BONUS chapter

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"I should never have agreed to a f*cking baby," I growled, hearing Lily's cries from the crib. It was too early. I nudged Ethan awake. "Sort her out."

"You do it," he muttered, rolling over.

"This is your fault," I hissed, crawling out of bed to get to the baby. Her face was red and small which would have been cute if it wasn't three in the f*cking morning.

I carefully carried her to our bed, laying her on my chest. "Go to sleep," I whispered but she continued crying. I wanted to cry too.

"For f*ck sake," Ethan swore, covering his ears with pillows.

"I never wanted a baby," I wailed. "I told you we weren't ready but did you listen? No."

He stomped to the switch and turned on the lights. "Let's go out." I stared at him in shock as he began putting on a shirt.

"It's too early," I complained but noticed Lily's screaming had stopped. Ethan took her away from me once he was ready and put on her coat.

"Lily, be a good girl and don't cry," he said which she responded by smiling and patting his face. "Ash, hurry up."

I put on one of his shirts and boxer shorts then made my way to the kitchen. "Where are we going?"

"Walmart. Don't forget her milk."

"That's thirty minutes away!" I yelled to him while packing the baby bag.

"We need to buy food anyway and she should sleep hopefully."

We entered the elevator and I got into the driver's seat as Ethan and Lily went in the back. I watched the little girl play with him, not at all looking like she was going to fall asleep any time soon. Luckily, we got to Walmart in one piece without me crashing the car.

"Hold her for a second." Ethan left to get a shopping cart and Lily stared at me with her own pair of hazel eyes. I stared back. She finally broke eye contact when she caught sight of Ethan then started smiling.

"She only likes you," I pointed out.

"Of course she would," he agreed as he sat her in the cart.

"Should I bribe her?" I wondered. I grabbed the handles and began pushing. "Time to shop, Lily. You can have anything you want."

Ethan scoffed. "And who's going to pay?"

"Who in this relationship is the billionaire? It's obviously not me."

"If we get a divorce then you would be too."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Do you want to p*ss me off?"


"You want a divorce?"

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close. "Never."

"See, Lily? He's apologizing because he doesn't want to sleep outside." I spotted pizza in the aisle. "We need milk. You can get that," I ordered Ethan.

"On my own?"

"I mean, if we got a divorce, you would also be on your own."

He laughed but went.

"Pizza was created for humans to have a balanced diet. Tomatoes for your five-a-day, the dough as your carbohydrates, cheese for dairy and pepperoni for protein," I lectured the infant as I threw them into the cart. "Should we get candy?" I took her blinking as yes.

Fifteen minutes later and Lily and I had stocked up on candy, toys, coloring books, pizza and baby food for the next day. Ethan wasn't picking up his phone so we were trying to track him. "He couldn't still be at the milk aisle," I pondered. And he was but he wasn't alone. Two girls were chatting to him, flicking their hair, touching him.

Lily looked like she wanted to cry. I understood why the girls were all over him with the effortless model vibe coming from him I would be too. Oh wait. He's mine so I have every right.

"Ethan!" I called. All three looked up as I came closer. "Who are they?"

"This is Roxie and Jane," he introduced. They waved.

"Oh my gawsh. Are you his sister?" The tall one gushed.

"Oh my gawsh. No. I'm his wife," I gushed back, clearly mocking her. "And we need to take our child home. Bye."


I interrupted Ethan before he could speak. "Shut up and let's go."

"Do we look like siblings?" I complained as we walked to the car. Lily grabbed my hair as if to say no.

"Why did you say she was our child?" Ethan asked, humor in his voice.

"She's my niece by association. You're her uncle therefore our child."

"My sister's child."

"Our child."

He slid his arm around my waist and pulled me close. "Do you really want a baby that bad?"

"Do you want to give me a baby?" I shot back.

He winked. "I'll see what I can do."

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