Step 52: EXPOSE him

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I boarded the jet to face five pairs of eyes, four of them belonging to the infamous Holt family. I waved, intimidated until Ethan stood in front of me, shielding me from their gaze.

"Mom, stop glaring," Ethan snapped as he led me to the back of the plane where she wouldn't have a direct view of us.

"See what she's done to him?" She wailed to her husband who went back to reading his newspaper. "He's fighting his own family for the girl."

I settled into the black leather seat, trying to block out the voices. "She's not going to complain about me the whole trip, right?" I said to Ethan. He sat beside me and shrugged.

"Depends. If you're asleep, I doubt she'll have much to talk about."

"I don't understand what's so good about the girl. She's using my son for money," his mom continued.

"I'm not tired enough," I sighed then looked out the window to see the lights of the airport get further away as the plane began to take off. "I can't believe it hasn't snowed yet."

"Give it a few days," Ethan predicted. There was something exciting about snow and with my height, I could easily pass as a child waiting for the snowflakes. Shifting my focus on the billionaire beside me, I remembered my question.

"What's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

I searched his eyes for anything that would tell me if he was hiding something but they were guarded, not letting me in. "You've been busy for the last few days."


His answer was too short. "I would believe that if you didn't seem constantly tense and if there wasn't a death threat."

"I've had a lot to do at work. That's it."

The lie came out so smoothly that, at the time, I didn't pick it up and instead trusted him. "You should get an assistant then," I advised him which he laughed at.

"Can I hire you?" He brushed the hair from my face, letting his fingers linger on my cheek.

My mind didn't register the question, distracted. "Yeah, that's fine," I murmured as his mouth descended on mine.


"You said it was your family's holiday home."

"This is the holiday home."

The wooden cabin stood tall and proud among the trees with giant windows. It was a mansion. "That thing could house everyone in my apartment," I said in shock.

"My cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents are also coming," Ethan informed me. "We need room. Some people are going to share while others stay in the other cabin."

"There's another one?"

He nodded. "It's less than a mile away but everyone is coming to this building for Christmas."

We entered the 'family home' and was greeted by an elderly woman who took her time hugging everyone including me. "Who is this doll?" She smiled at me, acceptance already in her voice.

"Nana, this is Ashley," Ethan introduced.

"Your girlfriend? She's gorgeous," she cooed. My cheeks flushed red.

"Thank you," I muttered, embarrassed.

"You must be tired. Where's your mom, Ethan?"

Just as she asked, his mom walked through the front door. "Nana," she greeted and for the first time ever, I saw an expression other than hate. "How are you?"

"I'm good, dear. Where's Ashley and Ethan staying? They're exhausted."

"Ashley is staying in the guest room on the third floor and Ethan's in the usual one," his mom said casually, handing me a key.

"Nonsense, they should stay together," Nana argued.

I shook my head. "It's fine. Thank you for inviting me."

"You're always welcome." Ethan's grandmother squeezed my hand gently before turning back to his mom. Dragging my suitcase, I started making my way up the staircase. The weight was taken away from me as Ethan removed it from my hands.

"I'm weak, not disabled," I protested as he ignored my attempts to take it back.

"I know but I want to show you where my room is in case you need anything."

I folded my arms. "I won't."

He rolled his eyes. "Okay then. I'll just take you to your room."

The door was already open when we got there and someone had sprayed perfume inside. "Please don't tell me that..." His mom really hated me. There were two beds and one had clothes all over it. Pink clothes. Blue eyes met mine.



"Sh*t," Ethan swore. "Give me a second." He left my bag and disappeared.

"Wow. You got invited?" I was amazed. The b*tch wouldn't leave.

"I've been invited for years. I'm surprised you were."

"This can go two ways. You stay away from me, I stay way from you and we can be civil. You try any tricks with Ethan, p*ss me off and I will cut you in your sleep. Understood?" My threat seemed to work as she nodded. "Good. Also, you can stop texting him."

"Texting him? He's started the conversation," she said then realized what I was saying and smirked. "That's rich. He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Ivy, shut up," Ethan growled.

I glared. "Answer my question. Tell me what?"

She picked up her coat and walked out of the room without speaking to either of us. I whirled round, furious. "Can you explain?"

"It's nothing. She's just looking for trouble."

"Then what did you text her about?"

"I wanted her opinion on what you would need for the trip when I was packing your bag," he admitted. "I swear, that's it."

"F*cking b*tch," I muttered calming down. "Where did you run off to?"

"I was trying to switch the rooms but no one wants to."

"I wouldn't either. I'm going to find your grandmother."

"Call her Nana. You'll sound strange if you don't and you should leave her. She's cooking and I doubt you'll be much help."

I stuck my middle finger at him. "I hate you."

"Sure you do. Get dressed we're going for a walk."


Trust Issues - Drake ft The Weeknd
*points up* This song is amazing. I've cried to it for no reason. I spy with my Nyx eye, problems with our main characters.
"Excuse me, but did you not say that something was going to happen?" Audience all agrees, getting annoyed.
*coughs* As the author, I messed up the order BUT have patience. You're going to hate me soon. *winks*
XO Nyx

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