Anything Can Happen.

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I sat there in the court room next to Demi. Mr. Doyle, who was representing himself and his family, was telling the jury his opening statement. "My family was given the gift of a beautiful baby girl, whom we named Anna Lynn Doyle. At seven months old she had a case of whooping cough and had to stay in the hospital for a few nights, when my wife and I went to the house, leaving our daughter in what we thought was the safe hands of the staff at the hospital, to get clothes, and drop our son and daughter off with my sister, a woman dressed as a nurse came in and stole our little girl." He took a deep breath. "We have recently found our daughter, after fourteen long years, and we just want to take her home." 

"Alright, Mr. Eaton you can pull your first witness to the stand now." The judge said. Mr. Eaton, our lawyer had already given his opening statement. He called Demi up to the stand and Demi sat down, put her right hand up, and her left on the bible and swore to tell the whole truth and all that shit.

"So Demi, why do you want to become Charlie's legal guardian?" Mr. Eaton asked. 

"She is an amazing you girl. She needs someone to be her mother and from the moment she came into my care I was so worried about getting a mom for her, hell I even asked my mom to adopt her, but little did I know, I'm the mom she really needs." Demi started, she looked at me with pleading eyes, knowing if she told them it would make our case solid, I nodded to let her know it was okay. "I have also helped her a lot since she came into my care."

"How?" Mr. Eaton questioned.

"Charlie self harms, she is anorexic, and has a minor case of the bi-polar disorder. I have been through cutting, addiction, anorexia, and I have the bi-polar disorder, I have helped her with all of those things and she has gotten so much better. Not only have I helped her, but she helped me. The more I'm around her the more I feel like I can control my urges, my feelings, and I eat every meal to show her how important it is."

Tears began forming in my eyes, Demi was the only one who knew about my problems. Demi told everyone about my life with Sandra and how it led me to being shy and building a wall around myself, and how she was the only person who was able to make a door and walk through the wall. She explained how much I meant to her and how she knew she could be the best mom in the world if she was given the chance. When she stepped down, she came back and sat next to me, I grabbed her hand and leaned my head on her shoulder. "You're already the best mom in the world Dems. I never thought anyone would fight for me like this." Demi squeezed my hand and put one arm over my shoulder. 

Mr. Doyle called his son Ashton to the stand. "Ashton can you tell us how your sisters absence in your life has affected you?" 

"It hasn't." Ashton said, making some people gasp, and Mr. Doyle's head snapped in his direction so fast I thought it would whip right off. "But you know what? My father, looking for one of his children all the time, neglecting the four children he had at home has affected me a lot. My mother crying all the time and a lot during holidays, or making us celebrate my sisters birthday even though she wasn't there, that has affected me. But all you cared about was revenge, and finding Anna." Ashton told the court. 

"No further questions." Mr. Doyle said through gritted teeth. "I would like to skip to my last witness, Alice Doyle."  Mrs Doyle got up and sat down in the witness box. "Mrs. Doyle, how did you feel when your daughter was kidnapped?"

"I felt horrible, devasted, and lost. I couldn't breathe." She explained.

"Do you want your daughter back?" Mr. Doyle smiled. Mrs. Doyle's vacant eyes stared at her husband, then they focused on me. My heart pounded with anticipatoin. "Yes." She answered and my heart sank. "But, I want her to be happy. If she is happiest with Demi, and Demi can provide and safe and healthy enviorment then I believe Demi should be her mother." My heart lifted back up and I smiled, Demi held me tighter. "If Demi can help her with her personal issues, because God knows I probably can't, Demi would be the suitable mother, besides transfering her where she isn't happy can make her problems worse and I have four other kids I need to worry about." 

"Are you sure. Do you understand what you're saying Alice? You'll be giving up Anna." Mr. Doyle asked.

"Yes Arthur, I do. You are the only one who wants to force Charlie to live with us, Charlie deserves to be happy, and if she is happy with Demi then so be it." Mrs. Doyle said. 

Mr Doyle notified that he was done and everyone sat down, closing arguments were stated and we all sat down and waited while the jury went to another room to discuss it. "Demi, I think we're going to win!" I said. 

"I do too Charles, but, are you sure you want me to be your mom, I don't want to take you away from your biological family." Demi said, looking me in the eyes with worry.

"Demi, I don't like the Doyle's one bit. I have been thanking my mother for kidnapping me, and for faking her death since we met, because if I had to do it all over again just so I could be able to call you my parents, believe me I would." I told her.

"All of it?" Demi asked.

"All of it, ten times over again." I said, snuggling into her. "I love you Dems."

"I love you too hon." Demi rubbed my back, and literally fifteen minutes later the jury came back in.

"Well I think that's a new world record for fastest jury desicion." Judge Crest joked. "All rise as the jury reads their verdict."

We all stood and a man with glasses and a balding head opened a piece of paper. "We the jury award custody of Anna Lynn Doyle to Arthur Doyle and vistitaion rights to Demi Lovato." He read aloud. My heart broke, and I heard Demi let out an unhuman noise. I looked over and saw all the Doyle kids a little less upset then I was, Mrs. Doyle had on a small smile, either way she won, and Mr. Doyle had on the biggest smile I had ever seen. He looked at me and Demi as if to say 'I win you lose, na na na na boo.'

I looked back at the man who had read aloud the verdict, he looked really confused and so did the jury. "Oh sorry, wait!" He said. "I am extremely sorry, I am deslexic I read this wrong, we give custody to Demetria Lovato, and visitation rights to the Doyle's." He nodded, and the jury looked relieved. I processed what he said, the turned aorund to see a wide eyes, open-mouthed Demi. I hugged her tightly and we both hugged Mr. Eaton. I looked at Mr. Doyle as if to say 'Never visit me asshole.'

Demi and I were lead to the judges office, we sat down in chairs in front of Judge Crest's desk, and he handed us some papers. Demi went straight to signing, then passed them to me and I signed too. I saw a slot left empty where it had spaces for a first, middle, and last name. I filled it in and handed them to the judge who also signed them. "Alright Demi, Charlie is now your daughter. Congratulations, and please keep in touch if there is anything you may need." He handed us the papers and Demi put them in her purse, we stood up to go "Wait, before you go, Ms. Lovato, my daughter is a huge fan, do you mind if I get an autograph?" 

Demi laughed "Not a problem!" 

Once Demi had signed an autograph, and given Judge Crest's daughter a call per her request, we left the building hand in hand. We got in her car and we began driving. "So kiddo, what you put down as your name?" 

"Charlie Demetria Lovato." I told her. Demi smiled just enough for me to see. "Why Charlie? Why not Charlotte? or Anna?"

"Anna is the name that was stolen from me, Charlotte is the name I was forced to have, I'm just Charlie." I told her. 

When we hit a red light she looked at me "Honey, you are so much more that just Charlie." Her hand tucked a piece of hair behind my ear then she kept driving. "I love you Charlie Demetria Lovato."

I smiled at her and said "I love you too mom."

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