Step 17: FORCE him

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(Image is Ethan)

The next day, I was wiping tables as Tash instructed while Ethan sat in the corner doing whatever billionaires do.  I came over and snapped my fingers in front of his face.

"Listen. If you're not going to buy anything, you need to leave."

He moved my hand from his eyesight then looked up at me. "I'll have coffee."

Noting it down on a scrap of paper, I turned to make it behind the counter. I could feel his evil gaze on me as I walked away. Tash, appeared in front of me, looking annoyed. "Stop flirting and work."

"Does asking him if he wanted anything to order count as flirting?" I replied raising an eyebrow.

"I'm watching you."

"I expect you to," I answered then began pressing the coffee machine. After a few moments, Tash stared at me (probably to make sure I didn't attempt to run away) then went to the back of the shop.

"Can you hurry up?" Ethan called. I gave him a fake smile and walked slowly in his direction. However, when I got to his table, I took a long sip of his drink then handed it to him.

"You're welcome. Enjoy," I drawled.

"I will." As if I hadn't done anything, he started drinking it.

I gave him some time before sitting in the chair opposite of him. "I have a proposition."

He leaned back in his own chair and folded his muscular arms. "What?"

"We should go to the wedding."

"Wait a moment," Ethan interjected. "Who said we were invited? The invitation specifically says my name."

"It also says plus one." The truth shut him up causing him to glare. "Anyway, if I go, I can meet your family so your contract thing will be complete."

"Did you even read it?"


"You probably missed the part where it says you must be approved by my family."

"I'm failing to see the problem."

"Currently, I doubt you can do that."

My eyes widened. "So you're saying that all the torture you made me endure from John was for nothing and will have no effect whatsoever on your parents?"

"It's not about looks, Ashley. It's just that once you open your mouth, you tend to talk a lot of sh*t."

"That's so f*cking rude."

"Your language is also quite crude," he added.

"If you want me to act like a f*cking princess, I will," I growled, slamming my hands on the table.

"Hmm. If they ask you what your hobbies are, what are you going to say?"


He looked at me skeptically. "Poetry?"

"I'll recite some." I cleared my throat then began. "I'm just a bachelor. I'm looking for a partner. Someone who knows how to ride without even falling off. Gotta be compatible. Takes me to my limits. Girl- I mean, boy, when I break you off. I promise that you won't want to get off-"

"You're just reciting song," he observed.

"I was getting onto the good part," I said. "If you're horny, let's do it. Ride it, my pony-"

"I get the idea so you can stop."

"Didn't you like it?"

"It was interesting."

"Thank you," I grinned. "So can we go to the wedding?"

"I guess so."

"Please! Wait. What did you say?"

"I think you need to go to hospital and check out your hearing problem." I shook my head wondering again why he was given good looks but such a nasty personality.  But for some unknown reason, girls were still drawn to him like he was an addiction.

"Did you have a bad childhood or something?" I snapped at him, wanting to know the reason as to why he was so rude.

"Not at all," he replied then began using his phone, ignoring me.


At the end of my shift, I found Ethan leaning on one of his many expensive cars. He looked like a GQ model and I almost decided to take a photo of him. He raised his head then caught sight of me. His face didn't look pleased to see me instead he seemed annoyed.

"What took you so long?" He barked.

"I don't know. Maybe my job?"

"Get in. We're going to miss our reservation." Ethan entered the car, not moving to open my door like the gentleman he would never be. Slamming my door shut, I sat down then noticed that what I was wearing was not appropriate for any high class place.

He glanced at me for a second. "It's not like you own anything better."

I gasped. "You've never even seen my wardrobe."

"I've seen enough and we're only going to a nearby restaurant. It's just a casual place."

"And what's the cost of the cheapest thing there?"

"I don't know."

"That means it's not 'casual'," I grumbled. "I definitely know the cheapest thing in McDonald's."

The car slowed down in front of a small restaurant. You could see that it was expensive, even from the outside, as it had a short red carpet to the entrance and perfectly shaped trees arched around the door. I opened my own door, not expecting Ethan to do it then followed him inside.

We were taken to a booth at the back and once the waiter left, Ethan brought it his phone then pointed it in my direction.

Automatically, my hand moved to block his view of my face. "What are you doing?"

"Taking a photo."

"And why do you need to do that?" I asked confused.

"It's the easiest way to tell my family I'm dating someone."

"And you can't just call them?"

"Nope. They'll want to see it."

"What about during the wedding?"

Ethan glared at me. "If they can see I've been with someone before the wedding, it looks more realistic when I bring her with me."

I heard the click of the camera and noticed that my hand had left my face. Ethan gave a smirk of triumph.

"Expect to receive a lot of hate messages."



I've lost my streak.

My illness is honestly trying to kill me.

I'm having a fever.

I feel like passing out.

I hope you lot are okay though.


XO Nyx

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