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(Charlie's POV)

I awoke to the sound of crying close by. I looked over and next to me on the couch was Demi, sobbing in her sleep. Watching my mother's face look so distraught made me feel horrible, and I couldn't stand to leave her like that. I stood up quickly and shook her shoulder, hoping to wake her up. "Mama! Wake up." Demi proved to be a lighter sleeper than I as her eyes shot open. She searched the room, as if looking for proof her dream was in fact a dream. Her eyes settled on mine, and she sighed then covered her face with her hands. "Are you okay?"

"We must have fallen asleep on the couch last night, next time we should remember to sleep in our beds, couches aren't made for sleeping." Demi told me. Her eyes looked a little glazed and she bit her lip, Demi shut her eyes tightly and took a deep breath, and I felt as if there was some pain there. "What do you want for breakfast?"

Demi went to get up but I sat in her lap, hoping to keep her seated. "Mom, what were you dreaming about?" It really worried me, she must have been having an odd dream, and it must have effected her a lot because she still has tears coming from her eyes, all her efforts to keep them in failing.

Demi looked at me, here pupils dilated, and filled with hurt. "Charlie, I had a friend when I was a little younger than you, his name was Trenton. He was my best friend in the whole world, and he knew about everything I was going through, he was the only one." Demi started, she sniffled and took another shaky breath. "Trenton defended me against some of my bullies in my grade at school, and little did I know he was already being bullied in his grade, and since he defended me, my grade and his started bullying him." Demi moved her hand to the back of her neck and looked up at the ceiling.

"Mama, you don't have to finish if you don't want to." I told her, scared of the outcome.

"No, no I want you to know. Trenton walked me to school one day and everything was okay, and when we left that day we hung out at my house for a while and everything was fine." Demi wrapped me in her arms hoping for comfort. She started her story again, her voice getting shakier with each sentence. "The next day he didn't come to school, and I figured, he must be sick. But he was never sick. I asked everyone if they had heard from him and no one had, on my way home I got a call from my mom saying... saying that Trenton had p-passed on.

"I didn't believe her, I didn't want to, so I ran to his home thinking Trenton would be laying in bed, in his house, sick. But I saw Trenton's body being wheeled out by paramedics. He looked nothing like the Trenton I knew. The one I fell in love with. My mom told me later that he had been bullied so much at school that he, he took his belt and hung himself." Demi stared off into space, not looking at me, her eyes letting the tears flow freely now. "I blamed myself, thinking if I had just paid more attention to him, I could have helped him, and if I had talked him out of standing up for me his newer bullies wouldn't have started to bully him. I was convinced, and still am, that one sentence could have made a difference. That was the first night I cut myself, I wanted to let all of the anger, grief, and shame go and that was how I did it. And that was how I continued to get rid of bad feelings, self hatred, and any kind of strong emotion for a long, long time."

"I'm so sorry..." I felt hot drops of water fall down my cheeks, the story she was telling me was heartbreaking.

"I had a dream, that you had fallen in the club like you did at our birthday party, but it was just you and I, and as I rushed to you I saw him with you. Trenton was with you making sure you were okay, and that you stayed alive." Demi smiled slightly. "He was there. I feel that he was there when you had your cardiomyopathy attack in real life, I believe you weren't supposed to make it, but he was there he helped us, he knew I couldn't handle losing someone else. Not like that. Not again." Demi looked at me now, her chocolate brown eyes staring deep into my hazel green ones, "Trenton is our guardian angel. I truly believe that. I know he is watching over us, and I believe my dream was some sort of message from him, to tell me he was there. I know it sounds stupid but I believe it."

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