Step 31: WORK with him

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The blond guy grinned at Ethan and I. "I thought you would be happy to see me, best friend."

Ethan let out a sigh. "Why does he need an assistant?"

"Because I say so," Mr. Holt said. "Also, you know she'll be safe with him."

"As safe as a lamb with a wolf," Ethan grumbled. "Seth, this is Ashley."

The moment Seth moved towards me I could feel my skin break out in goosebumps which he seemed to notice. Chuckling, he grabbed my hand and lightly pressed a kiss on my knuckles. "It'll pass once you get used to me."

"What do you mean?" I asked, snatching my hand from him.

"The fear. I always have that effect on people," he said knowingly.

"It gets the job done at least," Mr. Holt added.

I rubbed my arms, still feeling nervous around him. He better be right about it passing because I wasn't sure if I could work with him around. "I hear you've met my brother," Seth said, his pale blue eyes twinkling. "I hope Hadrian was pleasant."

"You could say that," I muttered under my breath.

"She's not working with him," Ethan folded his arms.

I nodded. "For the first and last time, I agree."

Mr. Holt narrowed his eyes at his son. "She is going to."

"If she's going to do anything, she's leaving."

I moved to walk out the door but Seth simply stood in front of it, blocking my way. I stomped my foot. I had enough of these men. "We'll settle this with a coin," I said loudly, interrupting the growing argument of the Holt's. "Does anyone have a quarter?"

The three man stared at me, shaking their heads. Of course. They probably only had cards. Reaching into my pocket, I brought a coin then flipped it, hiding it between my palms.

"Heads or tails?"

Ethan looked annoyed. "How can you settle something like this by coin?"

"Heads or f*cking tails?" I repeated.

"Heads," he finally said. I opened my hands to find that it was tails.

"I guess I have a new assistant," Seth chuckled.

"No. No. No. No," Ethan disagreed. He reached for me but Seth was faster, dragging me into the hallway.

"We have work to do," he said tauntingly as he left the room.

"I dare you to f*cking touch her DiRomero," Ethan bellowed, chasing after us. Luckily for Seth, he managed to enter a room and slammed the door in his friend's face.

"Welcome to my world," he announced, dramatically bowing. We were in a miniature waiting room which had a desk and beside it was a black door. He opened it, revealing a large office which I assumed was his. Tapping the desk in the waiting room, he said, "This is where you will be. The cabinets are in alphabetical order and the computer has the latest software. My schedule is sorted for the next two weeks which gives you time to get used to everything. Phone numbers are in the black book and I will get my own lunch everyday. Any questions?"

"So all I do is say Mr. DiRomero is ready to see you and sort appointments?"

"Pretty much," he shrugged. "I don't really need an assistant to tell the truth."

"So why the f*ck am I here?"

Seth winked at me. "To get on Ethan's nerves."

I laughed. "Okay. I think I'll like this job."


Wrong. A few hours later, I wanted to kill someone. For some reason, all of Seth's clients were rich, pompous old people who had nothing better to do but stare at me with disgust. I had removed my apron and looked as Seth described 'decent'. However, this didn't seem to be enough.

"Excuse me. Could I have a cup of tea?" the woman who was currently waiting asked, clicking her fingers. I smiled tightly.

"Of course. Any sugar?"

"Three, please," she said with forced politeness.

I walked into the small kitchen which was between the shelves and began boiling the water. Feeling evil, I added four spoons of sugar. I hoped she would die from the sugar that was much sweeter than her. I walked back into the waiting room and handed to her with slight force. She gasped then glared at me before drinking. I tapped on Seth's door before walking in.

"I need a break," I sighed. He raised an eyebrow but nodded.

I almost ran out of the waiting room, leaving the snob of a woman alone. I wondered down the empty hallway with no sense of direction. But I managed to find a b*tch.

"You?" Ivy sneered.

I raised my eyes, looking at something beyond this world. "God, why? What did I ever do in my past life to deserve so much suffering?"

"Who are you talking to, you freak?"

"Someone better than you."

Ethan came out of a room, holding a file and paused when he saw us. "Ivy, why are you here?" he asked, looking confused.

"I came to see you," she giggled.

"You've seen me."

"Can we get lunch?" she asked.

"I'm busy," he replied shortly.

"But I missed you," Ivy whined, stroking his suit. Ethan removed her hand then moved towards me.

"Have you eaten yet?" he muttered quietly. I shook my head causing him smile slightly. "Let's go."

His hand slipped into mine as we made our way towards the elevator. Ivy followed, looking annoyed. "Where are you going?" she huffed.

"I'm going to get lunch with my girlfriend."

Her face turned red with anger. "But you said you were busy."

"I am busy with my girlfriend."

"What-Wait...Can I co-" the elevator's doors closed before she could finish her sentence. I turned away from Ethan and covered my mouth to muffle my laugh. Ethan, on the other hand, looked unfazed and looked at his watch impatiently.

"You've hurt her feelings," I pointed out, still sniggering.

He stared at me blankly. "So?"

"What do you mean so?"

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Siri, what's the meaning of so?"

"Informal. Why should that be considered significant?" the mechanical voice responded.

I glared at him.

"Have I hurt your feelings too?"

"Of course not. You could never make me sad or cry," I smirked.

"Then how do I make you feel?"

I pressed up against him, looking deep into his hazel eyes and bit my lip. "You make me," I said huskily before whispering into his ear. "You make so f*cking angry."

The doors opened and I flounced out, leaving a very irritated Ethan.



Thank you for 10k!!!!

I love you even though I don't show it by updating. I'm trying but I is busssyyyyyyyy

So the question today is if you could be an animal, what would you be?

XO Nyx

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