Step 7: PERSUADE him

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Ethan glared at me from across the table while I sipped my glass of wine calmly. There was so much tension in the air but I tried to remain oblivious to it. He, however, was waiting for me to start talking.

"How are you?" I asked.

His eyes narrowed. "You came all the way here to punch me then ask how I am?"

"Of course not."

"Then what do you want? I told you to stay away from me."

"I would have done that if you didn't break into my f*cking apartment."

"And how do you know that?" he said with a confident smirk.

"I don't know that many billionaires that want to make sure I don't know about his little family issues."

Ethan rubbed the place I punched him on his jaw. "You stole my document from me so I just got it back."

"Too bad that wasn't the only copy I made."


I slid the copy across the table. It was my turn to smirk. "I put it on my laptop, five memory sticks, took photos, sent it to my cousin in Alaska and placed one in a safe in Japan."

"You're joking," Ethan said with disbelief.

"Nope," I sipped my drink smiling.

"I want them back now."

"I want to make a deal."

"If it's money you want, fine," he pulled out a check book and began writing. I raised my hand to stop him.

"I am not a money hungry whore. I just want one little thing that could benefit you and me."


"I want to be your girlfriend."




"Why?" I said confused.

He folded his arms. "Did you ever think that I might have a girlfriend?"

No, I replied silently. "But you don't."

"I do."

"Do not. Otherwise you wouldn't be so stressed about me having the letter and your secretary said so."

His eyes turned hard and he leaned forward. "Fine. Keep the letter. Do whatever with it but remember, I'm watching you."

My mind took his comment in the wrong way causing my cheeks to turn slightly red. "I think there's a law against that."

"Nice to know. You can leave now." Ethan got up and gestured for me to go. I stood then glared at him. My plan literally imploded in front of me and I was going to have the last word.

"I'll go but you will need my help. Mark my words," I said walking out.

His only response was closing the door behind me.


Diana, as I predicted, opened the door to my apartment looking slightly p*ssed with a grinning May behind her. How did Diana even get inside?

"I didn't let her in," May clarified before I could ask.

"Of course she didn't because my so-called best friends didn't think of inviting me so I used the spare key." Diana moved to let me in but flounced off in a huff.

I rolled my eyes at her then sunk into the sofa. "Ethan didn't agree with my plan."

"Surprise. Surprise," Diana said sarcastically.

I stuck my middle finger at her. "B*tch."

"Anyway, I thought we could have a movie night as we're all here," May placed a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. "What should we watch?"

"Gossip Girl," Diana and I shouted. Yes, we're that basic. May turned off the lights and we watching the screen in silence except for Diana who kept sighing every time she saw Chace Crawford.

"He's just so cute and handsome and blah blah..." She commented through every single f*cking episode which fed my desire to stab her. "Look at his-"

I had enough. "Anyone want popcorn? Yes? I'll go make some then," I said quickly before escaping to the safety of the kitchen with the bowl in my clutches. I threw it into the microwave and waited for the golden corn to pop.

Then the doorbell rang.

"Ash, open the door!" May yelled.

I started speculating as to who would be at my door at this time. Slowly, I walked but jumped as the person began to bang. "Can you f*cking stop that?!" I shouted. They continued.

I swung open the door then tried to slammed it shut just as quick. However, Ethan's expensive shoes stopped me.

"Is that what you do to your friends?" he said coldly.

"No, but you're not a friend," I replied in a snarky tone. His attitude was getting old. "Why are you here?"

He sighed a very defeated sigh. "You were right."

"About what?" I raised an eyebrow.

Ethan's eyes moved away from mine, avoiding eye contact. Reluctantly, he said, "About me needing a girlfriend."

"Is that so? And why should I help you? Did you not post a picture with some model on Instagram?"

"You're stalking my Instagram?"

I ignored his question then folded my arms. "I want you to be my boyfriend till the year ends."

"That's three months!"

"Congratulations. You can count," I said sarcastically.

Ethan clenched his jaw. "I'll do it but after a month, I'm faking a proposal."



We stared at each other for a moment before he pulled out an expensive card from his pocket. "This has my personal phone number in case you need to contact me."

I held the thing cautiously as if it would explode in my face. "I don't think I will."

"Just keep it. I'll come by tomorrow," he turned to leave before I decided to ask an important question.

"Aren't you working?"

"Yes. I'm my own boss so I make my own rules."

Ethan left with a smug grin on his face, followed by two security guards who I hadn't noticed. I bet he felt so smart with his reply. Maybe he would get a sticker. I began snorting with laughter before closing the door only to face my friends who were right behind me.

"He's hot," Diana commented.

"And now he's mine," I cackled.


Yes, Nyx is alive.

And sorry.

Very sorry.

But c'est la vie *shrugs*

I will TRY to update more frequently and if I didn't reply to things, I'm sorry AGAIN.

I love you. Yes, you. X

XO Nyx_

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