Step 41: PROPOSE to him

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"My head," I groaned, banging the source of my pain against the counter. I should really stop drinking. The sound of glass hitting the table made me sit up to find a glass of water in front of me with pills beside it.

"Drink," Ethan ordered. Doing as he asked, I kept one eye on him, waiting for the questions that I knew were coming. "Where's the food in your house?" he grumbled, opening and closing the fridge.

"I haven't been shopping."

"For two weeks?" He asked. Then he began throwing things into the trash.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

The milk followed the butter. "Do you want to die of food poisoning or are you trying to study the growth of bacteria?" Ethan opened a jar and a strong odour came out of it. "She's useless," he muttered loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm right here," I complained.

His hazel eyes stared at me witheringly. "I can see that and I can also see you have no sense of basic hygiene."

I glared. "I do."


"I do," I argued then slammed my hands on the counter before he could reply. "What are we doing today?"

"We?" Ethan sat down across from me and pulled out his phone.

"Yes, we."

"For starters, you need to get breakfast and then we're going to talk about what happened yesterday."

I tapped my chin in thought. "What happened yesterday?"

"You know what happened."

"No, I don't."

"Ashley, I don't have time for this. Get breakfast."

"I have no money," I reminded him. An idea popped into my head which involved taking a cab far far away. His gaze seemed to drill a hole into my skull, reading my thoughts. "Actually, I'll go right now."

"I don't trust you. I'm coming," he said before getting out of his seat.

I shook my head. "No, it's fine. I'll be back-"

"Don't worry. I'll come with you just in case."

"You don't need to," I yelled to his back which was leaving. Ethan ignored me. Annoyed, knelt on the ground and pulled the secret bag of sweets from under the fridge. "Who does he think he is? This is my house and my food. What gives him the right to throw-"

The sound of the doorbell ringing interrupted my rant. I sighed and slowly got up, reluctantly moving towards the door to open it. "Ashley! I know you're inside!" my brother yelled from the other side. Flinging the door open, I glared up at him.


Ace barged in then walked into the living room with May behind him. She smiled but also entered.

I stomped my foot. "Do I need to remind you that this is my f*cking apartment?"

"We just want one thing," Ace said. "We want..."



Chucking a shoe at him, my eyes narrowed. "My what?"

"Give us your blessing."

I blinked. "Huh?"

"May-I mean, we're worried that you won't accept the baby."

"Worried?" I echoed. "You came to my house at this hour to ask if I'll accept your baby?"

"Yes?" May replied, looking confused.

"Do I look like a saint? You don't need my blessing and if you want to have a baby, go ahead. I just feel sorry that it's father is Ace. Like what dad can't tie his shoes?"

My brother's cheeks flushed red. "I can actually."

"And when did you learn that? Last week?"

"At least I won't be a mom who can't cook," he shot back.

"I can cook," I argued.

"Making toast isn't cooking."

"Guys, stop bickering," May ordered, folding her arms.

"Ashley, where's my phone?" Ethan's voice called out. Both May's and my brother's eyes widened and I could almost see the assumptions forming in their heads.

"It's in the kitchen," I shouted back to the billionaire then turned to the shocked couple. "No, I know what you're thinking and that's not what happened."

"So why is he here?" Ace looked ready to punch someone.

"I was drunk and he brought me home. The end."

"Did he stay overnight?"

I scratched my head. "I think so. Can't remember exactly."

"I swear, if he touched you-"

"If my vagina got penetrated I would have killed him by now."

My brother's face wrinkled in disgust. "I didn't need to know that."

"Well, now you do," I said shrugging. Ethan entered the living room holding his phone then raised an eyebrow.

"What's going on?"

"My brother wanted to know if you had..." I make a hole with one hand then moved two fingers inside it. "You know, sex."

"I'm not making that mistake again," Ethan grumbled. I clenched my fist, ready to swear but my brother started yelling.

"Again?! What the f*ck? That's my sister," he snarled.

"That's not the point," I interjected.

"You're right," Ethan nodded, not at all looking like he was affected by my brother. "I wanted to ask you something anyway so I'm glad you're here."

"What? Do you want me to tell you where the hospital is after I beat the crap out of you?" Ace cracked his knuckles.

"No," Ethan rolled his eyes. "That won't be necessary."

May placed a hand on my brother's shoulder. "Let him speak." Ace relaxed, slightly, and gestured for Ethan to continue.

"Actually, I'm not asking you. I'm going to marry Ashley."


My jaw dropped. "What?" I whispered.

He grabbed my shoulder and moved me towards him. "I'm going to propose to her soon so I'm giving you a heads up."

"Now, wait a minute-"

Ethan pulled me out of the living room, ignoring my brother cursing him. In my dazed state, I didn't even realize that we had left my apartment and were outside. He paused and clicked his fingers in front of my face. "Ashley?"

"Marry?" I whispered.

"For f*ck sake, do I need to hit you? I don't want to but I will."

I snapped out of my state of shock. "Ethan, what was that?" I hissed.

"That was me telling you that we're unfortunately getting married."


I've been somewhere.
My phone got taken but it's okay. Not.
Anyway, happy Valentine's Day (in case I don't update). Remember, Nyx loves you all. I'm not joking. You lot literally make me smile all the time so Nyx <3 You
I hope you're good. Comment and vote (the usual) and keep being you no matter what.
XO Nyx

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