Step 26: DANCE for him

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My reflection smiled back at me as I ran my hands over the green lace dress that my dad had sent as promise. I left my hair out and my nails were painted a pale shade of pink. Ethan walked into the bedroom, putting on his green tie, which matched my dress, but stopped when he saw me. "You look good," he commented, eyes raking over my body.

I grinned, my cheeks pink. "Thank you but your sister will the star of the show." I slipped my foot into the black heels which my mom had also sent.

"She's model and she loves perfection which is why she's been texting me all morning." He glanced at his watch. "We should start going."


We walked down the hallway trying to dodge people spilling out of their rooms, talking rapidly as they got ready for the wedding. It was as though everyone in the building was there for Victoria and judging by the number of guests, I wouldn't be surprised. Ethan stopped at the door closest to the elevator and knocked. A voice yelled that we could come in. There seemed to be a dozen people inside, all working around Victoria who stood on a podium in all her glory. Her make up was done and she had a glow that came from being happy or slightly drunk.

"Ethan!" she gushed, opening her arms to hug him.

"Are you drunk?" he asked bluntly.

"A teeny tiny bit but not enough to stop me from getting married," she giggled. Her blue eyes landed on me and she squealed with excitement. "Ashley, you look beautiful."

"Thanks but look at you! You're like an angel." And she was. Her dress was floor length with pearls and glitter making it twinkle like fairy lights. A silver tiara sat on her head and a veil was attached to it, falling gracefully to the ground.

"Well, I hope Ray likes it." Tears gathered in her eyes. Oh sh*t. Ethan and I both began to shift uncomfortably but he patted his sister on the shoulder.

"He'll love it. Knowing him, he'll probably cry with joy."

"Really?" Victoria smiled and clapped. "Hurry up people! I have a wedding in ten minutes. I want to see my husband cry."

I laughed then waved goodbye. Once Ethan closed the door he turned to me. "Will you be alright by yourself?"

"I'll be fine," I assured, pressing the button for the elevator. "I could sit beside Drew..."

He glared at me. "Ashley."

The doors opened and I got inside, laughing. "Bye."

"Ashley, don't you dare-" His voice was cut off by the doors closing in his face. By the time I entered the ballroom, it was almost packed. I spotted Ethan's family but the expression on his mom's face told me, I wouldn't be welcome so I decided to sit a few rows back but close enough that I would be able to see. No one spoke to me but I could recognise many famous faces.

Finally, the music began. Everyone got up, our heads turned waiting for the bride. A little boy and girl ran in first, causing everyone to coo at how cute they were then the bridesmaids, who looked like they were going down a runway, came in smiling. Ivy and Ethan walked in next and my hands balled into fists when I saw her. Her dress was amazing, pale blue and reached the ground. I was surprised she would wear it as it covered more skin that what she was used to but it did little to distract me from my desire to kill her.

Ethan's eyes seemed to be searching for something until they landed on me. He smiled softly then mouthed, "Are you okay?" I nodded in response which seemed to satisfy him. Or maybe it was because Drew wasn't beside me. Ivy looked past Ethan to glare at me and her grip on Ethan's arm seemed to get tighter. And at last, Victoria came in, stealing everyone's breath away and Ray had silent tears the moment he saw her.

The truth is about weddings, they're boring. Everyone is literally waiting for to see the bride then we zone out until the I do's. Once they were said, we clapped as we watched Victoria and Ray ran out to the limo that would take them to the private part of the beach.

An arm slipped around my waist and I turned to face Ethan who had a happy expression on his face. "You're in a good mood, " I commented.

"I have every reason to be. My sister's married to a great guy."

"Do you think you'll get married?" I asked wistfully.

"Not sure."

I sighed. "Same. I guess if I meet the right person then I would."

"You will," he muttered as we walked out of the ballroom. "You will."


MY car door was opened for me and a hand snaked in, dragging me out. I was met by Victoria who was grinning. "Come with me and don't ask any questions."

"What's going-" I started but she slapped her hand over my mouth.

"No questions," she chided.

Ethan, however, didn't listen to this rule. "What are you up to, Victoria?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "This is my wedding, Ethan. I don't have to explain myself to you. And I'll bring your girlfriend back. Come on." I was dragged away from Ethan who rolled his eyes and went to were the other guests were. There was a beach house further down the beach which Victoria opened then led me into a room. She started ripping bags open and emptied them on the table.

"I'm so sorry about what Ivy did to you. She's my best friend but I wasn't happy with her. Ah, here it is." She gave me a short green tutu and a matching green bikini with fake flowers pinned on. "I wanted grass skirts but they would come late so I settled for this."

"Why do I need this?" I said puzzled.

"For the dance," Victoria announced, laughing. "I can't wait to see Ethan's face."


Woot! We are no. 799 in romance (for now) so THANK YOU! This chapter may seem eh BUT I have a plan, don't worry. And the next chapter will be...interesting...

This chapter goes to @Nat_868_ as she's always eager for an update and it makes my day x

Question of the day: Favorite song??? My playlist is boring so help me >.<

I love you lot.

XO Nyx

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