Chapter 4 "Badger"

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         Icepaw's POV

Earlier that morning
Icepaw woke up early, Applestar asked her to be on dawn patrol today with redpaw, blackwing, troutpaw, orangefoot, and cottonfoot. She stretched and walked out of the apprentice den quietly making sure not to wake up Rockpaw, Mousepaw, and Sealpaw.
"Ready to leave?" asked Cottonfoot.
"Yep" said orangefoot as he padded toward the group of cats “we have everyone."
"Which border are we checking?" asked troutpaw
"The FlowerClan border" replied Cottonfoot.
"I hope they don't cause any trouble like last time" said Blackwing "Pinestar keeps pushing her luck."
Cottonfoot turned and looked at Blackwing "I think her warriors learned not to mess with MoonClan when they tried to take the old twoleg barn from us."
As the patrol headed out of the ivy covered wall that made up the camp entrance/exit, Icepaw felt as if something bad was going to happen, she wanted to tell the patrol about her felling but, nobody would probably listen to her so, she kept quiet.
They finally arrived at the FlowerClan border. FlowerClan earned their clan name because the territory they live in is covered in flowers.
"Okay, redpaw and troutpaw is there any scent of flower clan cats?" Blackwing begun
Redpaw and troutpaw tilted their heads to sniff the air. Icepaw wondered if ANY of the cats knew she was there.
"Nope, well, nothing resent" said troutpaw.
"Same here" said redpaw
"WAIT!!!" yowled Icepaw.
The full grown warriors and the other apprentices looked at her with annoyance.
"What Icepaw" began Cotton foot "you know you shou..."
"SHHH!!!!" Icepaw snapped trying to listen.
"You have NO right to talk to him like that" yowled Orangefoot "He's your deptuy for StarClan’s sake!!!"
Icepaw ignored them talking to her. She heard rustling in the bushes not too far away from where they were standing. The same feeling of danger crept back in to her but, it was way stronger now.
Nope, she thought to herself, defiantly not prey.
All the sudden time froze everything turned gray and there, right in front of Icepaw, stood the black cat.
"WHO ARE YOU!!!?” Icepaw demanded. Her voice echoed for what seemed like an eternity.
“Listen" the black cat said” a threat is coming HAVE to protect the patrol from it"
The black cat paused and then said "just do as I say and everything will be alright.''
"Why should I trust you?" questioned Icepaw
"If you want to live you will!!!" he snapped back at her
The black cat faded to nothing and her surroundings turned back to normal. She could scent the threat really close by, and then.....Icepaw saw one of the most feared animals any patrol could meet, standing feet away from her.
"So..." Orangefoot said "are you..."
"BADGER!!!" Yowled Icepaw alerting the patrol.
The patrol spun around to see a full grown badger standing right there. Its fur was puffed up and was foaming at the mouth, ready to strike.
"What do we do" whispered the patrol frightened "don't know"
The badger is about to strike at any moment, Icepaw thought, what should I do, if I run it will catch up to me but if I climb a tree it will attack the patrol.
A loud whisper came into her ear, one that only she could hear, “Jump on its back.....NOW!!!"
It was the black cat, why was he telling her to do that, it will only kill her if she does. Icepaw didn't know whether to listen to him or not.
It's the only way, said Icepaw in her mind, there's no other way to avoid it......but if I one will bug me so....I guess it's a win win thing for me.
As Icepaw was told she leaped on the badgers back. The badger snarled and kept trying to throw her off. The patrol stops bickering and looked at Icepaw in horror.
I can't say on its back, Icepaw thought in her mind, I'll be thrown off any second.
“Extend your claws and go for the throat" yowled the black cat.
Icepaw had no other choice but to listen. She extended her claws and struck the badger in the throat. Blood swelled out and onto her shimmering blue paws. She tried to stay on the badgers back but it threw her off. Icepaw hit into a tree, her head pounding. The badger turned and faced Icepaw.
"Get up" the black cat said "Get up!!"
Icepaw slowly got back up on her feet, trying to shake off her head ach.
"Get more cats!!" she yowled at the patrol.
The patrol looked confused, but hurried and headed back to camp.
Now it's just me and you, said Icepaw in her mind.
The badger came barreling toward her; she jumped over the badger and landed a few feet away from it. The badger turned and looked at her and started running toward her again.
"KILL IT, KILL IT NOW!!! RIP ITS STOMACE AND THROAT KILL IT" yowled the black cat in Icepaw’s ear.
He's right, said Icepaw in her mind, the only way to stop it is to kill it.
The badger galloped toward Icepaw. Icepaw and the badger smashed into each other neither one giving in. The badger lunged at Icepaw but, she was too quick, Icepaw dogged the badger’s teeth and knocked into its shoulder. The badger fell to its side growling in pain.
"Claw its stomach while you still can, hurry" The black cat screeched into Icepaw's ear.
She extended her claws. Each one of her claws sparkled in the air as she swung down on the badger’s side. The gash exploded with blood. Her paws were soaked in the badger’s blood.
"She’s over her hurry"
Icepaw heard the patrol come back finally!!!! She looked at the patrol coming to help.
Fox dung, she though, Darkheart's with them.
When she looked away the badger had enough strength to bit down on Icepaw’s leg. Icepaw yowled in pain. When the patrol they all stood in horror, especially Darkheart.
Icepaw was more determined to kill the badger to prove Darkheart that she was strong. The badger pushed Icepaw on her back and was standing over her. Icepaw bit down on its neck and held a good grip. She sunk her claws in to its shoulder and side. The badger gasped for air, it tried to get Icepaw to let go of it but, she wouldn't.
"Stay there and hold on until its dead" the black cat said
Like I would let go, said Icepaw in her mind.
Slowly the badger sunk to the ground, Icepaw moved so it wouldn't fall on her. It took its last breath and then lay still on the ground, motionless. Icepaw loosened her grip and let go. She turned and looked at her clan mates. Their expressions on their face were in shock. Not even a senior warrior would attack and kill a badger.
"My leg hurts" said Icepaw "The badger bit down and it kind of hurts."
"Did.....did you kill it" asked Darkheart.
"Yes" snapped Icepaw "and I did it with no help with the WIMPY patrol, if I wouldn't have come they would have been torn to shreds."
Cotton foot walked forward.
"We should tell Applestar about this" he said as he looked at the badger "Let's bring back the body for case he doesn't believe us."
"You better have Pinecloud look at that wound" said troutpaw "you wouldn't want THAT to get infected."
The patrol walked back to camp. Every cat in that patrol had a new impression of Icepaw that day. Icepaw was proud of her self. She looked up at the sky and, in her mind, she said "thank you black cat, thank you." He whispered into her ear and said "you’re welcome ice."

intense?? yep the black cats idenity will be reveled later in the story. 

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now