It's Not Possible.

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(Demi's POV)

I walked down the stairs, my hands in the pockets of the hoodie I threw on last night when I got too cold. When I entered the living room, I saw the movie menu of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Wilmer must have watched this last night. I moved to the other side of the couch and saw Wilmer and Charlie cuddling on the couch, asleep. I did a little dance over how fucking cute this was, then grabbed my phone and took some pictures. I sat down on the edge of the couch, beside Charlie and Wilmer's torsos. I shook Wilmer's shoulder and his eyes opened almost instantly, I clamped a hand on his shoulder to keep him from waking Charlie, then I whispered. "Did you two watch a horror film last night? Charlie hates those, she'll never watch them with me!"

"I didn't really give her a choice." Wilmer replied using the same tone I did. "She kind of used me for protection, then she fell asleep on me. I kind of feel like a parent right now."

"How does it feel daddy-o?" I poked at him. Wilmer rolled his eyes, then smiled slightly.

"Well mother dear, it feels actually, pretty good." I leaned in and kissed Wilmer, his lips moving in sync with mine. I felt something stir in-between us and when I pulled away, I saw Charlie staring at us in disgust. "Good morning chica."

"It probably would have been a good morning if you guys weren't making out over me." Charlie crept out from in-between us and ran back up to her room. I leaned into Wilmer, laughing, and he held me tightly.

"Shit, I've gotta go babe, I need to be in the studio in about an hour." Wilmer kissed my cheek, then got off the couch, he pulled his sneakers back on, grabbed his car keys and walked out the door. As he walked out I felt a sense of relief. I have been wanting to do something for a while, but for the past few days I have done nothing but spend my time with Wilmer. I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket and called my best friend Marissa.

"Hello?" I heard her groggy voice answer the phone. She is definitely not a morning person, but as soon as she hears what I have to say she'll wake right up. "Demi are you okay, is something wrong?"

"I'm fine. I think. Well actually I don't know." I felt my heartbeat kick back up. "Listen, I- I haven't had my period in two weeks."

Marissa sounded annoyed "Well Demi those normally come every four weeks, so you have a while to wai-"

"No, I mean it's late two weeks God dammit Marissa, do you not understand what I'm trying to tell you?" I groaned. "I just don't understand how this could have happened, we take every single precaution, and we have never had this kind of scare before."

"Shit Dems! Pregnant really? That's why you should just stick to the A." Marissa said matter of factually.

"Marissa gross no way, never have, never will." I complained. Marissa was quiet for a bit, as if wanting me to think about what we just said. "Oh, absetenance, yeah that probably would have been my best bet, but too late now huh?"

"Fuck Demi, just calm down, okay, listen have you taken a test yet? Maybe you're just late, nothing more, nothing less." Marissa made a noise that sounded like a balloon deflating. "Have you thought about seeing a doctor?"

"No. I guess I just never really thought that I'd get pregnant." I rolled my eyes and threw my head back on the couch.

"Pregnant?" I heard a voice come from behind me. "Mom, what?" Charlie and Hailey stood behind me, my eyes widened as I saw them.

"No, no, no. I don't know anything for sure yet, so I am not confirming nor denying anything." I explained. "Besides, who knows, this could be like one of those Mary and Jesus things, because I am pretty sure there is no way Wilmer could have gotten me pregnant."

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