Chapter 31 "rule number 1: always listen to scourge and no one gets hurt"

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      Icebreath had awoken. She stood up and streached out. She walked out of the box and sighed. Scorge didn't let her go on any more hunting patrols, since she killed the dog and he freaked out at her for doing so. So icebreath had been confined to camp for a few weeks till tinykit was old enough to become a warrior. In bloodclan, kits don't become apprentices when their six moons old, they just learn form their mistakes and live on with their life. It has been at least  two moons since icebreath had killed that dog. She "found" other dog teeth and now had a full toothed collar. Swiftpaw was getting valuble traning from bone. She too has a full toothed collar as well. Icebreath walked over to the food pile and found some chicken.

"hey mama" asked tinykit as she came barrling toward icebreath "c-can i go with lily and crow to see the city?"

Icebreath looked at her kit, she was as old as a apprentice "sure just stay away from twolegs and ddogs and stay together"

Tinykit smiled "thanks mama" she went barling toward lily and crow.

They were waiting for her. They crawled out a small hole in the fence and left bloodclan's camp.

"she'll be something special" said bone as he padded tward icebreath.

Icebreath chuckled "yeh, i wonder what tom could put up with her attitue"

Bone looked around like he was going to say something he shouldn't. He leaded over to icebreath.

"sneek out of camp, you need to get out" he whispered so that no cat would hear him.

"y-you want me to break the rules?" she whispered back.

He nodded "your being copped up here and it's not right, you did nothing wrong at all"

Icebreath looked at her paws "i guess he's just worried about me"

"well....i can see that" said bone "he's missed a lot of moons with you and treating you like a daughter"

Icebreath started thinking "then, why didn't he try to protect me when i was a kit then?"

"well....he didn't really know that you were his daughter till i told him before the battle" said bone

"y-you knew my mother" asked icebreath.

bone nodded "we'll talk later, you have to leave now if you want to get out"

Icebreath stood up and walked with bone. He stopped by the garbage tank.

"crawl behind here, there's a hole in the fence that leads to the forest" he said.

Icebreath crawled behind the tank and pushed herself through the hole. She landded on her feet as she was free. She flicked her tail. She sniffed the air and smelt that this part was waterclan teritory. She crouched down and kept low as she ran through the teritory. She was going to spy on her clan, and take her kits back if she had the chance. She stopped as she scented a patrol coming.

" i smell rouge, over ther" she heard a water clan cat say. Icebreath went running. she heard the patrol following her. she saw aome water. she remembered the tricks stonefur taught her, she jumped in the deep river and started swimming. The water clan patrol followed her into the water.

"hurry she can't swim, we can catch up to her now"

Icebreath rolled her eyes "i know a lot more than you think"

Icebreath dove underwater then was able to pick up speed by jumping out og the water. she jumped up and landed on a tree branch.

The patrol looked at her with fear.

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now