Please Don't Leave Me.

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(Charlie's POV)

I sat up in a hospital bed. Again. I looked around and saw no one around me. I was alone. Where was Demi? I started panicking and the heart monitor started beeping out of control, a nurse rushed in and put an oxygen mask over my face to try and control my breathing. Once my breathing was back to normal I took the mask off and looked at the nurse. "Where's my mom? What happened? Is my mom okay?" I felt hot streaks of water run down my cheeks and the nurse pressed her lips together.

"You were in a car crash, you were hit by a texting driver, when you were hit your car went spiraling and stopped when the roof hit a nearby building, your mom's head hit her window, knocking her unconscious. She is still asleep now, down the hall. Her arm was protectively across you, so when the airbag came out she fractured her forearm. If her arm wasn't there, the airbag would have killed you." The nurse told me in a calm tone.

Demi saved my life... and I had been yelling at her over something stupid. What if that's the last thing she hears from me? "Is she gonna wake up?" I asked.

"Soon." The nurse nodded. "You on the other hand, have a broken leg and a few bumps and bruises." I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the blanket that lay on my body. "You wanna see your mom, baby?"

I looked up at her and nodded quickly. I was disconnected from a few wires, except my IV, and carried into a wheelchair. I saw that I had a bright pink cast on my leg and realized that the doctors probably assumed that since I was a girl I liked pink and rolled my eyes. A male nurse came in and pushed my wheelchair while the nurse who was talking to me before pushed my IV bag. 

We entered a room much like mine and I saw in the bed Demi lay with her eyes closed, her body almost lifeless, and a line of stitches on her head, luckily where she had it shaved already. The nurse pushed me close to her bed so I could hold her hand, they left the room and I started crying even harder. "Mama, I'm so sorry! I know I did something stupid, I know I was being mean to you, I know I'm stupid, I'll be better, I'll get better, just wake up!"

Demi didn't move. Her eyes remained shut and her hand stayed limp in mine. I have never had this feeling before, the feeling of panic and anxiety over possibly losing someone you love. I looked up from where I sat and saw the clock on the wall read 2:34. I didn't know if it was night or morning, all the windows were drawn, and I didn't know what day it was because there wasn't a calender. I heard the door open and I expected a nurse to come in and take me away, but instead I heard "My baby!" and saw my Nona rush towards Demi on the bed, tears down from her eyes and a frantic look on her face. "Has she moved?" Nona asked me.

I shook my head solemnly. "What day is it?" I asked.

"It's Wednesday dear, you were out for less than two days, the doctors don't know what Demi will wake up." Pop answered.

"But the nurse told me she'd wake up soon!"

"She will!" Pop assured me "We just don't know when exactly. It should be either today or tomorrow. At least we hope since that's when you woke up and she only had a bit of a worse collision with the head then you."

A nurse came in at that time, the male nurse who pushed me in here. His name plate said Carson. "Hey Charlie, listen we have to take you to examine your heart, we need to make sure that your heart didn't have any kind of attack or convulsions during the crash, it's easier when you're awake so we had to wait." I looked at my family then back at the nurse and nodded. I squeezed Demi's hand one more time before I was wheeled out of the room, down the hall, and into a new wing of the hospital. I felt the wheelchair turn and found myself in a new room. "We're going to take CT scan, we just need you to lay completely still on that machine okay?" I nodded and Carson picked me up and placed me on the little bed and walked out of the room. I felt the machine start to move and I closed my eyes trying to clear my mind. I felt the machine stop moving and and heard a noise around me. I didn't even realize how tired I was until I closed my eyes, I let myself drift off to sleep as the machine checked my heart.

Fix A Heart. (Demi Lovato fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora