Step 39: WORRY him

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Mr. Pierson laughed. "Young people these days. So humorous."

"It would be if I didn't have bullets put in me," Ethan said in calm tone.

"That wasn't my fault. No one told me Andrew was a twin let alone an identical one," his eyes continued looking Ivy up and down. "Who is this beauty? Girlfriend?"

Ethan moved in front of the now uncomfortable model. "No, but I'll break your legs if you go near her."

"You take all the good ones."

"You have a f*cking wife."

Waving his hand dismissively, he turned his focus to me. "I'm assuming this is the girlfriend." A creepy grin grew on his face. "How are you, my dear?"

"Fine." I stared at him coldly. How this man had anything to do with the mafia was beyond my comprehension, he was disgusting.

"Do you know who I am?" Mr. Pierson asked.


He stared for a moment before nodding. "Interesting. You didn't tell her anything, Ethan?"

"She's my girlfriend, not my diary. I don't have to tell her everything."

"Shame. I tell my wife everything. Do you know what that's called?" Pierson paused dramatically. "Trust."

"Thank you for the information. Now, let's start the meeting." Ethan walked away with him running behind but not without stealing a look at Ivy and winking.

I cringed, actually feeling sorry for her. "Can we go now?"

Once the pervert and Ethan were out of sight, Ivy began speaking. "Yeah. We just need to check in with the receptionist."

"I meant go home."

She ignored me and continued going to the desk, talking to the guy there. All I could hear was the odd mentioning of Ethan and 'treatment'. Eventually, Ivy returned then grabbed my wrist before dragging me through some doors.

Men and women were lounging around as the workers filed nails, brushed hair, basically pampering them. They looked up briefly at Ivy and I's entrance causing me to raise my chin to seem like I belonged despite the fact that I was wearing pyjamas.

"Your private room is through here," a woman announced, leading us into a room. Sitting down in one of the chairs, I tried to relax as there was no pointing fighting and it was free. Just as my eyes started to close, the voice of the man, who I didn't expect to run into, - ever - made me jump in my seat.

"Ashley, darling. You look like you're from New York's Fashion Week's rejected list," John exclaimed. The fashion designer looked me up and down disapprovingly. "I thought you would try and keep up the look I gave you for the gala but I can see you're back to square one."

My eyes narrowed. "Excuse me?"

His own eyes widened in false innocence. "What?"

"I look fine."

"Mmhmm honey. I'm sure you do for staying in your house all day but people in the real world don't look like that."

"I'll have you know-"

"Anyway, John I need you to work your miracles," Ivy said to him. He held her hands like they were doing some sort of magic and looked into her eyes lovingly.

"For you, my gorgeous angel, anything."

Shocked, my mouth dropped open. So I receive abuse for no reason while she gets special treatment? John led her to her chair across the room then they both began whispering. They turned to me repeatedly and continued chattering away.

"I hope his eyebrows fall out," I muttered, irritated.

Finally, he fluttered back and started poking my hair with a pen. "Is this alive? How does one get hair this greasy? I could cook something on it."

"Leave me alone."

"I wish I could ," he sighed. "However, this is my job. To try and make people like you seem decent."

"I have never met someone so f*cking rude."

"Honesty is key."

"That's not honesty."

"Either way, it's the truth. Now, relax. I have something special planned for you." John pushed me into the chair then blindfolded me.

"Is this necessary?" I complained.

"Yep. Otherwise, you'd argue with me the whole way through. So shut that cute mouth of yours and relax."

I did as he said and eventually fell asleep.


"What have you done?" I whispered in horror. John shrugged, looking proud of what his work.

"Honey, what I've done is make you gorgeous."

My golden hair was now a pale blonde - almost white - making my green eyes stand out. The sound of quiet giggles made me clench my fists. "You look," Ivy said between laughs," ridiculous."

Both John and I glared. He pointed a finger at her and gave her a disapproving look. "Ivy, my precious diamond, you keep refusing to change your hairstyle which is so ten years ago. Your face is pretty so no one says anything. Ashley, however, will stand out more and I won't be surprised if she also becomes a model."

"Wow. Thank you," I answered in shock.

"Welcome but I also won't be surprised if you destroy this image in a few hours."

"I won't." My eyes narrowed at the backhanded compliment.

Ivy huffed before she walked into another room. "Now, dear, don't ruin your nails and put some emerald studs in your ears before the extra holes close," John instructed. "Come back in three weeks for your eyelashes and Ashley?"


"Get some actual clothes. You are not Miley to be going out in pyjamas. Especially those ugly things."

I gave him my middle finger which now had a perfect green nail. "Bye, John." Pulling out my phone, I rang Ethan as I didn't expect Ivy to give me a ride back. Luckily, he picked up.


"Hello, my loving boyfriend. It is I, your girlfriend."

"What do you want?"

"Well, since you're asking, I need a ride home."

There was a pause. "And you can't get a cab because..."

"Ivy dragged me out my house," I explained, crossing my fingers.

He sighed. "Give me five minutes."

"Thank you!" I hung up, stopping him from taking back his offer. I began dancing in celebration until I felt eyes on me, watching my movement. I turned, thinking it was Ethan but instead, I met the heavy gaze of Mr. Pierson.

"I think you and I need to have a chat."

Ashley's new look above ***
I've had the worst week.
I've cried and eaten my weight in donuts and pasta. So I decided to update for you guys x


And I'll start doing shoutouts and dedications so do the above ^^^so I can see your usernames.

Love you (seriously I do)
XO Nyx

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