Step 46: MOVE IN with him

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"Yes... No... I'll ask," I spoke into the phone bored. It was almost five and outside was dark. My eyes flickered to the clock, wishing it would move faster so I could go home and reflect on Ivy's reaction. The memory brought a grin to my face. "I understand but... that has nothing to do with me... call him if you know him so well."

I hung up and sighed, tired of the pointless argument with the person on the other side. Packing up my things, I got ready to leave but Seth appeared at my desk, grinning.

"My lovely secretary, you have been requested by our CEO," he informed me.

"Me?" I asked, pointing to myself. "Why?"

He shrugged. "Ethan said something about taking you home and moving things."

"Thanks. That's really cleared things up for me." I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to go and find out myself."

"Tell your boyfriend I said hi," Seth called out as I walked away.

I knocked on the door of Ethan's office then entered without waiting for him to say anything. He looked up from the file he was holding in his hands causing me to falter slightly.

Ethan sat back in his chair then rubbed his jaw, drawing attention to his handsome features. Wait. What's wrong with me? I moved beside him and sat on his desk, dumping my bag on the floor. "You're taking me home?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied. "I might as well."

I grabbed his phone which was on the table. "You seem tired. Why didn't you go home?"

"Because I'm not coming in tomorrow so I'm doing work for the next two days."


He had a slight smile on his face. "I have things to do."

"Can I come?" I wouldn't mind missing work as the people I had to deal with were always in a bad mood. Also, it's not like Seth actually needed me.

"No. I don't want you to kill Ivy."

"She's going?" I exclaimed.

"I thought we moved past this yesterday."

My cheeks flushed red. "Yeah. Whatever," I huffed.

He laughed in response then closed the folder.
"Do you want to wait for me to finish this up or get a cab home?"

"I'll wait for you."

He nodded then proceeded to go through the forms and contracts he had in front of him. I unlocked his phone and began scrolling through his Twitter. Twenty minutes later, my attention was no longer on his phone.

At first, it started with me wondering what it was about Ethan that made me sleep with him twice but eventually, I got the answers. There was something about his dominant personality and his physical appearance didn't help the situation of me wanting him.

I exhaled harshly, trying to control my emotions. I wasn't supposed to like him - it wasn't part of the plan. Ethan raised his head. "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry. I'm fine," I said dismissively.

Ethan ignored me and got up. Placing a hand on my forehead, he tried to feel for a temperature instead it caused me to shiver. "You feel warm," he noted, his hand that was still touching my skin moved towards my chin and gently tilted my face upwards.

I closed my eyes, scared that I would do something stupid like demanding that he got naked.


I felt the phone in my hand disappear and even without looking, I knew Ethan had moved closer. His body heat radiated off him.

"Ashley," he muttered. I opened my eyes for a brief second to see that his own reflected the desire in mine and then we were kissing. I felt the zip of my dress slide down, leaving me in my bra. Moaning, I ran my hands over the muscles of his shoulders and pulled him closer by letting him move between my legs which now either side of him.

I was aware that things were getting out of hand and Diana's prediction was becoming more and more realistic as more clothes fell to the floor along with the items he pushed off the desk. But the only thing I was concerned about in that moment was whether Ethan's office was soundproof.


It had just turned ten and Ethan was sitting in his chair, only his suit pants on, with me on his lap. His hands traced patterns on my back, under his shirt that I was wearing. No one spoke but things needed to be established.

"What are we?" I whispered and the arms around me tightened.

Ethan paused as if he could sense the weight of the question. "What do you want us to be?"

I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Tell me honestly. Do you even want to be in a relationship?"

He didn't reply.

That said enough.

"I guess it's a fake-boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with benefits," I said jokingly

Ethan opened his mouth but I covered it before he could speak. "A deal is a deal. Please don't change it because of sex," I pleaded.

"Okay then."

I pressed my lips to his gently but the intensity increased until he broke away suddenly. I narrowed my eyes at him and he laughed in response.

"Move in with me." It was more a demand than a question. I leaned back and folded my arms.


"I'm not asking you."

"And I'm telling you no."

He mimicked me, folding his arms, and looked up at me. "Ashley."


"Move in with me," he repeated.

"I'm not going to."

He placed his hands on my thighs and they moved upwards. "Move in with me."

I slapped his hands away. "No."

"Why didn't you become a lawyer like your dad?" He grumbled. "So f*cking stubborn."

Rolling my eyes in response, I got off his lap and put on my heels then reached for my coat. "If I move in with you, where am I going to live later?"

"I'll get you a place."

"I'm still not moving in with you."

"Then give me back my keycard."

I clutched my bag tighter. "How about no?"

"So you're moving in with me. End of discussion."


They've been busy XD
I'm tired.
Are you tired?
I had a dream this book got 1M reads... *coughs*
Anyway, comment your favourite letter
XO Nyx

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