Chapter 7 "The Gathering"

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     It has been at least a moon since icepaw killed the bager. But now most of the clan respects her for what she did, exccept for darkheart of course. And not just her clan but all the clans in the forest pretty much respected her.

 It was the full moon, which ment it was time for the monthly gathering. This would be Icepaw's second gathering she has been to. She and her clan mates headed tward the highrock. That was were all the clans meet in peace for one night, on a full moon. Icepaw walked along the leaf scattered forest, walking along side mousepaw.

"Good thing were not hunting tonight" joked mousepaw "Were making as much noise as a monster would on the thunderpath!!"

Icepaw looked at her sister with amussment "yeh your right!!"

They both giggled softly. Darkheart walked passed them, as she did she pushed icepaw to the ground and quickly ran ahead.

"ow" Yowled icepaw as she hit the ground.

Moonpaw walked by her and giggled rudely. "you deserved it you lying piece of fox dung!" said moonpaw.

Mousepaw caught up to icepaw and looked at her.

"ar..are you okay?" asked  mousepaw.

"hump" said moonpaw as she stampered away.

Icepaw sat up licking her pelt that was covered in dirt. "yeh...yeh i'm fine"said icepaw finishing grooming herself.

The two got up and kept walking. Their brother, rockpaw, ran tward them.

"are you okay icepaw?" he asked worried.

"i'm fine" said icepaw irritated "it''s just moonpaw and darkheart...thats all."

"oh" said her brother "well ingore them they are just jelious."

Icepaw smiled at what her brother was saying.

" Well if it helps"mousepaw began "I belive you killed that bager..."

"thanks mousepaw" said icepaw "but it doesn't help"

Mousepaw looked sad, she stopped walking.

Icepaw smiled with amussment in her eyes " I was just joking accually helped"

Mousepaw smiled, glad she made her sister feel better, and began walking again.

I'm glad mousepaw and rockpaw care about me, Icepaw thought in her head, unlike moonpaw that can just go jump in a lake!!!

The group of moonclan cats finally arived to the high rock. There were two other clans there. Icepaw reconized the scents of the ones to the farthest, they were known as waterclan and the clan closest to them was called fireclan. When icepaw was a young kit, her mother told her stories about each clans hutting and battle styles. Waterclan was known for diving into water and using pine needles to harpoon the fish while under water and for being able to swim in the most strongest of currents. And fireclan was known to use the burned trees in there teritory as a disguise for prey.

"flower clan is late" Smirked darkheart to flowerheart. Flower heart became furious with darkheart.

"you know it's hard for them to get across the river in their teritory especially in green leaf after the snow has melted their not water clan cats!!!" yowled flowerheart with anger.

Flowerheart was the former flowerclan deptudy but, she meet orangefoot and he convinced her to leave flowerclan and join moonclan.

"what ever" said darkheart annoyed ,rolling her eyes.

At last flowerclan appered and took their place beneth the highrock. Pinestar walked up the stone with pride as she joined the other leaders.

"LET THE GATHERING BEGIN!!!" yowled brightstar, leader of waterclan.


Icepaw turned around to see a orange she-cat  with brown spots standing there.

"My name is brightpaw by the way" she said cheerfully as she sat down by icepaw "what's you name?"


"your from moonclan right?" asked brightpaw.

Icepaw twiched her ear with annoyance. Didn't this apprentice reconize my scent?! "uh..YEH" said icepaw rudely.

"I was just named an apprentice a half a moon ago" she said proudly.

Icepaw rolled her eyes.

"I..Is it true that a moonclan apprentice killed a bager?" asked brightpaw.

Icepaw looked at her with amussment. Didn't this cat know ANYTHING!? "yes...yes it is true that a MOONCLAN apprentice killed a bager...." said icepaw.

"REALLY!!!" brightpaws eyes glimmered as she spoke.

"I would know of course" said icepaw "because I was the one that killed it!!" she said proudly.

"Holy starclan you did?!" Brightpaw almost shouted.

"you've got to be kidding me?" said moonpaw as she interupted their conservation "you accutally belive her story!!"

"But..but it is true" said brightpaw "your just jelious of her!"

"SSHHH, the leaders are speaking" said waspfoot, a warrior of fireclan.

"sorry" said icepaw and brightpaw at the same time.

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"you were too friendly to that flowerclan apprentice 'ya know" said moonpaw.

Icepaw turned and looked at her sister "she was just asking about the bager, it's not like I told her the secret entrences to camp."

"she's right moonpaw" butted in mousepaw " She's just getting to know her enemys."

"yeh....whatever.." moonpaw stormed off.

"thanks mousepaw, for backing me up" said Icepaw.

"no problem" replied mousepaw cheerfully "It's about time she admits that you did something better than her....that's why she became a medicine cat in the first place!"

"just to be better than me?" Icepaw asked.

"yup" said mousepaw.

Redpaw came barrling tward them "hey mousepaw race ya back to camp!" he said

"okay" replied mousepaw, she turned and faced icepaw "gotta go icepaw" mousepaw went running after redpaw.

"uh..." sighed icepaw outloud.

"she's still a kit at heart"

Icepaw saw her brother catch up to her.

Icepaw giggled " that right"

"race 'ya back to camp!!" said rockpaw.

"okay!" yowled icepaw as she went running after her brother.

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz