Somebody's Watching Me.

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(Charlie's POV) 

 "It's okay, you're safe. Let's go get you some clothes at a different store." Demi told me. Before we started walking away she pulled out her phone, her face turned from pissed to terrified within a matter of seconds.

"Demi? Demi, what's wrong?" I asked frantically trying to see what she was looking at.

"Someone's watching us..." Demi told me. "Come on. We'll go shopping somewhere else..." Demi grabbed my hand and we pushed pass the paparazzi that were still outside and made our way to the car. We locked the doors and put on our seat-belts but didn't move. Demi pulled out her phone and dialed a number. "Max?" ....... "Yeah, we went to the mall without you but-".... "Max that isn't important right now-"......... "MAX LISTEN TO ME GOD DAMMIT!" .... "Someone is watching me and Charlie."....... "I've been getting texts from a random number, and they sent me a picture of Charlie and I at the mall.".............. "Max this probably would have happened if you were with us or not."........ "Just come with us to the other mall okay? We are leaving this one, and I just want you to be with us." .......... "Yes I understand I didn't want you at this one but I need you at the next one, I'm sorry that I did something stupid, but Charlie and I need you and it's your job as my body-guard and friend to protect me." ............. "Okay, I'll see you there, thank you, sorry, bye." 

"What's going on?" I asked my voice shaky.

"Someone wants you, I think, could be one of your moms old friends though I have no idea how they got my number. Either way, they're texting me, and I think they're following us." Demi explained. My heartbeat picked up and so did my breathing. Demi pulled out of the parking lot and she sped away to the new mall. When we got there she parked next to a black Lincoln Navigator and two men stepped out. A man about three inches taller then Demi with short blond hair gave Demi a hug. "Hey Max, how are you?" Demi asked the blonde man.

"I'm good, this is Ryan, he'll be looking after Charlie while I look after you." Max pointed at a really tall, brown haired guy with green eyes. Demi grabbed my hand and we began walking towards the mall entrance, Max in front of us and Ryan behind us. Demi made sure I was as close to her as possible without making me uncomfortable. We went to Forever 21, Macy's, Hot Topic, Hollister and JC Penny's and I got a shit ton of clothes. I kept telling Demi I didn't need more but if I thought it was cute and it fit, it was in the bag before I could see her credit card swipe.

Demi kept checking her phone, but she didn't get anymore texts and if she did she didn't say anything. At least not to me. Once we hit all the stores that I could possibly get clothes from we left the mall and Demi said we had to go home because she was having a bunch of people over to talk about the upcoming tour over lunch.

When we go home Max and Ryan stayed in the car parked in front of Demi's house keeping watch. Demi ordered a bunch of Chinese food and soon enough from my bedroom window I saw two cars pull into Demi's giant driveway and 10 girls walked up to the house, a really thin girl with brown hair and covered in tattoos knocked on the door. "Demi, it's Cher, Little Mix and Fifth Harmony. Let us in!" The tattoo covered woman called.

I ran down the stairs just in time to see Demi open the door welcoming the large group of estrogen that entered the room. "Oh my God! Is that Charlie?" A girl who looked to be around 16 or so, who also had brown hair and a thin body asked Demi.

"Yeah." Demi laughed. "Charlie these are a few of my friends, come here and meet them."

"You mean you have more friends than this?" I asked in disbelief.

"What, am I unlikable?" Demi asked jokingly.

"No, no, no that's not what I meant!" I said quickly as I walked over to where Demi and her friends stood. "No, it's just that I've only ever had one friend, so I just thought that was normal."

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