Reckless and the Brave.

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(Demi's POV)   

I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing in my ear, I had fallen asleep on Twitter and my phone that fell lay next to me, I saw an unknown number was calling me so I rolled my eyes and answered hesitantly. "Hello?"

"Is this Ms. Demi Lovato, or Charlie Lovato?" A man's voice rang through.

"This is Demi, may I ask who's calling?"

"This is Officer Mendez, from LAPD, I was in charge of your sisters case a few weeks back." Officer Mendez reminded me, I made a noise of reassurance and he went on "I have a message for you from Ms. Avils. She wants to see Charlie before you take her out of California on your tour. Ms. Avils, she is very sick, and we do not believe she will live that long." 

"Okay." My voice cracked. "Well I'll have to get back to you on that, it's up to Charlie, not me." 

"I understand that, just call me back at this number and we can arrange a time for them to meet, or you can give me a message as to why Charlie doesn't want to see Ms. Avils." Mendez told me. "I'll speak to you shortly Ms. Lovato, have a nice day."

The line went dead and I got up and went to the kitchen portion of the tour bus. I knew that if Charlie was going to see Sandra it will have to be today, tomorrow was my last show in California so I'd have rehearsal all day, then the next day we are getting on a flight to Arizona. When I got into the kitchen I saw that Charlie was already in there sitting on the counter top in her pajama's. "Hey kiddo. So what do you want for breakfast?" I asked knowing the answers would be anything but food.

"What kind fo cereal do we have?" Charlie asked. I stand corrected, I looked at her with a shocked expression "What?"

"You actually want food?" I smiled so glad that she actually wanted food. "We have Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, and Honey-Nut Cheerios." 

"I'll take the Cheerios." Charlie told me, (going for the healthiest, least amount of calories item) still sitting on the counter. I pulled out two bowls and filled them with cereal and milk, handing one to Charlie and keeping the other for myself. I hopped up on the counter next to Charlie and we both ate our cereal in silence for a while.

"Charlie I have something we need to talk about." I said. Charlie looked at me as if to tell me to keep going as she put another spoonful in her mouth. "Sandra is dying, really dying this time, not faking it... I hope. Anyways, she wants to see you before she gets too sick, and before you leave California. The only day we'd be able to schedule a meeting is today, are you up for it?"

Charlie looked like she was about to regurgitate all the cereal she had just put into her body (which I was very proud of by the way) "Yeah..." She finally said. "Yeah." She said again, more sure of herself this time.

"Are you sure? You don't have to if you don't want to." I told her as I finished my cereal, putting the dishes in the sink. Charlie nodded and I got on the phone and Officer Mendez made an appointment for us at the Anaheim Women's Correctional Facility, which luckily was only a few minutes away. Until then Charlie and I would have to figure out what to do. 

After Charlie finished almost all of her cereal we both got dressed and ready to go somewhere. "Dems I'm bored." Charlie moaned.

"I'm sorry, what do you want to do? Go to the park? See a movie? Rescue stray animals?" I asked sarcasm noted on the last one.

"Well rescuing stray animals sounds fun, but since you were sarcastic about that, maybe we can go adopt one instead?" Charlie raised her eyebrows.

"How about the park?" I laughed. "Or a movie?" 

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