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(Demi's POV)  

I sat in the doctors office waiting to hear what was wrong with Charlie. This was more than just panic attacks. According to the doctors these have been going on for a while but never to the point of unconsciousness... How did I miss that?  The doctor walked in and shook my hand then sat down. "Hello Ms. Lovato, I'm doctor Day. I have run a few test on your daughter, and we have found the cause of all of her problems."

"Okay, what is it?" I asked eagerly.

"Well Ms. Lovato, her symptoms have gradually come up over a period of time, please note that she has always had this problem but it has gotten worse so only now are the symptoms showing up. Charlie has a genetic mutation  in her heart muscle causing Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia or ARVD, also known as right ventriculer cardiomyopathy. It's a rare type of cardiomyopathy diagnosed primarily in teenagers and young adults. For people with ARVD, the muscle tissue of the right ventricle has been replaced by fatty and/or fibrous scar tissue that inhibits the transmission of electrical signals within the heart. As the disease progresses, the right ventricle may dilate, compromising the pumping efficiency of the heart. ARVD is associated with arrhythmias that can cause strong or irregular heartbeats and fainting after exercise, when she become too worked up, or excited or  could even cause sudden death in some people."

I felt my heart sink and took a deep breath as a tear escaped my eye. "So Charlie's heart isn't getting enough electrical impulses because the tissue in the right side of her heart is now fat or scar tissue? Is her ventricle dilating now? Is she.... Is she gonna die?"

"Charlie's right ventricle tissue has been replaced with scar tissue, and her genes are the main cause of this, her ventricle is dilating, but we're going to fix it, and we will be giving you medication to give to Charlie. Charlie is not going to die, as long as she stays on the medication and stays out of trouble." Dr. Day informed me. "ADVR is a difficult disease for diagnosis, ARVD is estimated to occur in 1 in 5,000 people. In many patients the disease is familial. The exact cause of ARVD is not well understood. But I assure you, Charlie is in good hands, and we will do our best to keep her safe.

"There are many medications we can put Charie on, and soon we can get her a heart transplant, then she'll have to be on heart medication the rest of her life. Charlie is lucky she got to us now, if this had gone on any longer untreated she would have died." Dr. Day pursed his lips and started filling out a form. Charlie has to have heart surgery? She won't have the same heart, and she'll be on medication... How is this possible?

 Suddenly the door opened and Max, and my assistant Natalie walked in. They sat down and I filled them in on what's happening. "Okay, well Demi we can't put the tour off any longer. We already had to post-pone some of the dates because of court issues." Natalie was right, my fans would be so mad if I was constantly changing dates to accommodate Charlie.

"Well, I have an  idea." Max said, we all (including Dr. Day) looked at him expectantly. "What about your mom Demi?"

"You want my mom to perform for my concert?" 

"No, Demi I meant what if your mom stayed here with Charlie while you went off on tour?" Max wondered.

"No way, there is no way I am leaving Charlie while she has heart surgery!" 

"Oh, we have already found a donor for Charlie's surgery, her surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, so your mom would only be here for Charlie's recovery." Dr. Day informed me. I didn't even have to ask how they found a donor that fast, I knew it was a celebrity perk. But at this point I didn't care, Charlie would get to live.

"Call my mom, get her, Maddie, and Eddie a plane ticket. I want them here as soon as possible." I told Natalie, she nodded and got on her phone. "Thank you."

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