Step 20: HATE him

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I walked towards the balcony and saw Ethan sitting on a chair . However, he wasn't alone. Ivy was beside him dressed in a skimpy bikini which barely covered anything. She noticed my presence first and took the moment to give me a dirty look. I raised my eyebrows in response, choosing to be the bigger person.

"You really need to call the cops, Ethan. You have a stalker," I said, keeping my eyes on Ivy.

"Actually, I was invited here unlike you. I'm a bridesmaid."

Ethan looked between us as if trying to find out what was going on.

"I was invited by Ethan," I told her.

"You probably forced him."

"She did," Ethan piped in.

"Of course he's on her f*cking side," I muttered before leaving both of them. I went into the bedroom and put on a pair of shorts and a tank top which, luckily, Dianna forced me to pack. I walked past the two who were getting up.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked Ethan.

"We're going to the beach then dinner."

"Just us two," Ivy purred, grinning.

I ignored her. "We're?"

"Ethan and I, duh."

I took a breath to calm myself to avoid strangling her. "Can I come?"

Ethan looked at me with what looked like pity. "It was reserved for two. Sorry."

I narrowed my eyes at him. It was like he forgot that we were pretending I was his girlfriend, not Ivy. We might as well end things now. "I don't want your sorry. Have fun," I said with as much sarcasm I could muster.

"Don't be jealous," Ivy mocked.

"Why would I be jealous that you're going to dinner? I get to eat pizza while you'll end up eating as little as possible in order not to embarrass yourself in front of Ethan."

She let out a short laugh, eyes full of hatred then leaned towards me. "It doesn't matter what you say to me. It won't change the fact that he's mine," she whispered quietly for only me to hear.

Grinning at her, I clapped. She was such a drama queen. My sudden change in emotion caused her to flinch. "Enjoy your dinner with him today because it's going to be your last."

"Ivy, we need to go," Ethan called from the door. Ivy gave me one last look before flouncing off after him.

My hand flew to my chest as my heart was beating fast due to the anger I felt towards the woman. I put on my sandals and decided to leave the hotel to avoid acting like a depressed singleton. By the time I reached the reception of the hotel, Ethan and Ivy had disappeared. Good riddance. A tap on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts about how to kill the Barbie doll when she returned. I turned to face Andrew who was wearing a pleased grin on his face and it took so much effort to stop the expression of panic making its way onto my own.

"Alone, Ashley?" He smirked. "Has Ethan already gotten bored of you?"

I couldn't even form an argument against what he said as it was true. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

"I should be asking you that seeing as you're standing out here lost."

"I'm not lost. I was just about to... go for a walk."

"I'll join you."

He gestured for me to lead the way which I did but I had no idea where I was going. He didn't say a word, leaving us in silence for a blissful twenty minutes. But all good things come to an end. Somehow, I managed to find my way towards the beach where families were scattered around, enjoying the sunshine. Andrew continued to shadow behind me as if he was a lion hunting his prey which in this situation would be me. I sat down on the sand and closed my eyes, hoping that it would convey the message that I didn't want to talk. He had other ideas.

"So my brother is so desperate that he's set his standards low in order to keep the companies," he said. It wasn't a question and that made me clench my jaw.

"What do you mean low standards?"

"It's nothing personal." It f*cking was. "But at least with you, you know where you stand unlike the rich girls who always want more."

"I don't understand."

"Ethan's using you. He stays with you for a while and he gets the most of the companies our family owns. He'll walk away with even more money that he has now. Then he'll toss you and what will you get? A broken heart maybe and that's it. You'll just go back to wherever you came from."

"And how is that different from 'rich girls'?" I shot.

"Well, for them they're already famous. If they're with him it boosts their fame. But without him, they just look like rejects. No one wants them anymore and then they're forgotten."

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm not like that," I said sarcastically.

"You're right," Andrew replied, not noticing my sarcasm. "You're just a cheap thrill."

"You did not just f*cking go there," I snarled.

"What? You and I both know it's true. I'm guessing that the only thing that's keeping you with him is sex."

I was majorly pissed. "So far you've managed to call me a broke prostitute that has no other qualities but a vagina. Well done. I can see why you weren't given the company. If you spoke to anyone like that, your family business would be bankrupt in a few hours."

Andrew glowered at me. "If you don't remember, I'm rich and I could put you on the streets in a matter of seconds. Be careful what you say around me."

"I don't care how f*cking rich you are. That won't prevent me from murdering you in my dreams."

"I don't believe your relationship is real at all," he pointed out.

I laughed at him then stood up. "Secretly, I know you want Ethan and I to have sex in front of you to prove it but I doubt Ethan likes to share."

"It looks like you do though." Andrew pointed further down the beach at what looked like Ethan and Ivy having an intimate stroll. I was going to kill him later.

"Don't follow me," I muttered annoyed then walked back towards the hotel. However, I remembered something.

I didn't know the way back.



I really need to fix my phone.

I know I have messages.

But what can I do?

I may get a flip phone. Seriously. I have never NOT broken/ smashed a phone.

Question of the day: If you could change your first name what would it be?

For me, I would be... KYUNG-JA

I don't know why. It sounds nice

XO Nyx

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