Twisted Sisters.

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"You are in for a treat."

When we got to the car I saw that the police officer with brown hair was sitting in the drivers seat. The ginger haired officer got into the passenger side and Regina and I got in the back. "Hey Charlie?" I heard my name called "I'm officer Mendez." The brown haired officer said. "Listen, I wouldn't ask these questions unless I found it extremely necessary, but I couldn't help but notice that you haven't been effected by your mothers passing. Did you and your mother have a bad relationship?" I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. "I also couldn't help but notice how thin you are. Did she neglect you? Or abuse you?" Again I just nodded my head. "How?" Now I had to answer.

"My mom spent all the money she made on drugs. We didn't have much food unless I got it from the free lunch program at school. If I didn't do something right or to her standards she would hit me, or even lock me in a wooden box-like chest for God knows how long." I explained, leaving out A LOT of information.

"Well, if anything happens to you again, call me okay?" Officer Mendez handed me his card, I smiled and thanked him. He began driving. So much had happened today, my mother died, I found out my mother lied to me about my fathers death, I thought my father was alive, my father died again, I have three sisters, and now I am going to live with one of them. As we drove officer Mendez put on the radio. A song I had never heard before (of course) played singing something about living while you're young. "Oh my god, my daughter loves this band. What are they called again? No Direction?"

"One Direction, my daughters just made me buy tickets for their tour." Regina said. "Have you ever heard of them Charlie?"

"I think I've heard of them at school, but I don't know anything about them or any of their songs." I explained. Regina nodded her head and that was the end of the conversation.

About half an hour had gone by and we had heard multiple songs about love or about relationships, one was even going on about how they were Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together which I found funny. As I listened to the new song about Neon Lights I felt eyes on me. I looked over and Regina and the ginger cop was staring at me, while officer Mendez smiled but kept his eyes on the road. "What?"

"Oh nothing, just I hope you like this song." the ginger cop said. I looked at him confused "Do you like this song?"

I nodded "Yeah it's a pretty good song, whoever is singing has a really pretty voice." They began to laugh and I just ignored them and went back to looking out the window. Towards the end of the song we pulled into a neighborhood with HUGE houses. I looked around in utter shock.

"Charlie close you mouth, you'll catch flies." I heard Regina say. But I couldn't help it as we pulled into the driveway of a two story beige mini mansion. "This is it." I looked at her shocked "Yes, this is it, now come on."

I got out of the car and we all walked out of the car and towards the large house. Officer Mendez knocked on the door, I heard someone stomping down what sounded wooden stairs, then I heard a crash and someone yell "FUCK!"

Soon a woman with bright pink hair opened the door. "Hi, are you here about Charlotte?" I heard her ask, all I could see was the top of her head since I stood behind the officers and Regina. "I have everything ready for her, I'm actually really excited for this!" She sounded really happy, and had laughter in her voice.

"Hello Ms. Lovato, I'm officer Mendez and this is my partner officer Woods. We are here with Regina Benson, your sisters social worker." Officer Mendez shook her hand. Then he and officer Wood moved over and Regina pulled me in front of her. "This is Charlie, your sister." The smile on Demi's face grew wider by the second and she came over and gave me the biggest hug. I was not use to being hugged by people so I kind of just stood there. "Well Ms. Lovato we already spoke to you about the situation, so we will leave Charlie here with you now. If anything happens call us okay?"

Fix A Heart. (Demi Lovato fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें