Fly Away.

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(Demi's POV)

We had just landed in Vancouver and Charlie and I were at baggage claim getting our bags. It's been a few days since Sandra was locked up, Charlie's nightmares have gotten worse since she found out her mom is still alive, and since her mother put her through shit. I saw our bags and Charlie and I grabbed them, and headed towards the limo, Max and Ryan at either side of us. Lights kept flashing from paparazzi, and I saw a group of fangirls near the door, I looked at Max longingly and he rolled his eyes but nodded, Ryan took Charlie's hand, keeping her close as we all walked towards my fans. I love getting to meet my fans, and since this is a small group of three, I knew Max would let me say hello!

"Hey guys!" I said as I walked over, all of their eyes grew wide with shock and they looked like they might burst. "How are you?"

"Hey Demi!" A short girl with brown hair, brown eyes and glasses said. She sounded so sweet and shy I couldn't help but smile wider. "We're great! How are you? How's Charlie?"

"We're good, our flight was pretty long though." I laughed, they laughed too. "So, what are all of your names?"

"I'm Claire," Claire pointed at a girl with green eyes and blonde hair, she had an athletic body type and she looked around 5'6. "That's Diana," Claire pointed to a girl with brown hair and blue eyes "And this is Mandy." I gave them all hugs, signed autographs, and took pictures with all of them. "Can we get pictures and autographs from Charlie too?" Claire asked.

I looked at Charlie and waved her over, Ryan let her hand go, and Charlie slowly walked over. "Hi." Charlie said shyly. 

"This is Charlie's first time meeting my fans, so she's a little nervous." I told them, Charlie smiled a little, she was definitely a bit indifferent towards this but she signed autographs, and took pictures. Max took a big group pic of Charlie, my fans and I. They all thanked me and I told them it was my pleasure and we left for the limo. Once we were inside I noticed Cher, and Little Mix had already made it in the limo, so now we just had to wait for Fifth Harmony and Nick Jonas, but as soon as that thought crept into my mind, Nick opened the limo door and sat next to me. 

"Hey Dems, how've ya been?" Nick asked giving me a side hug. 

"I've been good, Charlie keeps me on my toes, I really love having her around. It's only been a week, but I wouldn't give her up for anything in the world." I told him, and looked over at Charlie who was playing Go Fish with the Little Mix girls and Cher. "I really love her."

"Sounds more than a sisterly love to me." Nick said, I looked at him oddly "I mean more like a motherly love than a sisterly love." Nick added quickly. "Have you ever thought of just adopting her?"

"I asked my mom to adopt her but she's still thinking about it." I told him. "Besides I'm not ready to be a mom, I'm 21 for Christ's sake." Nick laughed. Once Fifth Harmony made it to the limo we took off towards the hotel we'd be staying at for 2 nights. Charlie soon got tired of the card games and came over and snuggled into me. It was getting late and she hadn't slept for a while. She fell asleep and in a few minutes we were at the hotel. I picked her up and carried her out of the limo, to the check in desk. "Hi, I'm Demi Lovato, checking in under Neon Lights Tour." I told the check in lady as I adjusted Charlie on my hip. It's so sad that she is 14 and light enough to carry like a child, but at the same time I loved it. The check in lady looked shocked to see me, but quickly distributed room-keys to the girls, Max & Ryan, Nick, and Charlie and I. We all went up to the top floor, then dispersed to find our rooms, when Charlie and I entered the room we'd be staying in she nearly freaked. Completely awake now she ran around the room looking at every little thing that could possibly be seen. Charlie was so fascinated by the look and feel of the ordinary two bedroom suite that she tripped and fell.

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