Step 13: CLAIM him

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I entered the café, mentally prepared for the screams from Tash. I hadn't seen Ethan for a week and I decided that I should take a vacation. Then I remembered about work when I looked at a mug I had 'burrowed' from the kitchen. Like the devil, Tash came from nowhere, eyes glaring, mouth pursed, hands on hips while I held my head down in shame.

"Well, look who it is. You finally decided to show up?" Her voice raised gradually. "Do you think this job is optional?! Is it because you've got a rich boyfriend you think you can take time off whenever? And yes, I know who your boyfriend is. I saw you in the gala photos online."

"Tash, I'm sorry," I whined. "I broke my wrist. I'm entitled to take time off work."

"Not in my books."

"What about the law books? Because I have a doctor's note if needed."

She huffed. "Last warning, Ashley. You're going to take out the trash today."

"I have a broken wrist. How can I carry it?"

"Drag it then. I don't care." She flounced off to wherever she came from. I suspected it was Hell.

I went to the back of the café and found May opening boxes that were probably just delivered. Her eyes lit up when she saw me, not because of her love for me but because she wanted to know what I've been doing. I grinned at her. "I'll talk to you later."

"Tell me now."

"It's a long story and I don't have time to explain."

"Give me something to survive on," she pleaded.



"We kissed," I said shrugging.

"You what?! I'm so proud of you!" May came over and began pinching my cheeks. "Well done Ash."

"Can you stop?" I whacked her hands away. "I'm a woman, May. I might be short but I'm a woman."

"You're practically a dwarf."

"That's because all my friends are giants," I grumbled. I looked up to see Tash sending daggers at me. "May, I have work to do."

Like me, May could sense the she-devil so she went back to unpacking while I went to do my chores.


I was red and my hair was sticky from the sweat pouring down my face. I hated taking out the trash and because of my wrist, my hatred doubled. I kicked the dumpster after throwing the final bag in. It was late and May had already left. Tash decided that I should mop the whole shop, polish the tables and sort out all the cup in order of size and use. This was my final task. I let out a breath then went inside to turn off the lights and lock up.

With the shop closed, I turned to walk home but saw a familiar demon disguised as an angel. Ivy was wearing a large baby blue fur coat which covered the clothing under it and silver heels. Her lip curled the moment she caught sight of me.

"Anita, what a surprise," she seemed to hiss at me.


"That's not my name."

"Nor is Anita mine."

"Too bad I don't care." She flicked her silky hair.

I rolled my eyes. She was acting childish. "Why are you even here, Ivy?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." Ivy put her hands on her hips, trying to seem intimidating.

I began walking away. Until she began coughing. Sighing, I turned around. "What?"

"Aren't you going to apologize to me?"

My eyes widened in shock. "Excuse me?"

"You insulted me at the gala in front of my friends. I would like an apology."

"You're not getting one."

Ivy marched towards me. "Say sorry or I'll make you sorry."

"What could you possibly do?" I asked with my hands on my hips.

Her eyes shrunk into slits and her posture warned me I was messing with the wrong person. But her money and fame didn't scare me. Sort of.

"Just you watch, Ashley. I won't allow you to waltz in and just take Ethan. Some of us are actually approved by his family."

I sighed dramatically. "Why can't you just accept he's with me?"

"Because he's not!" She screamed.

"So you're telling me that him asking me out, kissing me, taking me to the gala then his penthouse means we're not dating?" I held back the urge to roll my eyes at the girl.

"You're not really dating. Can't you see? He's just using you."

Too bad it went both ways. "Using me for what? In fact, don't answer that. I'm going home. I've had enough of this childish game."

"Childish? If anyone's childish, it's you."

I grinned mockingly at her. "I'm sorry that he didn't choose you. We can't all be me."

Unfortunately, I didn't anticipate her hand that moved to slap me. I clutched my face in shock while she looked pleased with herself. It stung but I couldn't afford to sue her. She'd probably find a way to make it seem like I hit myself. I closed my eyes then gave her a glare of pure hatred. "You're such a b*tch, Ivy. This must be why Ethan won't date you." Her hand raised again but I pressed a threatening finger on her chest. "I dare you to f*cking touch me again. I dare you."

Her hand lowered but she was furious. "You act like you're the victim. But you're not. You're just as bad as me."

"When have I claimed to be the victim? And I'll never be as bad as you. I'm worse."

"Well, I'll be the one to reveal that to Ethan."

"Go ahead," I said tiredly. B*tch fights always drained me of energy. My response caused her to go quiet. I turned and walked away from her but as expected she wouldn't let me have the last word.

"He's mine, Ashley. Don't forget it."

I continued walking but raised my middle finger like a flag.  "Already forgotten."

Once I escaped her sight, my confidence faltered. I almost felt sorry for her. I had disrupted her little plan to get Ethan just because I needed a boyfriend. Well, if she was nicer I might have found someone else but by hitting me, she declared war.


My holidays have begun... So I can update more frequently :)

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XO Nyx

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