Chapter 3 "Missing patrol"

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 Moonpaw's POV

"NO, NO, NO!"

Mousepaw landed on her back, her mentor, Darkheart padded toward her.

"Are you mouse brained or what!!!!" yowled Darkheart in Mousepaw's ear.

"I-I'm sorry Darkheart" said Mousepaw in a small voice rubbing her ears “I tripped"

"Well try not to be so clumsy!" Snapped Darkheart.

Moonpaw could hear them arguing back and forth.

I wonder why Darkheart is being so ruff, Moonpaw thought to herself, it's Mousepaw's first day out as an apprentice, couldn't she have her clean out the elders den?

Moonpaw turned and started sorting out the cobwebs.

At least I don't have to train as hard as a normal warrior apprentice, she thought to herself.

Pinecloud walked in the medicine cat den. She was carrying a bunch of herbs in her mouth as she walked in. She put the herbs down on the mossy floor that made up the medicine cat den; she looked up and stared at Moonpaw.

"Hey Moonpaw" said Pinecloud in a cheerful voice "Can you organize the comfrey and cobwebs for me" she looked at the nursery" I would organize it myself but.......I need to help Swiftdawn and Swiftkit" She turned and looked at her apprentice "they have whitecough"

"Okay" said Moonpaw as she grabbed the herbs off the floor and set them on the clay rock in which held all the herbs."Should I get the catmint out for ya'?" asked Moonpaw.

Pinecloud looked at Moonpaw for a while. "I don't think so" said Pinecloud finally "we only use catmint for SERIOUS cases of green cough and white cough" Pinecloud paused and looked at the herbs on the rock "but...I think some tansy will work just fine."

"Sure...I’ll get it” said Moonpaw.

Moonpaw walked toward the rock covered with herbs.

Which one was tansy, she thought to herself, oh.... now I remember it has yellow flowers and smells awful.

She walked over to the pile of tansy and grabbed some in her mouth and brought it over to Pinecloud.

"EXECELNT" said Pinecloud as she picked up the herbs" you remembered what tansy is" she started to walk away and yowled back at Moonpaw “I knew I made the right choice in my apprentice"

“I hope so" said Moonpaw out loud in a quiet voice.

Moonpaw walked out into the clearing, she stretched and licked her paw.


Moonpaw jumped in the air startled, she landed on her belly. When she looked up she saw her sister, Mousepaw, laughing at her.

"Owe!" said Moonpaw as she got up "You startled me"

Mousepaw kept laughing she tried to speak but kept laughing. Finally she could speak after laughing so hard "you know you don't have to be so jumpy Moonpaw"

Moonpaw stared at her sister, flicking her tail side to side with annoyance "yeah....whatever" Moonpaw paused "um Mousepaw....where's Icepaw?"

"She’s on dawn patrol" replied Mousepaw

'but...” said Moonpaw worried" the dawn patrol should have been back by now"

Mouse paws excited face turned to fear, her ears slid to the back of her head, her brown fur was standing up on her back."Sh-should w-we go look for her?" said Mousepaw frightened

Moonpaw froze there and though, finally she said "no I bet she's fine"

Dun dun  dddddduuuuuunnnnnn okay so the next  chapter is icepaws pov (point of view) so bare with me....

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now