F is for Friends.

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(Charlie's POV)

I got out of the car with Daniel and we entered the mall, Daniel wore jeans and a Batman shirt, the yellow on the shirt almost matching his hair. We walked pass Forever 21 reminding me of when Demi and I came here and I ran into one of Sandra's friends. I kept that to myself, Daniel doesn't need to know about any of those things.

"Charlie listen, I really like you. Like a lot." Daniel said, I felt heat rush to my cheeks as he spoke "I feel like you feel the same, and if we're going to continue I think you should know an important person in my life."

"Okay." I smiled, wondering what was going on.

Daniel led me to a table in the food court where a boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes sat with a girl with brown hair and bright green eyes. "Charlie I'd like to introduce you to my friend Hailey, and her twin brother, my boyfriend Drew."

Boyfriend? Daniel is gay!?! "I would have told you about Drew sooner but I'm pretty sure my mom reads my texts and she doesn't know I'm gay yet so my mom just thinks Drew and Hailey are my best friends."

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you guys, thanks for letting me join you." I said, still in shock.

"Are you kidding? After how much Danny talks about you we had to meet you for ourselves, according to him he just saw you and you practically screamed friendship." Drew did little jazz hands, he stared at me as if trying to remember where he has seen me before.  "Come on let's go to Sears and try on the worst outfits we can find." Drew suggested, giving up trying to remember.  We all got up and started walking away from the food court.

Drew and Daniel held hands and walked ahead of Hailey and I. "So I'm guessing you didn't know Daniel was gay, developed a crush on him, and now you're planning on not being friends with him?" Hailey said.

"What? No. I mean yes to the first two, but don't tell Daniel I had a crush on him. But why wouldn't I still be friends with him?" I asked.

"He is what I like to call, the flirt. When he makes friends he flirts with them, even if he doesn't mean to." Hailey explained "But most girls find out he's gay and say that's it, and leave."

"No I want to still be friends with him, even you and Drew." I said. Hailey smiled and grabbed my hand, we rushed to catch up with the boys and joined them at the entrance of Sears.

I got a text from Demi asking if I was okay and I just replied with a yeah, I saw Hailey look at my phone then look away, confusion on her face. "What?"

"Who's Demi?"

"My mom." I replied.

"Demi? I'm sorry did I hear Demi, are we talking about my queen?" Drew turned his attention to us, I realized that he was very flamboyant and Daniel was more athletic. "What about Demi Lovato?"

"Her moms name is Demi." Hailey laughed.

"Yeah, Demi Lovato." I shrugged.

Hailey and Drew looked at me as if to say I was crazy. "Oh yeah, did I forget to mention I met Demi and her daughter, and Charlie is the one we're hanging out with?" Daniel acted innocent.

"How the actual fuck did I not know it was you? I mean I thought I recognized you, I have seen multiple pictures of you on the internet and in magazines, hell I even have a picture from a magazine cut out and on my wall of you and Demi. Holy shit this is amazing!" Drew ran over and hugged me tightly. "I swear I liked you before because you didn't run off when you found out about me and Daniel but this, this is the cherry on top, welcome to the family darling!"

"Drew, I think we should like Charlie for who she is, not who her mom is." Daniel said. Hailey nodded in agreement.

"Can't it be both?" Drew shrugged, I just laughed and hugged him back happy to finally have not one, but three friends.

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