Birthday. (Part One).

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(Charlie's POV)

So today is my mom's birthday, and it's the start of our birthday party. Demi rented out an entire club for us, she is inviting all of our friends and family, and she promised that there would be plenty of chocolate cake. I swear I never realized how much I was missing 'till I ate. Demi was still asleep so I figured this would be the perfect time to give her one of the birthday presents I got her, I left my room and went down the hall to hers, then I start jumping on the bed and singing "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear mama, happy birthday to you!"

Demi woke up, glared at me, then threw a pillow at me, knocking me off of the bed. My ass hit the floor with a thud, and Demi groaned as she crawled out of bed. "Stupid little shit, waking me up. What time is it?"

"It's eight in the morning, happy birthday fuckface." I laughed. Demi stuck her tongue out at me and I stuck mine out back. "I have a present for you, two actually but I figured one would be best to give you now." 

"You didn't have to get me anything." Demi said. 

I rolled my eyes. "That's what everyone says, but if I didn't get you anything, you'd be offended." Demi pursed her lips, knowing I was right. "Just come with me." I lead Demi down to the living room and when she saw her present her face widened with happiness. "You like it?"

"Are you kidding me? It's amazing, where did you get this done? I love the amateur look to it, it adds to the feel of our family." Demi laughed. She went over and looked at the painting of our family: Nona, Pop, Dallas, Amber, Maddie, Wilmer, Patrick, Demi, Anarchy and I.

"I did it." I told her with complete honesty. "I use to draw and paint all the time in school, my time at Timberline Knolls gave me time to reconnect with my artistic side." I shrugged. "I just went to Michael's and bought a canvas and paints when you were over at Wilmer's the other day."

"You did this?" Demi asked with a shocked expression. "Charlie you have some serious talent! Did you ever take any classes?"

"I had art classes in every year at school, but that's as good as it gets, I'd love to take an actual art class though." I admitted. "But you really like it?"

"Charlie I love it! We are hanging this right above the fireplace, this is literally perfect. Thank you so much." Demi was actually crying, she was crying and I didn't know if I should feel happy that she loved it that much, or feel bad that I made my mother cry.

"Okay, I know your birthday is tomorrow but have a present for you, and I want to give it to you now. I know you won't be able to use it on your own for another year, but I can teach you, and you can learn in it." Demi's smile looked uncomfortably big at this point, she grabbed me by the hand and lead me out of the house. She covered my eyes with one of her hands. "Okay ready?" Demi pressed a button and I heard a noise, like a garage door opening.

Demi removed her hand and I opened my eyes, in the garage next to Demi's Mercedes was a red 1965 Ford Mustang. "You've got to be kidding me!" I covered my mouth with my hands and jumped up and down.

"So you hate it?" Demi said sarcastically.

"Mom! This is the best present ever!" I hugged her tightly, nearly squeezing the life out of her, Demi hugged me just as tight and when we let go she handed me the keys. I unlocked the car and climbed into the front, Demi into the passenger seat.

"Okay so all you can do until you get your permit is sit in it, and I know cars are usually a sixteenth birthday present thing, but I know how much you liked this car and when I saw it I didn't know if I'd ever see another so I had to get it." Demi explained. "Besides, you might as well learn in the car you're going to be driving right?"

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