Step 48: TREAT him

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"You two have too many things in common," Ethan muttered, loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm nothing like him." He raised an eyebrow in response. I glared. "What am I supposed to do? Because doing nothing isn't working."

Ethan shrugged and got up from his chair, picking up bags off the floor. "I'm a businessman. I don't have time for his petty threats. If he wants to 'expose' us, we're going to let him and continue acting as a couple but try and hide it from the press."

"And what's the point of hiding it?"

"Because the paparazzi love secrets and I doubt Pierson actually knows anything."

Sighing, I pulled my plate back to me. "If you say so," I said. "What's in the bag?" He smirked in response and began making his way out of the kitchen.

"Let's go out," he called back to me.

I shook my head despite him not being able to see me. "I don't want to go to one of your fancy restaurants because I'm in no mood to wear heels."

"Should we go and watch a movie?"

"In other words, an elaborate version of Netflix and chill?"

I heard his laughter and smiled at the sound of it. "No, movies and paparazzi. That's it."

"If you add pizza to that then it's a deal."

He re-entered, now wearing a dark pair of jeans and a black jumper which hugged his muscles nicely. "Deal." I immediately noticed the glasses on his face.

"What's with the four eyes?" I asked.

"It's part of my disguise."

"It's a sh*tty disguise because I still know its you."

"That's the idea otherwise, when they take photos how would they know its me?"

I rolled my eyes. "This is stupid."

"No, you're stupid. Can we go or are you changing?" The tone of his voice brought flashbacks of John causing me to frown. I folded my arms, not wanting to give in.

"We can go."


When we got to the theater, it was packed with people pushing and chatting amongst themselves. The smell of food wafted around, making me sigh happily until I looked at the prices for popcorn and almost cried. Seven precious dollars but Ethan obviously didn't seem distressed since he had bought companies for much more.

"We can get food elsewhere," I muttered to him, tugging on his jumper.

He looked down at me, confused. "Why?"

"The prices are too high here."

"We're already in the queue and I thought you weren't supposed to do that."

I patted my bag. "I know but we can hide it."

Ethan shook his head, amused. "We're getting food here and you're not paying for it anyway."

Gasping, I clutched my chest dramatically. "You make me seem like I'm using you for food."

"But you are." He walked away to order before I had the chance to argue. Following him, I waited until everything was done and didn't bother trying to find out the price. As we walked away, a flash of a camera made me turn but I couldn't spot where it was coming from.

"That was quick," Ethan noted.

"They're taking photos?"


The movie was good as I spent most of my time stuffing my face with food rather than watching what was going on then Ethan decided to move his popcorn away from me when I started eating it. A girl in front of us glared as I started whispering angrily for him to bring it back. Luckily, for the girl, the movie ended and she rushed out, irritated.

"You eat like a pig," Ethan commented as we made our way to the parking lot.

I narrowed my eyes at him and opened his car door. "The portions were small."

"They were both large."


"You ate mine and yours."

"You should have got more," I sighed. Sitting in my seat, I scrolled down my messages as Ethan also entered the car. "Can I use your phone?"

He pulled it out and handed it to me. "You're using yours," he said suspiciously.

"You have Snapchat, right? Or are you too old?" I went through his apps to see he did and there were hundreds of unopened messages. After my last experience with his Instagram, I wasn't going to read them.

I began recording. "Smile, Ethan."

He rolled his eyes at me. It would do. The flash of a camera caught my eye as I posted the video.

Ethan's hand grabbed my jaw and his lips landed on mine so suddenly that I dropped his phone somewhere between the seats. My body seemed to respond instinctively, my eyes closed and I reciprocated the kiss. He gently moved away.

"What was that for?" I whispered.

"The paparazzi," he replied then kissed me again only harder this time. His fingers woven into my hair pulling me towards him. I was melting and little did I know that feelings that I shouldn't have for him were only growing. Ethan broke away again after an unknown period of time.

"And what was that for?" I asked, pressing my fingers to my swollen lips.

"Me," he muttered as he turned on the engine, not looking at me.

No one said anything for a while as he drove and I sat there in shock then remembered his phone. I fished it out from the floor. "I'm ordering pizza," I said, not bothering to ask.

"You're still hungry?"

"Of course and it was part of the deal."

There was a slight pause. "Part of the f*cking deal," he echoed under his breath.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing," he replied dismissively. "Are you free tomorrow?"

"I have work."

"Tell Seth you're sick."

I thought about it for a split second. "Sure. Are we doing anything special? Like proposing?"

His hazel eyes seem to lighten as he smiled. "I'm not telling you. Order your pizza."

"Relationships are built on trust, Ethan. And you're hiding things from me," I reminded him.

"Says the girl who blackmailed me to be in a relationship with her."

"F*ck you." I punched him then went back to choosing my tenth meal of the day.


I'm sorry. You guys deserve better *dramatic cry*
Next chapter will be good hehehe. I'm warming things up for the drama. I'm actually shaking with anticipation. Nyx will reward you all for your support.
I COULD publish the chapter for tomorrow... but you would be left on the biggest cliff hanger of the century (I'm exaggerating slightly)
In June, we will have a 30 day post thing. I'll TRY to post everyday. That's the aim.
I love YOU.
XO Nyx

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