Chapter 1 "it's not always fun to be a kit"

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In the deep blue sky of the cotton filled clouds lay MoonClan camp.
"Owe!" yowled Icekit as her sister, Mousekit, bounced into her.
"Hey! What was that for Mousekit?!"
Mousekit turned and giggled, and then she ran off onto the clearing.
"Ugh!!!" whined Icekit "can’t anycat get some sleep around here?!"
"Wow!! Who knew a kit could be as grumpy as an elder with ticks!!" said Berrytail
Icekit looked over at Berrytail who was always make comments on Icekit whenever she did something that Berrytail didn't like.
"She just wants some sleep," defended her mother, Silverpoint. "Rockkit and Mousekit kept her up all night!"
Icekit sat up out of her nest a wobbled out of the nursery, having the two queens arguing was louder than a bunch of foxes snarling at food.
Icekit never felt as if the Clan liked her. She felt like an outcast, her fur was colored oddly, she was a bit smaller than her siblings, no matter how hard Icekit tried to fit in nobody cared especially a cat called Darkheart. Darkheart hated Icekit from the moment she was born. All she wanted was to be a normal kit that every cat in her Clan liked.
Icekit walked over to some bushes in the distance of camp. It was a hot day today so she lay down in the nice cool bushes and plus, she didn't want other cats to notice her. As she lay down in the shade she heard Applestar, MoonClan’s leader, yowl to all the Clan cats.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Sky Oak for a Clan meeting" he yowled.
Icekit turned over and looked at the bushes; she didn't want any cat to see her. As cats gathered near the huge oak tree she heard fussing in the nursery.
"Okay, okay mom I’m clean. Can I go now?"
She recognized that voice. She turned her head toward the nursery to see Berrytail cleaning her only son, Redkit.
It must be his naming ceremony, Icekit thought to herself.
Redkit squirmed out of his mothers paws and ran up to the Sky Oak. Berrytail scrambled to follow her son. She saw her mother coming out of the nursery and followed Berrytail. Unfortunately her mother saw Icekit crouched in the bushes.
Mouse dung! , said Icekit to herself.
"What are you doing under there, Icekit?" asked her mother.
"Not being out there!" snapped Icekit
"Come on Icekit." said her mother in a calm sweet tone “you can come and sit by me if-"
"No!" Icekit interrupted her mother.
"Please?" said her mother.
"No," said Icekit as she turned away from her mother.
"If you come and sit by me," said her mother. "You can sleep by yourself tonight in Berrytail’s old nest!"
Icekit liked the sound of that. She could finally get some sleep without her siblings bouncing around like frogs and delaying her slumber.
"Well..." Icekit paused "Fine I will"
Her mother smiled and together they walked to the crowd of cats. Darkheart walked past them. She looked at Icekit and gave her a stare. Icekit crouched with fear but luckily her mother was there.
"Darkheart don't you have other things to do than to scare tiny kits?" said her mother, snickering.
Darkheart snorted as she turned and walked away.
They both sat down and saw Redkit waiting impatiently at the Sky Oak. Silverpoint bent down to Icekit.
"Don’t let Darkheart bother you. Let’s just say she isn't a fan of kits." said Silverpoint.
Fox dung! Thought Icekit in her head. She smells my fear.
"Now" Applestar began "Redkit has-'"
Icekit didn't listen to Applestar, all she was thinking was about her apprentice ceremony. Unlike other kits she was dreading it!!!! Since every cat hated her she was sure that her mentor would hate her. What if her mentor was Darkheart!!!!
She was suddenly heard cheering. Cats cheered "Redpaw! Redpaw".
After the ceremony was over she walked to the nursery quickly so no cat would see her. How long was it till her ceremony??? Icekit plopped on Berrytail’s old nest and quickly fell asleep.

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now