Step 35: DON'T TRUST him

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My eyes opened and I sat up quickly, confused as to where I was. Beer cans were littered all over which obviously meant I had done something that I was going to regret and chandelier told me I was at Ethan's penthouse...again. I rubbed my cheek to feel that it was lumpy from sleeping on the floor then felt that someone was watching me. Ethan stood at the door, watching me with an amused gaze with a glass of water in his hand.

"You look stupid," he commented siting down on the sofa.

"Good morning to you too," I grumbled back. "What time is it?"

"Quarter past nine."

"F*ck. I need to go."

"Go where?"

"Work, Holt. Some of us have to work for money."

He gave me a disapproving look. "Sarcasm doesn't look good on you and you're not working with Seth today. You're staying here."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"You're not the boss of me."

"Last time I checked, I was."

"I actually hate you, you f*ck-" my sentence was cut short as Ethan decided it was normal to pour his cup of water on me. I wiped my face, shaking with anger. "You-you..."

"I guess you're not going anywhere now," he pointed out, smirking.

"You're so lucky that you're injured," I fumed. I began to remove my top but remembered Ethan was in the room. He, however, wasn't even looking in my direction. I kicked him, to get his attention. "Where are your clothes?"

"That's a bit creepy, Ashley. This is a fake relationship so you don't need to convince me."

I gave him the middle finger. "I'm wet because of you so give me something to wear."

Ethan's eyebrows rose at what I said. "That sounds very dirty."

I glared at him in response. "When I'm near you, I become drier that the Sahara Desert."

"You don't need to lie," he drawled before getting up. "Come. I'll give you a shirt."

I followed him, my arms folded in irritation. Ethan's room was clean as usual which meant it didn't take him long to throw a black shirt at my head. I removed it and stared at him, waiting for him to leave but he sat on his bed and began tapping on his phone. I coughed yet he took no notice. Snatching his phone from his grip, I pointed to the door. "Leave."

"This is my room," Ethan argued. "And be careful with my phone."

"I won't drop it."

He eyes his phone warily. "Then give it to me."

Slowly, I started passing it towards him until I flung my arm away, pretending to throw it at the wall. In one fluid movement, Ethan had gotten up and grabbed his phone by pulling my body flush against his so I couldn't see anything then grabbing his precious baby.

"Let go off me," I mumbled into his chest as his arms wrapped around me, cutting off my airways.

"Are you going to leave?"


His grip only got tighter. "Ashley."

"Fine," I said exasperatedly, hitting his back. "I'll stay. Now, let go."

He released me then pat my head before walking out, giving me privacy. Slipping into his shirt, I cursing him and his descendants. "Controlling, annoying little piece of-" I stopped talking when I noticed his laptop under his pillow then eyed the door. He wanted me to stay and that meant I needed entertainment. I removed my shoes then jumped into the bed. Popping in his earphones, I opened his MacBook to find no password which made getting onto Netflix easier.

Then I prepared myself for binge watching Stranger Things.


"Ashley!" a voice yelled breaking me out of my video coma. I narrowed my eyes at the hazel eyes which were staring back at me with disapproval then paused the episode.

"What?" I asked, irritated.

"Is that your laptop?"

I rolled my eyes. "Why are you asking stupid questions? You know it's not." Ethan turned on the lights in the room and closed the laptop. I tried to pry it open but he simply took it away from me and placed it on top of his wardrobe. "You asshole," I hissed at him. He smirked, aware that I couldn't reach it even in my wildest dreams.

"Go and eat something," he ordered.

Stomping out, I went to his kitchen, grabbing the cereal from the cupboards and milk from the fridge. "You keep me in this f*cking house and won't let me have fun. Do I look like a pet?"

"With your height, you could pass as a Shetland pony," Ethan mocked.

I slammed the carton of milk on the counter. "What the hell?"

"Maybe even a Chihuahua."

My reflexes worked without my control. One second Ethan was grinning the next, he was wiping egg and his smile off his face. "I am a normal height of five foot f*cking four," I argued, holding another egg threateningly. "Say something now, b*tch."

Condescendingly, he smiled. "Of course you are. Shetland ponies often think the same thing." Ethan learnt his lesson from the first egg, ducking so the second one hit the wall with a splat. "I hope you have the intention of cleaning up your mess," he warned still hidden behind the counter.

"Ethan, I dare you to say something about my height."

He didn't say anything which immediately made me suspicious as he wasn't know for giving up. I grabbed the ketchup bottle then quietly climbed on to the table. I was about the peer over when I was showered with flour then drenched in water. Again. I was frozen in shock, feeling the mixture drying on me.

Ethan laughed at me. "You have a small mess on your hands."

"Ha. You're so funny," I snarled sarcastically.

"You started it not me."

"I threw an egg, not DIY cement."

"Two eggs," he corrected.

Pointing the ketchup bottle and squeezed, turning Ethan's once white shirt into a work of art with red splattered all over it. "Sh*t, Ashley," he cursed.

I didn't get anytime to shuffle away from him before he grabbed me, carrying me over his shoulder, out of the kitchen. "Let me go!" I shrieked, pounding his back. All I got was silence. "Ethan!"

"Ashley, why are you yelling?"

"You're not listening to me."

"I am. I'm just not doing what you want."

From my limited view, I realized we were back in his bedroom. "Let. Me. Go," I repeated slowly, incase he didn't understand. He opened another door but as soon as I heard water running, I knew we were in his bathroom. Finally, Ethan dropped me then grabbed my arms to stop me from escaping when I saw the shower on and understood his intentions.

"Time to clean up," Ethan announced, pushing me into the shower. He closed the shower door, giving him a head start before I would kill him.

I ran out of his bedroom, drenched and shivering, leaving puddles as I moved. "I am going to f*cking murder you, Ethan! You f*cking piece of sh*t!" I yelled. I heard faint laughter from upstairs. Just as I was about to go up the stairs, I was stopped by the familiar voice of an unexpected person.

"Ashley, why are you wet?" my mom chided, smiling.

My father stood beside her, with an eyebrow raised with a look that was less than pleased. "What is going on here?"

"...Hide and Seek?"


I've been busyyyyy. I had exams. Which I failed.

But oh well. Life goes on.

I hope you've all been well (because I love you lot)

XO Nyx

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