Chapter 45 "lost"

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"I leafstar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look at these apprentices the same way i do, They have worked hard to understand the warrior code and now shall receive their warrior names"

Icebreath was a little impatent with her father's warrior cerenomy. She was proud that she was able to change the blood thirsty scourge.

"brickpaw, from this day forward you'll be know as brickfur" said leafstar "Shatteredpaw, from this day you'll be know as Shatteredclaw" Leafstar paused "Eaglepaw, from this day forward you'll be know as Eaglestrike" Leafstar paused and looked at tinypaw "tinypaw, i have seen a major change in you since we've met, and from what icebreath has told me you used to be a blood thirsty killer but know, you've completely changed for the better, from this day tinypaw you'll be known as Tinyfoot, starclan honors your dramatic change and bravery"


This was one of those happy moments, scourge ,the old leader of bloodclan, has changed a lot and so has bone and brick. It was amazing for icebreath to see them receive their warrior names. She was proud of her hard annoying work she did with tinyfoot.

~Three Moons later~

Icebreath finished up organizing dawn patrol. Foxtail and Shatteredclaw have become a little bit more than friends if you know what i mean. Tinyfoot would pout with their relationship. Lilypaw, crowpaw, fishpaw, rainpaw and dapplepaw all earned their warrior names. Their now known as Lilystream, Crowflight, Fishscale, Raindrop and Dapplesong. Leafstar padded up to icebreath.

"hi icebreath" she said flicking her tail.

Icebreath looked at her leader "hello"

"are you going on the sun-high patrol icebreath?" asked leafstar.

Icebreath nodded "yep, i'm taking tinyfoot, lilystream, eaglestrike, feverpelt and tinyclaw"

Leafstar nodded and padded away. Icebreath sighed and lied down. Foxtail came running to her mother. She rammed into her and they both went flying. Icebreath looked at her daughter with annoyance.

"what do you want" asked icebreath as she grommed her fur.

"Shatterclaw asked me to go hunting with him....can i?" she asked.

Icebreath looked at foxtail "i don't care, it's your decision foxtail"

Foxtail nodded and ran over to shatteredclaw. Icebreath rolled her green eyes at her daughter. Feverpelt came padding up to his mom.

"hello" he said.

She rolled her eyes "why do you act so serious feverpelt?"

He gave her a cross look and sighed. Just as he was about to speak, lilystream bounded to him. She nudged his side. He looked at her and she purred.

"do you want to share a rabbit/" she asked.

Feverpelt shrugged "sure"

Icebreath was bursting with excitement. He chased after lilystream and they grabbed a rabbit and began eating it.


Icebreath jumped when tinyfoot was standing right behind her. Icebreath gave hm a cross look.

"don't do that, you scared me" she said.

"well that's what i was trying to do" he said joking around.

Icebreath rolled her eyes. A sudden thought popped in her mind. She turned and looked at tinyfoot.

"who's my mom" she demanded.

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now