Step 55: GIFT him

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He cupped my face, his hazel eyes blazing with an emotion I was too scared to put a name to. "Ashley, I need to tell you the truth," he muttered.

"What is it?"

Ethan exhaled and stepped closer. "I'm in l-"

I sat up, realizing it was a dream. The subject of my fantasy lay beside me asleep. My gaze trailed his strong jawline, the long eyelashes... Running my hand across my face, I sighed. The holidays were coming to an end and so was this fake relationship, feelings hopefully included.

A small hand peeped out the door, bringing in the light from the hallway and a little girl padded in quietly then paused when she saw me. I smiled and she waved shyly before climbing on top of Ethan.

"Uncle Ethan? Wake up. Santa came," she whispered in his ear.

He groggily woke up. "Mia?"

"Santa came and he got me a pony. Mommy says I should wake you so you can get yours."

"Yeah, thank you. Tell your mom I'll be down."

"Okay," Mia said then ran out of the room.

Ethan flung off the covers and got up, revealing his half naked state. My cheeks stained red, I suddenly found my hands very interesting.

"Do you feel better?" He asked, his voice still husky from sleep.

"I feel fine," I muttered. After my imagination going crazy, I couldn't look him in the eyes. "Thank you."

"Merry Christmas."

Deciding to spread goodwill and positivity, I smiled. "Merry Christmas."

He raised an eyebrow suspicious at my change of mood but entered the bathroom. I quickly left his room and stumbled to mine where Ivy was getting dressed. She hissed at me.

"Don't you know how to knock?" She spat.

I ignored her and went to brush my teeth. I changed into a jumper and shorts then put on mismatched socks. Ivy, however, was sporting a racy number and heels.

"It's Christmas, not a fashion show," I pointed out to her nicely which she didn't seem to notice.

"There's a family photo every year later so unless you want to go like that...then I recommend wearing something else," she said and strutted away.


There was a light tap on the door which revealed a dressed up Victoria who was holding a box. "Delivery," she announced. "My brother chucked this at me and ordered that I give it to you."

"That sounds like him." I took it from her and removed the lid to see an elegant wine red dress. "F*ck."

"Wow. My brother has taste."

I plucked a card from inside. "No. John has good taste."

Make yourself look decent - John

Even with miles separating us, he managed to be a d*ck.


I went down with Victoria who began introducing me to the rest of the family. Discretely, I tried to spot Ethan within the crowd who were talking over the music with no luck.

"This is Mia. She's my cousin's daughter," Victoria said holding the girl's hand.

"We've met," I replied. "I'm Ashley."

"Ashley, are you married to Ethan?" She asked, folding her arms.


"Good, because he's mine." Mia turned on her heel and disappeared amongst the adults while I stared in shock.

"Is everyone I meet in love with Ethan?" I complained. The familiar feeling of a hand on my hip drew my attention to the billionaire beside me who was wearing a suit.

"I'm just easy to love," he replied looking down at me. I flushed red and broke eye contact.

Victoria laughed. "You two are so cute. I'm going to find Ray."

"No, come back," I argued but she covered her ears and continued walking away, leaving me alone with Ethan. "Look what you've done."

"I didn't do anything," he said innocently.

"It's like everyone's walking away from me," I noted. "Do I smell?"


I moved out of his grasp and glared. "No, Ethan. You're supposed to say I smell good or some romantic sh*t."

"Why are you asking me to lie?" He teased then tried to pull me towards him but I moved again.

"Say I smell nice."


I was ready to stomp my foot. "I've been sick and you can't be nice. Should I break your present?"

"You got me something?"

I didn't reply.

"You smell nice. Happy?"

I smiled and patted his cheek. "And how do I look?"

Grabbing my wrist, he brought me closer causing my mouth to open in shock. "You look gorgeous. You know that," he muttered, eyes dark with desire.

"Ethan," I started.

"Uncle, this is for you," Mia interrupted, tugging on his suit. He coughed, trying to regain his composure before taking the wrapped box from her hands.

"Thank you, Mia."

She eyed me up and down. "I'm watching you."

Once she left, I rolled my eyes. "Did Ivy give her lessons on how to hate me?"

"Not sure. Where's my gift?" Ethan reminded me.

"You're so impatient. Come." I dragged him towards the giant tree in the middle of the living room and located the wrapped box. "Here."

He inspected it. "What is it?"

"You have to open it. Did you get me anything?"

"It's in my room. I'll open mine with you."

"I was joking. The dress is enough."

"And I was serious," Ethan answered then we made our way to his room followed by stares that I could feel without turning. I sat on his bed, waiting patiently.

He shrugged of his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and began searching his suitcase. "Where is it?" He muttered. His phone vibrated and Ethan grabbed it. "Ashley, give me a second."


And I was alone again. I played with a stray string from the bedcovers but after five minutes, I got bored until I heard the hushed whispers from the hallway that soon went silent. Then I made the biggest mistake of checking.

Pain is an emotion that's hard to describe and in that moment, I couldn't breathe. If I didn't think I had for feelings for Ethan, right then I found out I did as my heart shattered into millions of tiny pieces as tears rolled from my eyes, making it difficult to see the sight in front of me.

Ivy's arms wrapped around Ethan's neck as they embraced, kissing. I leaned against the wall, gasping, trying to stop the sobs as I clutched my chest which hurt.



The storm is here.
Thank you for your support x (it meant so much)
Goodbye - Jorja Smith
XO Nyx

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