Unsafe House.

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I swept the living room floor of our tiny apartment, every now and again looking at my biology textbook trying to read the chapter we were assigned. This would probably be a lot easier with music playing, but then again I wouldn't know. My mother doesn't allow electronics in the house such as televisions, phones, stereos, mp3 players, etc. But I know she has all of those kinds of things in her room, which she keeps locked at all times.

I saw headlights pull into the driveway from the window and ran quickly to put the broom in the closet, grab my book and run to my room. I squeezed myself into my 4x4 closet already filled with my moms stuff, and turned on the flashlight I kept in there.

"Oh you are so funny!" I heard my mothers voice come from the hall. "But you didn't come here to be funny did you?" She asked in that weird tone I hear her use when she has male company over. I rolled my eyes and continued reading my textbook.

After about an hour I had finished reading the chapter 8 times and I heard my mothers door open. "Thank you again Sugar, now where did you say for me to go?" I heard a mans voice ask.

"Just in there, if she puts up a fight tell her mama said something about a box." My mother answered. My heart sank. She was doing it again, letting the men come in and do what they do, but only with me. I quickly locked the door from the inside, something I learned to do after the fifth time my mom did this, and hid behind some of the boxes, turning off my flashlight. I heard someone enter my room "She's probably hiding in the closet." My mother added.

I heard the man chuckle and I could see the shadow of his feet under the door. He tried to open the door but realizing it was locked banged on the door and said "Hey Charlotte, I'm a friend of your moms. I want to talk to you, but if you don't want to we can always go for the box." After a while of me not answering he began to bang on the door harder. "Sugar!" He called for my mom, whose real name was Sandra. "She won't let me in, it's locked. I paid extra for this so I better get what I paid for." I squeezed my eyes shut knowing what would happen next. My mother came in, unlocked the door with her extra key and pulled me out by my hair.

"Charlotte you behave yourself and give Mr. Herring what he wants, or we'll revisit the box." My mom said with a sly smile. "We need this money."

I inhaled deeply as my mother let a forty year old man take advantage of her daughter.


The weekend finally ended and Monday came around, I sat in the front of my AP Biology class taught by Ms. Howard. The clock on the wall read 1:28 PM and my heart sank as I realized school was over in 7 minutes. As the class worked on our assignment of the day Ms. Howard graded papers, and in the corner of my eye I saw her rise from her desk and walk my way. "Charlie, I just got an email from the office. The principal wants to see you, says its urgent. You'll have to stay after school." Ms. Howard told me with a smile. I smiled back, happy to stay away from the house, and packed up my things and went to the office.

When I got there I noticed police officers stood in principle Madigan's office. I quietly walked in and sat down in front of the principal's desk. He and the police officers stared at me exactingly. "Charlotte Avils?" The police officer with brown hair and tanned skin. I nodded. "I'm so sorry, but your mother has passed away. It seems that she has been on many drugs for quite some time, and she over dosed today." He told me. My heart began to race as I stared at him. I felt the need to smile, or run, or something. But I sat there blank faced staring at him.

The police looked at me perplexed, "Are you okay Charlotte?" The police officer with red hair and pale skin asked. I nodded and they looked even more confused. "Well Charlotte we'll have to go to the police station, then some social workers have found a local relative who we will be taking you to. Okay Charlotte?"

"My name is Charlie." I told them as I followed them out the room and out of the school, into the back of their police car. As we drove all I could think about was how relieved I was that my mother was dead, and how I was going to hell for feeling so happy..

When we pulled into the station we went into an office where a woman in a red blouse and black skirt stood holding a few folders. She held out her hand and I shook it being polite. "Hello Charlo-" She looked behind me and I turned around to see the ginger police man mouth Charlie. The woman in the red blouse nodded then smiled at me "Charlie. My name is Regina Benson, I'm your social worker. We went through your files and saw that your father had another daughter within the area. Seeing that your father is not available, and your sister is 21 and has the funds to take care of many children, we believe it would be best for you to stay with her."

"I have a sister?" I asked. "I thought my dad died when I was a baby."

"Charlie, your father died on June 20th of last year, he had four children, all daughters, Amber, Dallas, Demetria, and you." Regina explained "Your mother always wrote your name down with her maiden name, but your name on your birth certificate is Charlotte Rose Lovato."

"Which one of my sisters will I be staying with?" I asked. Sister. I have sisters! I've always wanted siblings, and now I have three! "How old are my sisters?"

"Well Amber is around 30, Dallas is 26, and Demetria is 21, you will be staying with Demetria who, like you, likes to shorten her name. She likes to be called Demi. Maybe you've heard of someone named Demi Lovato?" Regina told me.

"I think I've heard her name at school, is she a local news anchor or something?" I asked.

Regina, like the police looked confused. "Do you watch TV or listen to music?" She asked.

"No, Sand- my mother I mean, never let me listen to music or watch TV, why? Is she a critic for a magazine?" I asked. Regina just laughed and shook her head.

"Is there anything you want to get from your house before we take you to your sister?" The ginger police man asked (the other one left for some reason) and I shook my head. I really didn't have much, and the five outfits I have are either too small or too big anyways. "Alright well your social worker and I will take you on down to your sisters okay?"

My social worker smiled at me then said "You are in for a treat."

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