Time To Go.

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(Demi's POV) 

I've been home a few days now, my arm still hurts but it's healing in the red cast along with the stitches on my head. Charlie's leg is healing well and my new car is even better then the one we smashed. The only thing that I wish we could have changed out of the outcome of the crash, is that the teen who was texting would still be alive. But not only was he texting but he wasn't wearing his seatbelt either so when we crashed he flew out of the windshield.

I just got off the phone with the hospital from New York. My heart sank, my chest became heavy, and I felt tears rush down my face as their words processed through my head. Charlie is underweight. I know why. They found scars on her wrists. I know why. They found scars and cuts on her hips. I don't know why.

But I do.

She moved her canvas. She has moved to her hips in hopes that I wouldn't find out. I let myself slide down the wall and I now sat on the floor of the kitchen. I brought my knees to my chest and let the tears flow freely as I processed the last part of the conversation with the doctors. "If you don't get help for Charlie we're sending a social worker to take her away."

I heard Charlie come down the stairs slowly, she has finally mastered the art of going up and down the stairs with crutches. Anarchy, who was now an almost full sized dog (but still a 6 month old puppy), followed her into the kitchen. When Charlie saw me she automatically rushed over. I grabbed her arms and pulled her down to my level as gentle as possible so I didn't hurt her leg. She had dropped the crutches and was now in my lap. I realized I must have looked at her angrily because Charlie looked terrified. Then I remembered how Sandra use to treat her and I softened my face and loosened my grip. "Charlie I am going to do something. Don't you dare fight me on this okay. You have to promise me you won't fight me, I'm already upset." Charlie just nodded and put her hands up. I grabbed the side of her pants and pulled them down just enough to see all the scars and cuts, just as the doctors said. Charlie quickly pulled them back up but I already saw. 

Charlie started crying into my neck and I just held her crying too. "Charlie why? Why would you keep doing this? I thought things were getting better, Sandra is officially dead, you are legally my daughter, you have friends, you're even getting to see the world."

Charlie stared at me for a while before she finally said "Sandra's actions and choices will haunt me the rest of my life. I will forever be reminded of what she did to me. How I lost my childhood because of her. How I will always be trying to hide the past from everyone who may come in contact with me. My friends only like me because of who my mom is. They just like all the people they can possibly come into contact with because of me, they don't like me. Who would? I'm a hot mess, I'm annoying, I'm ugly, I'm fat, I'm stupid, and I'm baggage."

"Charlie you are not fat. In fact I was told by the doctors you're way too underweight. I see it, I feel it, and I hate it. You're so beautiful, and not just from a mom point of view, you really are. You have so much beauty not just physically but internally. You may have baggage but that doesn't mean you have to carry it around all the time, you're so smart, so so smart, and you are so much fun to be around. Charlie I can't sit here and listen to you hate on yourself when you are one of the most amazing people I know." I said sternly. "Your friends do not only like you for me. They like you for you. I can tell they aren't those kinds of kids, especially Hailey. You are a lovable person. I thought therapy was helping you with the whole Sandra thing but I guess not."

"I haven't really been speaking in therapy sessions lately..."

"Charlie! I pay for those so you can get better not so you can sit there and do nothing!" I shouted

"Well what am I supposed to say? I don't want to talk to anyone about my problems. They're my pathetic problems."

"Charlie the doctors say that if you don't get help and get better soon they're going to take you away from me." Charlie's face looked terrified again. "I can't let that happen. I need you in my life because you are my daughter not just because some stupid piece of paper says so but because that's what I feel in my heart. That's why I'm sending you to rehab. You'll get special treatment, I'll come visit when I can, and you'll get better."

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