Step 18: MEET him

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It was finally the day where Ethan and I would go to where the wedding would take place. He wouldn't tell me where but only that it would be cold. I frowned as soon as I heard this because I hated surprises almost as much as I hated the cold. Diana sat on my bed, watching me struggle to squeeze in the mountain of sweaters and scarves into my suitcase.

"I don't think you need that much," she said skeptically.

"You can never be too prepared."

"You're living proof that you can."

I glared at her then finally sighed as the suitcase closed. "It's not my fault that Ethan didn't tell me anything."

"Do you know where you're going?"


"How long?"


"How you're getting there?"


"Wow. Maybe he has something romantic planned," Diana gushed. I could almost see her little fantasy as she began clapping like a baby seal. However, I reminded myself this was Ethan. Would he really do anything nice? F*ck no.

I dragged my suitcase out of my bedroom and left it against a wall. Ace then walked out of the bedroom beside mine...topless. My mouth dropped open as he walked past like he owned the place. I was very aware of Ace and May's relationship but there had to be boundaries. Stomping into May's room, I started screaming at the sight before me. May was on the bed with her right hand cuffed to the frame and her body smeared with what may have been chocolate.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK?! MY EYES!" I wailed. I collapsed onto my knees and started pulling my hair.

"OH MY GOD!" May screamed. I heard rattling and she started yelling for Ace.

Then Diana walked in. "MAY? F*CKING HELL!"

Ace burst in but didn't say a word. We probably looked crazy with me on the floor, Diana swearing and May spluttering excuses. I looked up and saw him unlocking May who was red in the face. I took a deep breath then focused on the two of them. "What the f*ck  am I seeing?" I growled.

"Ash, we're grown ups. We don't have to explain ourselves," Ace replied, folding his arms.

I marched up to him then pressed a finger to his chest. He winced in pain as my nail dug into his skin which would leave a mark. "This is my f*cking apartment. I pay for it so unless you want to leave, don't test me."

"I'm f*cking older than you," he snapped.


"So don't tell me what to do."

I glowered at him, failing to see his point. "If you want to do your kinky things with my best friend, do it somewhere I won't be able to witness it."

"I'm sorry," May whispered.  I patted her chocolate covered shoulder.

"It's fine," I said, smiling. "Just clean up and fix the lock on your door."

"You need to get laid," Ace muttered under his breath.

"I'll get right on that," I answered sarcastically.

I turned to leave and saw Diana shaking her head in shock. I moved to pat her back but she dodged my arm. "I don't want their sex germs," she yelped.

My eyes widened. She was right. I suddenly had the urge to burn my hand but instead opted to wash my hands. With soap. And maybe bleach.


Ethan arrived in the evening and silently threw my suitcases into the trunk. No words were exchanged as  we drove towards the airport. I looked at the planes, excited about the trip then was slammed forward as Ethen stopped the car suddenly. He got out and handed the keys to a man in a suit who was waiting.

"You would think we're going to a funeral," I grumbled then followed him.

The airport was filled with people rushing around despite it being late. Ethan strode towards a door that said NO ENTRY.

"I don't think we're allowed here."

Ethan didn't turn but continued down the corridor. "It's just a shortcut, Ashley."

"Did you not read the sign?"

"I own this airport. I can go where I want," he replied dismissively.

Well, no surprise there. At the end of the corridor there was another door which he opened. It led to outside and in front of us was a black private jet.

"Wow," I said in awe. I had never been in a jet or been close to one.

Ethan coughed and signalled for the bags to be taken on. However, I couldn't see mine.

"Where's my bags?"

The asshole paused on his way up the steps to the jet then smirked. "Did I ever say you were coming with me?"

"No, but-"

He pulled a plane ticket from his pocket. "Here.  I'll meet you there."

"What? I thought-"

"You thought wrong," Ethan interrupted.

"You've got to be kidding."

"I'm serious. You'd better hurry. Your flight leaves in a few minutes."

"I swear all billionaires likes taking their girlfriends in their jets," I protested.

"Too bad you're not actually my girlfriend." Ethan entered his jet ignoring me as I stared at his back in disbelief.

Of all the d*cks in the world, the universe landed me with this one. Originally, I assumed he would be the arrogant kind of billionaire, the ones who love to brag about their riches. Instead, Ethan did that but enjoyed reminding me that we will never be the same. At least he paid for my ticket.

My seat was next to a little boy whose mother was on the other side. He grinned cheekily at me which I responded to by smiling back. Then he picked his nose and wiped his finger on the sleeve of my jacket. I glared with disgust at the mark then my eyes met the boy's. He burst into tears, probably sensing that I was p*ssed and was close to shouting. His mother began cuddling him, trying to shut him up while looking at me like I was the monster. I put my headphones in then read my plane ticket.

NYC to Hawaii.

Hawaii? And Ethan told me to pack warm... I sighed tiredly. I really needed a real boyfriend.


I'm ill. As usual. I think I'm ill 80% of the whole year to be honest.

I've been buzzzyyy which is why I disappeared.

Sorry x

How are you in one word?

Me? Terrible.

XO Nyx

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