he's changed alot since your sister came in bloodclan, he used to be a blood thirsty killer with no heart but now......he accutally has a heart"

"i hope he won't stay up all night" said brick.

Moonfur nodded "i know, he needs to get some sleep"

Bone looked in the bager den "he blames himself for all this"

"and how he ingnored her" said moonfur.

"yep, and when she got attacked he just felt...helpless to help his daughter" said brick.

"lets get some sleep, there's a good chance we'll be up earily" said bone with a little bit of amusment.

Moonfur nodded.

~Two Moons later~

"Let's check over there!" moonfur heard scourge say.

They've been searching forever now. And there was no sign of her. Moonfur's paws ached with all the walking they had done. And trying to keep up with scourge and swiftpaw. Bone was in the same boat as moonfur. His paws ached as well but, he said nothing. Scourge happed along in the grass like a fawn and was searching in the tree's. Moonfur sighed, they were never going to find icebreath no matter how hard they looked.

Icebreath's POV

Icebreath was crouched down in the green minty grass. Her tail was still like a stick. She flattened her ears. And then she pounced on the rabbit. She gave a killing bite to its neck and purred with joy. She was on hunting patrol with sharpclaw,rabbithop and ebonyclaw. She brought the rabbit to where she had all her prey stored.

"nice catch" complimented sharpclaw.

Icebreath purred.

"lets take this all back" said rabbithop.


Icebreath sat outside the warriors den, watching leafstar's kits play. They were five moons old and reminded icebreath of her kits. Icebreath had to shake that all off out of her head. At least scourge would be happy that she was gone. But what about her kits? and hawkpaw and swiftpaw? Icebreath wondered what had  happened to them when she was thrown in the river. All icebreath needed was to think now and relax.

I hope you love the story so far! I'm sorta done with the story but there will be alot more before i'm done.....please comment, vote and fan me!! oh, and comment on who's your fav charicter in the story!!!

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now