Step 51: TREAT him

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For the next two days, nothing had happened. No threats. No texts. And no sex. There was this tension in the air but I didn't know how to get rid of it. I went to work and came back to the apartment which was empty due to Ethan going back to avoiding me. It didn't stop me from seeing him with Ivy around the office.

I glared from over my computer at their figures going past. "Son of a b*tch," I muttered under my breath before getting up to go and have lunch. Seth left his office just as I was leaving.

"Hello, gorgeous. Where's the boyfriend?"

"With Barb- I mean, with Ivy."

He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Jealous?"

I scoffed. "Never."

"I can feel your jealousy, love."

I didn't bother replying as it was obvious I was lying. "Are going to get food from the canteen?"

"I wasn't but since you begged me, I will."

There weren't that many people so finding a table was easy. I dumped my bag on it then tried to see what there was. "For such a wealthy business, the food is crap."

"The chefs are some of the best," Seth reminded me, amused.

"If that's true, where's the pizza, huh? Or burgers?" I argued.

"Tell Holt. You live with him."

"Well..." I trailed. "We're not speaking."


"I don't know. He's avoiding me."

Seth leaned forward, his eyes intense. "Then you grab him by the balls and make him talk to you. Call him a d*ck then demand answers."

Giggling, I imagined the scene. "He'd get so mad."

"And that's when make up sex comes in. Trust me it works."

"I think I'll settle for going to his office and telling him that my parents invited us for dinner."

"Boring," he commented as I went to find something to eat. After paying for a cup of coffee and fruit, I sat back down with Seth.

"He's so f*cking bipolar. One minute he's nice, the next he's acting like you don't exist," I complained.

"Billionaires are strange like that. My brother is another story. Hadrian will completely disappear off the face of the Earth at times."

"Dramatic much?"

Seth smiled knowingly. "But he can be an absolute angel."

"I've met him," I nodded in agreement. "Rich people are a special breed."

He pointed behind me. "Your boyfriend is alone. This is your chance to end the war."

"It's not a war," I stressed but went to Ethan who looked distracted by his phone. Taking a deep breath, I tapped his shoulder. "Ethan? Can we talk?"

He turned. "What? Yeah."

"My parents invited us for dinner," I told him.

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