Chapter 27 "welcome to bloodclan"

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Icebreath's POV

Icebreath awoke to a red she-cat above her nest.

"w-who are you"asked icebreath.

"my name is brick and we saved you from being killed" she said.


"yes us, we are bloodclan, we live in the twoleg place" brick said.

"How did you know to come and find us" asked icebreath.

"our leader felt as if something was wrong, so we came to this forest and now look, we came just in time to save your lifes" she said.

Icebreath sighed then panic soon over came her.

"where are my kits!" she screeached.

"what kits" asked brick

Icebreath ran out in a panic. She was looking for her four little bundles of joy. She saw spottedkit's tail in a bus. Icebreath ran over to it. She pulled out spottedkit and looked at it in horror.

"s-spottedkit.....please wake" Icebreath bugged spottedkit's body. It didn't bugge. Tears formed in her eyes as she then knew spottedkit was dead. Icebreath licked the little precious body of her kit. She felt a poke at her side. She looked over and saw tinykit looking at her mother worried. Icebreath was happy to see one of her kits alive. She picked up tinykit and set her down and started grooming her black fur.

"mama what happened and why is spottedkit lying there is she taking a nap, where's foxkit and feverkit?"

Icebreath sighed, she felt a warm breath on her neack. She looked over to see the black cat.

"I'm glad we came just in time to save your kit" he said. Icebreath kept looking at his collar, he never wore that when she'd talk to him.

"but not all of them."said Icebreath "but I am grateful that you were able to save at least one"

"we couldn't catch up to them to grab your other two they stole" he said "why was your sister mad at you?" he asked.

"how do you know she's my sister?" asked icebreath.

"i-i've watched yu since a kit ice" he said.

"oh....but, if you've watched me, then you'd know why she's mad at me" said icebreath.

"i was killed in the battle i was trying to convince you to join us" he said "i was killed by a cat called firestar"

"t-then how are you alive if your dead" she asked.

"your gift" he said "you brought be abd bone back to live a better second life"

"i-i did"

He nodded. icebreath couldn't believe he was killed. but she didn't know how she brought him back to life.

"anyway we must be headed back" he said loudly. all of his cats gathered around him.

"goodbye ice" he said turning to leave.

A-All i have left is tinykit and swiftpaw, thought icebreath to herself, these could be the cats i'm looking for to get revenge on my sisters and brother.

"wait" shouted icebreath. the black cat turned and faced icebreath.

"what do you want" he said.

"c-can we join your clan, we have no other home, i've been exiled from my clan for something i didn't do and i-i need your help to get revenge on them" said icebreath. tinykit hid behind her mothers foot. swiftpaw was next to icebreath.

"well....want to you think bone" he asked the black and white musscular cat.

"i think we should let them join bloodclan, since you've trained the blue one" said bone looking at icebreath.

"the it's agreed then" annouced the black cat "you shal join us and head back to the twoleg place"

"thankyou" said icebreath joining the cats.

"once we get there we will give you your collar and tooth" said the black cat "so then it will be offical"

"okay.....but theres one thing i never got to ask you" said icebreath.


"your name" she said "what's your name?"

" name is scourge, leader of bloodclan" he said with a smile on his face.

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now