Step 37: POISON him

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"So you set fire to my apartment?"

  I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't exaggerate. I was cooking and it decided to start burning."

  "...Then you're a terrible cook."

Our current argument was based on the fact that the pan I was going to use to make scrambled eggs randomly started spitting oil then came the fire. Luckily, Ethan put it out but he was becoming reluctant to let me cook.

"Look, I will make you food. Just wait."

"Or you'll give me some sort of illness," he muttered under his breath loudly.

I gave him a glare before turning around. Dumping the old pan in the sink, I brought out a new one and let it heat up while I cracked more eggs.

"I think I saw something move," Ethan said, gesturing to the bowl.

"You need glasses."

I poured the mixture into the pan but nothing happened. Ethan caught on to my confused look. "Did you even turn the heat on?"

I lifted the pan to see it was off. "Of course," I lied then swiftly put it on. When I turned back to face him, he was typing on his phone. "Who are you talking to?"

He looked up, seriously. "My doctor. I want to know what to do if you take poison."

I clenched my fist, restraining myself from punching him. "Now, I hope the eggs f*cking kill you."

"And I'll haunt you if they do."

After many insults, the food was done and I slid the plate towards the counter in front of Ethan. He gave it a look of disgust, prodding it with his fork. "It's not even fully cooked," he commented.

"It's fine. Eat it."


"Ethan, I swear if you don't..." I snarled, clutching a butter knife.

"Fine, fine. I'll eat the..." his hazel eyes flicked towards his plate. "Eggs."


His hand shook as he brought his fork closer to his lips. Finally, he put it into his mouth then chewed slowly with a pained expression. Then I heard a crunch. His eyes widened in horror as did mine. Ethan went to the sink and began gagging, trying to remove the eggs from his mouth. Eventually, he sat back down, looking traumatised.

"You are banned from making anything but toast in this kitchen. Do I make myself clear?" He said slowly, emphasising every word.

I nodded.

I guess my dreams of being a chef were over. Then I smelt the dangerous smell of Chanel No. 5 which told me Ivy was here and judging the tension in Ethan's jaw so was his brother.

"Brother, you look well," Andrew announced.

"Andrew, let me in. I wanted to check how you're doing," Ivy said sweetly. It was too much. I tried to move away from her as I could feel myself dying from diabetes because of her voice and lack of oxygen as her perfume was filling the air. However, my movement caused her eyes to cut over to me.

"Hello, Ivy" I greeted, pinching my nose so I wouldn't inhale her fumes.

"Ashley. I see you've now managed to smell yourself. I would do the same but I don't want to be rude."

"Listen, you f*cking-"

"We have things to discuss," Ethan interrupted me before I was going to tell the b*tch what I thought of her.

"Living room?" Andrew suggested. The twins left, leaving me with Ivy. My finger inched towards the butter knife, tempted. We were alone and no one could stop me.

"Ashley, don't even think about it," Ethan called from the other room.

I narrowed my eyes. F*ck him too. I plastered on a smile, deciding to be nice until the b*tch did anything.

"What is this?!" Ivy screeched, pointing her manicured nails at the forgotten eggs.

"What does it look like?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"What could have been an octopus. Ew. I think it moved."

I sighed deeply. "I'm going."

"Where?" Ivy asked, following me.

"To my lair."

Her footsteps stopped, indicating that she was no longer behind me. I grinned and continued walking. Passing the living room, I heard voices.

"Can't you just give me the money?"

"Of course, brother. Let me just find the f*cking one and a half billion dollars I have randomly lying around," a voice spat sarcastically.

"I know you have the money."

"It doesn't matter if I do. Do you really think Pierson is going to take the money and leave you alone?"

Silence followed. A sigh broke it.

"We need a court case against him. Evidence of his Mafia dealings-"

I gasped. A bit too loud as the door swung open and Ethan looked down at me, an eyebrow raised. "Ashley, what are you doing?"

"I was just...I was, you know...around..." I spluttered.

He nodded in the direction of the stairs. "Go to your room."

"You can't tell me what to do."

Ethan's face moved closer to mine causing me to stop breathing. "Please, Ashley," he whispered, his hazel eyes hypnotising me. "Go upstairs."

I nodded without thinking about it then shuffled up the stairs in a daze. Once I sat on the bed, snapped out of it. I shook my head. "That f*cking d*ck. He tricked me."

As much as I wanted to yell at him, the mention of the Mafia made me stay in the room. I wasn't stupid enough to want to get involved because curiosity killed the cat and I was no cat.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. Barbie's evil twin stepped inside with a smile on her face that immediately said she was up to something.

"Want to go shopping with me?"

While I wanted to tell her that I would prefer to  have a bath with stingrays, I settled for asking why. She shrugged, innocently. "You're dating my ex. I feel like I should try to get to know you."

I stared at me, incredulously. Was she f*cking dumb? "Ethan isn't your ex, number one and you can stop lying. You don't want to know me. If anything, you don't even want to be near me."

Her eye twitched. "What do you mean?"

"Ivy, we both know that you don't like me."

She finally cracked and sneered at me. "Whatever. Either way, Ethan said he would pay for my salon treatment as long as you come with me."

"I'm sorry but-"

"I'll pick you up tomorrow," Ivy said then disappeared before I could argue.



See guys! I'm trying!
So after this book, I'm going into either fantasy/romance/humour. Sort of like It's Not Hers (if you've read it) maybe. Comment what you'd like though because I don't exactly know yet as I have 5 books I'm yet to start.
Also, you look amazing today.
XO Nyx

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