Step 12: DOUBLE him

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Have you ever woken up to the feeling that everything is right in the world? My eyes fluttered open and I turned my head to see the view of Manhattan through window that took up a whole wall. I pushed off the silk covers and grinned at the world. Walking into the bedroom size bathroom, I took care of the basic necessities. My hair was damp from my shower so I put it into a bun then wrapped myself in a kimono also made of silk like the bed sheets but was a pale pink.

I had no idea who chose the clothes that was left for me but it seemed like they were expecting someone who was planning to seduce Ethan. The nightgown was from Victoria Secret and left little to the imagination. It was literally transparent. I could see my bra. I tightened the kimono then left the room.

"Ethan?" I yelled. I got no reply. Padding down the stairs quietly, I walked around until I found the kitchen. But Ethan was already there. His back was facing me and he was wearing a blue suit.

"Are you going to work already?" I asked.

Then he turned around. It was not Ethan. The features were exactly the same - height, his hair, even posture - but I knew this wasn't him. The stranger smiled. "Judging by your facial expression, you know I'm not Ethan. I wonder how," he stared at me confused.

"Your eyes are different," I pointed out. Ethan's were more brown than green. This guy, however, had eyes that were almost blue. "I'm assuming you're Andrew."

He nodded. "I'm assuming you're the new girlfriend. Conveniant how you just...appeared."

"If you say so," I said notchalantly. I ignored his presence, feeling his snake-like vibes, and made breakfast. I made toast then got a range of spreads before putting them on a tray and carrying it out of the room. Obviously, I had no idea where Ethan was so I went in the direction he went the night before. Luckily for me, I kicked one of the doors open and found him half dressed.

"Ashley? What do you want?" he asked. I was distracted by the sight of his chest. A very nice chest. "Ashley?"

"Huh? Um... Your brother's in the kitchen." I mumbled.

Ethan took the tray from me then grabbed my face forcing me to look him in the eyes. "Can you stop mumbling for a moment and repeat what you said."

"Andrew's in the kitchen."

Suprisingly, he didn't react. "He's here to report to the family."

"So what do we do?" I whispered in panic.

He paused in thought. "I'm going to kiss you."

I stepped out of his hold on my chin. "Kiss me? Is that the only plan you have?"

"For now, yes. And stop shaking your head at me. It's not like I want to." He grabbed a white dress shirt and put in on without buttoning it. He then picked up a piece of toast and started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To get some Nutella," he said as if nothing was going to happen.

"So you're not going to kiss me?"

He sighed. "It's not a big deal, Ashley. Have you never kissed anyone?"

"Of course I have. I've kissed many people. Thousands even," I blabbered.

"Good to know," he wrapped his hand around mine. "Now, let's make my twin brother leave us alone."

We found Andrew sitting a chair reading a newspaper as if he owned the place. Ethan didn't acknowledge him but out of nowhere, lifted me up to sit on the counter. I opened my mouth to protest but he simply put his finger on my lips, effectivly shutting me up. I could feel Andrew's gaze on us.

"You should really change your key cards," he commented.

"Okay," Ethan replied while searching refigerator for Nutella.

It became quiet but Andrew wasn't done. "Anyone could enter. You don't want that."

"Okay." Ethan spreaded the chocolate on the toast then held it to my mouth. "Eat."

"What?" I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Bite it," his own voice became husky.

I did as he asked and I noticed his eyes go darker. He put down the piece of toast then placed both of his hands on my thighs. My breathing stopped as they slid higher and higher until they were under the nightgown. He pulled me forward so he was standing between my legs which shortened the distance between us. I put my hands on his chest and looked up at him.

Then he f*cking kissed me.

From that point on, a number of things happened. Firstly, I found out he could kiss. Very well. Second, my hair somehow came out of the bun it was previously in. And lastly, I couldn't remember my name. His lips came crashing on mine and I couldn't think of anything else. Andrew became irrelevant. Ethan's hands were everywhere and the kimono that I was wearing came undone so I was only in the nightgown. He leaned back for a moment, eyes raking over my body, then returned to kissing me harder than before. I moaned at the feeling of him stroking the skin under my bra. I didn't want to think about the fact that it was fake so I allowed him to deepen the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We might have continued but the sound of the lift closing caused us to break apart. I started gasping for air and Ethan exhaled. "He's gone," he said.

I couldn't talk, still dazed.

"Are you alright?" Ethan asked slightly worried.

I raised a finger in response. "I'll be fine in a moment," I breathed.

"Good because you're wasting my time. I have work to do." He picked up the neglected piece of toast and started eating it.

"You're such an asshole, Ethan."

The man just shrugged. "You won't be the first to say that."

"I'm not surprised." I hopped down from the counter then remembered I was basically wearing nothing. The kimono was on the floor and I quickly grasp it then wore it. "You just made your brother watch watered down porn. That's not nice."

"Neither is coming into my house uninvited but he still did it," he argued. "Now, hurry up. You've got tables to wipe."

"You really are a f*cking asshole."


I cringed so much writing this, you would have thought I was having a seizure. I knew I had to do it for you though because that's how much I love you.

I wonder what you think I look like. You're probably imagining me as an elderly mid-forties woman with cats...

I'm not. I promise. I swear even.


XO Nyx

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