Chapter 46 "wolf pack"

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Okay, so one of my fav characters is going to die in this chapter and all. i'm sad i need to kill it but, it needs to happen. this is a sad chapter that i've been dreading to write.

Icebreath was sitting next to tinyfoot.

"now?" said icebreath.


she paused.


tinyfoot gave her a cross look "no"

She poked him and whispered "now?'






"this wasn't excally a question" she said.

"if you keep asking like that i'll never tell you" he hissed.

She rolled his eyes.

There was a long pause between the two cats. She leaded over and whispered "now?"

He sighed "okay, fine"


"your mother was a cat" he said.

Icebreath gave him a funny look "she better be mister player"

Tinyfoot rolled his eyes and sighed. He stood up and walked away from icebreath. Two moons had passed and a lot had changed. Blazepaw, snowpaw, firepaw, stormpaw and harrypaw became warriors. Their now known as Blazefur, Snowrift, Firefoot, Stormcloud and Harrypelt. Hollykit, swankit and orangekit were almost six moons old and were going to be apprentices in a couple of weeks.  Icebreath sighed. There were will be no apprentices for a few weeks so the younger warrior do the apprentice duties. Icebreath padded over to foxtail and sighed. Shatterclaw was with her.

"how's it going" asked icebreath.

"any luck?" asked foxtail.

Icebreath drooped her tail down and sighed "no, he's being so freaking stubborn"

"really" said shatteredclaw sarcastically "i didn't know he was stuborn"

Icebreath glared at him.

"we all know he's the most stubborn cat in this entire world" said bone.

Icebreath and foxtail laughed. Icebreath stood up and sighed.

"i better be leaving, i'll go talk to swiftice about this" she said leaving them.

She walked up to swiftice and sighed.

"he won't tell you?" she said.

Icebreath shook her head.

"can we talk about on a walk" said icebreath.

Swiftice looked at her a bit nervous "a-are you sure"

Icebreath nodded "this isn't a matter we can talk about in public"

Swiftice gave a slight nod.

"you kits be good while i'm gone" said swiftice licking hollykit.

"okay mama" said orangekit.

"love you"

"love you" said her kits.

Swiftice padded with icebreath to the outside of camp.


"really?!" said swiftice "oh for starclan's sake why won't he tell you i mean, this is a important detail about you"

"i know, and i have no clue on who it could be" said icebreath "but all i know is that she's a medicine cat from thunderclan"

"did you ask frostkit about this, he knows a thing or two about thunderclan" said swiftice.

Icebreath shook her head "no, the only clue is that my father said that she died"

"so.....try to find her in a dream"

"its not that simple swiftice" said icebreath.

Swiftice giggled. Icebreath's ear's twitched and she heard a rabbit hop right in front of them. Swiftice pounced on it and gave a clean bite to the neck and it was dead. Swiftice looked at icebreath proud.

"nice catch" said icebreath.

"mouse-brained rabbit" hissed swiftice "i can't believe we just ran into a great catch"

" i know right" said icebreath "let go home now, i feel alot better"

They began walking back to skyclan camp. There was suddenly no sound and it was completely silent. Icebreath knew there was something stirring in the forest. She knew it was following them as well. Swiftice looked at icebreath with worry.

"a-are you okay?" she asked.

"yeah, but i think smoething's following us" she said.

There was a loud rustle of leaves in a bush near by. A twig snapped in the opposite direction as the leaf rustle.

"stay put, we don't want to lead it to camp" whispered icebreath.

There was a loud low deep dog growl.

"dogs" whispered swiftice.

Icebreath knew it wasn't a dog or fox. It was too big to be that. Icebreath began to know what kind of animal was chasing them.

"i-it's a-"

A lagre gray figure jumped out and started running full speed at the two cats.

"w-what is that" asked swiftice scared.

"its a animal that no cat should ever run into, they hunt in packs and live in the mountian's" said icebreath "their called wolfs, and where there's one there's more around"

Wolves jumped out of the bushes and surrounded them. They were snarling.

"we have to attack" said swiftice "its the only way"

"we'll be killed in a instant swiftice"

"we have to try" said swiftice.

She pounced on the big gray wolf and clawed it's eyes. Icebreath leaped on a red one and bit it's neck. All seven wolves started attacking them. Icebreath was being ripped to shreds. Swiftice could not be seen with all the wolves moving.

There was a gun shot and a wolf fell dead. There was a twoleg that had a gun in its hand and was shouting at the wolves. The rest of the wolves hurried and left the scene. The twoleg sighed and left. Icebreath was blacking out. Swiftice was barley breathing.

"i-icebreath" cofted swiftice "i-if i die, please take care of my kits"

"don't worry yo won't" said icebreath.

"you have been the best mentor and detpudy ever" said swiftice.

Icebreath cofted out blood "t-thanks"

She heard cat voices but couldn't hear what they were saying. Icebreath soon felt her head spin around and around till she blacked out........

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now