Birthday (Part Two)

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(Demi's POV)

I watched as Charlie walked back over to Trent, who swiftly grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead. Even under the black lights I could see her cheeks turn bright red. I smiled, Charlie deserved this, she deserved to be happy and to have this kind of person in her life. Trent will be good for her, I just know it. I felt Wilmer's grip on my hand tighten when he saw what I was staring at. "Is she dating him?"

"I don't know." I replied. "If she is she'll tell me all about it later."

Wilmer took a deep breath. "Well I'm not so sure how I feel about that." 

"Spoken like a true father. Looks like someone is going to have to give her the daddy-daughter dating talk." I joked, Wilmer just looked at me like I was crazy. "Oh come on, she almost calls you dad all the time, you act like her father, and I'm her mom, and I'm dating you, so that counts for something right?"

"Maybe." Wilmer humphed. "So, 22 huh? God, you make me feel so old."

"You make me feel so young." I retorted. "At least you're not as old as Simon Cowell, he's a fucking dinosaur." Wilmer just rolled his eyes and I cackled. "Wilmer, just go over and talk to her, I know you want to." 

"You have to come with me, it'll be weird if I just walk right over to her and talk, it's not like I'm really her dad, you're at least legally really her mom." Wilmer told me.

"Fine." I pulled Wilmer with me towards Charlie, and I grabbed her hand too. "Trent, do you mind if we borrow Charlie for just a few minutes?"

"Not a problem Ms. Lovato, she's all yours." Trent grinned. I just nodded then pulled both Charlie and Wilmer to the side of the club so they could talk. 

"What's up?" Charlie asked confused. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah everything is fine, just first of all happy birthday baby!" I hugged her happily and Charlie giggled. "Secondly Wilmer and I wanted to know what's going on between you and Trent. Huh? Huauh?" I said in a teenage girl, boy talk, kind of voice, elongating the last huh.

"Well, Trent asked me out, and I said yes, so I guess he's my boyfriend." Charlie shrugged. "That does mean he's my boyfriend right?"

"Yeah, and listen Charlie, you are in control of that relationship okay? Don't let him do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, you are a human being with rights and he does not of the right to your body. You are such a beautiful young girl and I don't want you getting hurt okay Chica?" Wilmer started. "If something happens, or he does something, or just anything that you don't like comes from him, you let me know and it'll be taken care of you understand?"

Charlie slowly changed her look of confusion to a look of love, she smiled and wrapped her arms around Wilmer, and he wrapped his around her. "I love you dad." 

Wilmer looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth. "I- I- I love you too." He stammered. Charlie kissed his cheek then skipped back over to Trent. "What just happened?"

"You just got invited into parenthood, congratulations." I hugged Wilmer and he leaned his chin on my head, since I was so short. "How does it feel?"

"Oddly satisfying." Wilmer replied in his sexy Colombian/Venezuelan accent. "Well, looks like this is it babe, I'm officially her dad."

"Until you make her mad, then she'll call you Wilmer again." I informed him, using personal experiance. "Don't worry, she's easy to handle."  Wilmer nodded and rubbed my back. I looked out of the window and the stars in the sky were so beautiful, and the moon looked like a giant cookie which made me happy. "Wilmer, isn't it just gorgeous outside?"

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