Step 62: LOVE him

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6 months later.

My hand blindly patted around looking for my phone which eventually was felt under the pillow. I squinted at the bright screen to see that it was ten in the morning and groaned. We were late. Trying to push off Ethan's muscular chest, I tried to wake him up.

"Let go of me, Holt. We have things to do," I whispered loudly. "Get the f*ck up."

"Five more minutes," he said without opening his eyes. His voice was husky and almost made me give in.

"My dad will kill me and you if we're late." I sat up straddling him but his hands only moved to my thighs. I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it. "Stop it. Fine, you can stay here."

I removed his hands then made my way to the bathroom while he continued sleeping. Ethan could relax - he was his own boss. I, however, now worked for my dad like my brother and he gave me no special treatment sadly. It made me miss Tash at times. Not.

As I was in the shower, the billionaire decided to enter the bathroom. He didn't pay me any attention and began brushing his teeth. I rolled my eyes. "Good morning," I greeted but he left. "D*ck."

I got dressed alone. Ate breakfast alone. Went to the parking lot alone. Looking for my keys, I walked to my car, not aware of Ethan behind me until he spoke.

"Where are you going?" He asked, towering over me in his suit.

"To work."

He pointed to his car. "You're not coming with me?"

"When you're p*ssed at me? I don't think so," I replied, finally finding my keys. Grabbing them from me, he put them in his pocket. "Ethan, I need to go."

"Okay, let's go." He held my hand and led me to his car.

I frowned. "You ignored me this morning."

"I was tired."

"So next time I'm tired should I ignore you?"

He opened my door for me. "You did that yesterday."

"That was yesterday. Today is today." I folded my arms. "Brendan would never do that to me."

That caught his attention and his eyes turned dark. "He also wouldn't have legs."

I laughed and winked. "You'll see him later in the meeting. Don't kill him. I really like the guy."

Ethan slammed the door shut once I sat down, swearing under his breath when he got into the car. "Can't you quit?"

"Nope. I get to see Brendan everyday. Anyway, can we go?"

"I'm not making any deal with your dad's company," he warned, not driving.

"Yes, you will."

"No, I won't. I'm going to visit Ivy instead of the meeting," he shot back. I glared at him.

"If you do, don't bother coming back home."

"Then don't talk about Brendan."

"Then don't ignore me." He paused and my eyes widened. "Why are you thinking about this? All you have to say is okay."

Ethan smiled and shook his head. "I'm just thinking where I should take Ivy."

"I'm going," I muttered moving to open the door but he reached over and closed it again.

"I'm joking," he said gently. "I'll be at the meeting."


"I'm not p*ssed at you, I swear. I was just tired."

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